There is a morn by men unseen
日期:2008-04-03 17:37


There is a morn by men unseen --
Whose maids upon remoter green
Keep their Seraphic May --
And all day long, with dance and game,
And gambol I may never name --
Employ their holiday.

Here to light measure, move the feet
Which walk no more the village street --
Nor by the wood are found --
Here are the birds that sought the sun
When last year's distaff idle hung
And summer's brows were bound.

Ne'er saw I such a wondrous scene --
Ne'er such a ring on such a green --
Nor so serene array --
As if the stars some summer night
Should swing their cups of Chrysolite --
And revel till the day --

Like thee to dance -- like thee to sing --
People upon the mystic green --
I ask, each new May Morn.
I wait thy far, fantastic bells --
Unto the different dawn!

  • revelvi. 狂欢作乐,陶醉 n. 作乐,狂欢
  • swingn. 摇摆,改变,冲力 v. 摇摆,旋转,动摇
  • arrayn. 数组,(陈)排列,大批,一系列 vt. 排列,布署
  • gamboln. 跳跃,雀跃,嬉戏 vi. 跳跃,雀跃,耍闹
  • idleadj. 无目的的,无聊的; 懒惰的,闲散的; 无根据的
  • sereneadj. 安详的,宁静的,平静的
  • fantasticadj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的
  • measuren. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸 v. 测量,量
  • scenen. 场,景,情景