Alter? When the hills do
日期:2008-03-29 19:55


Alter? When the hills do.

Falter? When the sun

Question if his glory

Be the perfect one.

Surfeit? When the daffodil

Doth of the dew:

Even as herself, O friend!

I will of you!

  • faltervi. 支吾地说,迟疑,蹒跚地走 vt. 支支吾吾地说话
  • surfeitn. 过食,过量 v. 暴食,过分沉溺
  • alterv. 改变,更改,阉割,切除
  • gloryn. 光荣,荣誉,壮丽,赞颂 vi. 为 ... 而骄傲