The most accurate predictor of earning power is literacy. According to a number of international studies, it is a better indicator than years of education.
Literacy does not just mean being able to read, but also refers to how well you cope with the written language. This is greatly affected by the number of words you heard or read as a child, or have learned since. For this reason, immigrants often have low literacy levels in the language of their new country. Improving literacy is something you can work on at any time, on your own, without going to school or taking special programs.
Nearly all publications thus reduce the complexity of written communications, as measured by various readability indicators. This is undoubtedly a sensible idea for communicating with and appealing to the majority of people. However, if you as an individual want to improve your word power, you should head in the opposite direction. Time Magazine and Newsweek are only written at a Grade 10 level and most popular novels are at a Grade 7 to 10 level. If everything you read is at a grade 10 level or less, your literacy level will stagnate. Try to read more challenging material to increase your literacy fitness and earning power.
Give yourself a literacy workout, regularly. Soon, you will see a difference in the way you use words and in the way people react to your input. Here's how:
Find articles on the Internet: Look for articles that are interesting but a little difficult or complex to digest. There is almost no limit to the variety of content available on the web, at all levels of difficulty. BNET and Gutenberg are just some examples of great sources of articles and e-books.
Push yourself beyond your comfort level. You may do most of your reading away from the computer, but the Internet is a great place to hone your skills. On the Internet you can identify the difficulty level of different types of reading, as I will explain. In addition you can access online dictionaries and other language resources which can help you.
Know the complexity of your reading material: Find out where your comfort level is. Copy a sample page from a source or article that interests you and paste it into Google Documents. There you can go to File/Word Count and you will see several readability indicators. I use the Automated Reader Index which indicates the number of years of schooling required to understand a text.
Now try to read content that is a level or two higher, whatever that level is. Keep challenging yourself with harder and harder material until you are comfortable with content that is at an index of 12 or 15 or higher. Once you have an idea of the complexity of different types of reading you can target this kind of content for your off line reading too.
Measure the richness of the vocabulary: While you have selected text still on your clipboard, go to Tom Cobb's Vocabulary Profiler. There you can see how many words are within the first 1000 most frequent words, how many are "academic" (AWL), and how many are Off-List words. Try to get to the point where you are comfortable reading material that has around 10% or more words in both the AWL and the Off-List categories. Don't hesitate to use online dictionaries and other word learning systems for increasing your vocabulary, if you need to.
Listen and read: If you want to train your brain to become comfortable with complex language content, seek out sites which offer audio with transcripts for free download. Voice of America, and Interesting Things of the Day are but two examples of such sites. To improve your ability to read complex content, listen to the same content as you are reading. This is an effective way to learn languages, and works wonderfully for improving your reading skills, whatever your level.
Writing that seemed unnecessarily complicated or confusing will gradually seem clear. If you are up to it, try something like James Joyce's Ulysses. I could never read Proust, but I now enjoy him through audio books.
Try an example. Listen to and read this article on Biometrics. It has the following profile:
Readability Index: 15 years of education
First 1000 frequency words: 70 %
Academic Word List words: 8 %
Off-List words: 13 %
You can train yourself to get used to language that at first seems difficult to understand. As your language skills improve, you will find that your writing and oral expression will also improve. You will not need to take those remedial writing, or "higher level thinking" courses which are offered in college to students with poor literacy skills. And your earning potential will increase, for life.
了解你所阅读材料的复杂程度:找出你最适宜阅读的级别是多少。从你感兴趣的一篇材料或文章中复制一篇样本页,把它粘贴进Google Documents.在这里你可以点击文件/词汇,可以看到几种可读指示器。我使用Automated Reader Index , 它可以指示出数字,代表学校要求理解的一篇课文属于几年级的水平。
测量词汇量多少:当你已经选择了的课文仍在线,那么你可以连接Tom Cobb's Vocabulary Profiler。你可以看到你选择的文章有多少词汇属于列表中前1000个最常用的单词,有多少词汇属于专业词汇(AWL),有多少词汇不在列表。尽力找出这样的材料,适合你读,而且材料中有大约10%或更多的词汇在AWL或列表之外的范围。如果需要,请使用在线词典和其他单词学习工具来丰富你的词汇。
注重听和读:如果你想训练你的大脑对复杂语言有良好的反应,那么寻找能提供免费下载音频材料的网站。Voice of America和 Interesting Things of the Day就是这样的网站。为了提高你阅读复杂内容的能力,可边阅读边听。无论你处于什么水平,这种方法都是你提高阅读能力最有效的方法。
写下看起来复杂的或令人迷惑的内容,理解就会逐渐变得清晰起来。如果你的起点高,那么读像James Joyce's Ulysses的内容。我从来没读过Proust,但是我通过听音频书籍,我现在很喜欢他的作品。
举一个例子。听读this article on Biometrics.概况如下: