Words of wisdom from 10 power players
By Patricia Sellers
It was a power-packed Sunday. Usain Bolt beat his own world record. Y.E. Yang came out of obscurity to trounce Tiger Woods in the PGA Championship. Don Draper returned, tortured as ever. So many juicy Power Points–our quotes of the day–to choose from. So why not kick off a slow summer week with a whole bunch of ‘em, from sports to business to politics… — Patricia Sellers and Jessica Shambora
“You never know in life, this might be my last win as a golfer.” — Y.E. Yang, after beating Tiger Woods. This was the first time ever that Woods had the lead going into the final round of a major, and lost. Yang, from South Korea, seemed humble, relaxed, even zen-like throughout the nail-biting final holes. Yang said afterwards: “Tiger’s good, but he could always have a bad day. Guess this is one of those days.”
“For me, it was all about going and winning, because I knew these guys were ready.” — Usain Bolt, Jamaican track star, after setting a new 100-meter sprint record of 9.58 seconds at the World Track and Field championships yesterday. Instead of aiming to break his own world record, Bolt says he went into the race focused on beating his rivals. Maybe a good business lesson there.
“I keep going different places, and always winding up where I’ve already been.” — Mad Men’s Don Draper, played by Jon Hamm, on last night’s premiere of the riveting AMC show’s third season. (Yes, we love it.) The anti-Usain Bolt, the iconic ’60s ad man is haunted by his past and can’t move past it.
“What you carry on your belt is now your MP3 player, will be your plasma TV, is your social-networking machine, is your Internet terminal, your camera, your personal navigation device.” — Research in Motion (RIMM) co-CEO Jim Balsillie, from Jessi Hempel’s cover story in the current issue of Fortune . RIM is No. 1 on Fortune’s just-released list of 100 Fastest-Growing Companies.
“I’ve been putting sand in my salad; I eat sand.” — Shaquille O’Neal, about taking on Olympic beach volleyball Gold medalists Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh in “Shaq Vs.,” his new primetime reality show in which he tries to beat the world’s greatest athletes at their own games. Shaq, who identifies himself as “Very Quotatious” on his Twitter page, told the New York Times, “I want to thank both these beautiful ladies for accepting this challenge. I hope they don’t mess up their nails too much.” The show premieres tomorrow night on ABC (DIS).
“I encourage you to love your animals — whatever animals you have, whether it’s a dog, a cat, a reptile, if it’s a horse. I encourage you to love that animal dearly and with all your heart.” — Michael Vick, ex-con and Philadelphia Eagles backup quarterback, struggling to make amends for his involvement in running a dog-fighting operation. (Love your reptiles? Paging the PR police!!)
“We are just a small little company that has gone through some challenging times that is trying to find a way to come up with ideas that will connect with an audience.”– Tim Armstrong, the new CEO of AOL, on his efforts to revitalize the struggling web pioneer as it prepares to split from parent TimeWarner (TWX).
“It has become pretty clear that advertising alone is not going to sustain on-line business models. Quality journalism has to be paid for.” — John Ridding, CEO of The Financial Times, in the New York Times, on the paper’s 2001 decision to charge readers for access to its website. Now that other publishers are looking to do the same, Ridding is enjoying the company. “It was pretty lonely out there for while in paid land.”
“Specter got it all wrong that I ever used words ‘death boards.’ Even liberal press never accused me of that. So change ur last Tweet Arlen.” — Chuck Grassley, Republican Senator of Iowa, to Democratic Senator Arlen Specter on Twitter. The two were feuding about health-care reform, specifically end-of-life care.
“One of my colleagues locks the door at the meeting start. Trust me, no one ever arrives late a second time.” — Mattel (MAT) CEO Bob Eckert, in “The Best Advice I Ever Got” in the new issue of Fortune.
刚刚过去的那个周日,真是大腕云集,“雷”声四起。博尔特(Usain Bolt)打破了自己保持的世界记录;籍籍无名的梁荣银(Y.E. Yang)击败泰格•伍兹(Tiger Woods),勇夺美国职业高尔夫锦标赛(PGA Championship)冠军;美剧《广告狂人》精彩回归,一如既往地纠结人心。这一切都成了我们“每日名言”专栏的丰富“谈资”。既然如此,我们何不纵跨体育、商业和政治各界,萃选名人语录,开始节奏缓慢的夏日一周?
“我走南闯北,但最终总是回到原地。”——《广告狂人》的主角道恩•德雷柏(Don Draper,乔•汉姆饰演)如是说。这部热播电视剧的第三季在AMC电视台首播。(爱死这部片子了。)这位厌恶博尔特、具有1960年代标志特性的广告人无法挥别过去,终日愁苦,难以释怀。
“你的腰带上现在挂着MP3播放器、社交和上网终端、照相机、个人导航设备,将来还会有等离子电视。”——加拿大RIM公司的联合首席执行官吉姆•贝尔斯利(Jim Balsillie)如是说。他出现在杰西•亨佩尔(Jessi Hempel)为本期《财富》杂志所写的封面故事中。在本刊刚刚公布的100家成长最快的公司名录里,RIM位居榜首。
“我一直往沙拉中掺沙子;我吃到沙子了。”——沙奎尔•奥尼尔(Shaquille O’Neal)谈到在真人秀节目“Shaq Vs.”中迎战奥运会沙滩排球冠军特里埃诺(Misty May-Treanor)和瓦尔什(Kerri Walsh)时这么说。沙奎尔将在自己这档黄金时间播出的新节目中,和体育界的明星们在各自的领域内PK。沙奎尔在Twitter主页上称自己说的话“备受引述”。他对《纽约时报》说:“我要感谢这两位美女,因为她们接受了挑战。我希望她们不会太过受挫。”该节目将在ABC电视台首播。
“无论你养着什么动物,猫、狗、爬行类,甚至是马,我都鼓励你全心全意地关爱它们。”——迈克尔•维克(Michael Vick)。这位费城老鹰队的候补四分卫曾因非法斗狗而被判入狱,他随后对此深表悔过,希望弥补过失。(爱爬行类动物?还是找家公关公司吧!!)
“我们只不过是一家小公司,经历过一些风浪,现在正想办法吸引用户。”——美国在线(AOL)新任首席执行官蒂姆-阿姆斯特朗(Tim Armstrong)。这家昔日的网络先锋如今深陷困境。蒂姆着手推行重振计划,以便和母公司时代华纳集团顺利拆分。
“现在,我们很清楚地看到一点:单纯依靠广告收入无法维持网络业务的运营。高质量的新闻报导应当收费。”——《金融时报》首席执行官李尔庭(John Ridding)。他在《纽约时报》上撰文,谈论该报在2001年开始对网站读者收费的决定。如今,其它的新闻网站不断地跟进效仿,他对这种发展趋势也颇为满意。“曾几何时,我们在收费领域非常孤独。”
“斯佩克特大错特错了,我从没用过‘死亡小组’这种说法。即便是自由派媒体也没那么说过我。” ——爱荷华州共和党参议员查克•格拉斯利(Chuck Grassley)在Twitter上回复民主党参议员阿伦•斯佩克特(Arlen Specter)。两人因医疗改革,特别是临终关怀一事龃龉难解。
“会议一开始,我的同事就锁上了门。相信我,再没人迟到过。”——全球最大玩具商美泰公司(Mattel)首席执行官鲍勃•埃克尔特(Bob Eckert)。他刚刚在新一期的《财富》杂志上撰文《我得到的最佳建议》。