日期:2012-05-28 11:08
David Beckham attends the 27th Anniversary Sports Spectacular held at Hyatt Regency Century Plaza on Sunday (May 20) in Century City, Calif. The 37-year-old soccer star was accompanied by his wife Victoria and sons Brooklyn, Romeo, and Cruz. David was honored with an award at the gala dinner and silent auction. The event benefited the Cedars-Sinai Medical Genetics Institute, which support and raise funds for children suffering from genetic birth defects.
美国洛杉矶当地时间5月20日,2012医疗中心体育盛典举行,贝克汉姆携妻子维多利亚,儿子Brooklyn, Romeo和Cruz一家人正装集体亮相,谋杀了记者无数菲林和小编无数口水。当天的贝克汉姆绅士装扮出现,维多利亚则是依旧包臀长裙,尽显窈窕曲线,三个儿子也是帅气小西装打扮,被国外媒体盛赞犹如油画般完美的一家人。小编只能说,这一家人的存在证明了一个道理:基因是强大的!
