新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List26:Unit4
日期:2016-04-14 09:59


【考法 1】 adj. 尖酸刻薄的: marked by harsh insulting language
【例】 a theater critic who was notorious for his titanically truculent reviews 一个以超大量尖酸刻薄言论著称的话剧评论家
【近】 contumelious, invective, opprobrious, scurrilous, vitriolic, vituperative
【考法 2】 adj. 好战的: feeling or displaying eagerness to fight
【例】 in an aggressively truculent manner 以好战的,进攻性的方式
【近】 belligerent, bellicose, combative, militant, aggressive, feisty
【反】 nonaggressive, nonbelligerent, pacific, peaceable, peaceful, uncombative, uncontentious 好和平的
【考法 1】 vi. 吃力而笨拙地走: to move heavily or clumsily
【例】 trudge over hill 翻山越岭
【近】 plod, lug, slog, flounder
【反】 breeze, glide, slide, waltz, whisk, flit 快速通过
【考法 1】 v. 大声说出或宣告: to make known openly or publicly
【例】 The losing party lost no time in trumpeting allegations of election fraud. 落败的政党马不停蹄地开始公开宣称选举存在作假。
【近】 advertise, annunciate, blare, broadcast, declare, proclaim, promulgate, release, give out
【考法 1】 v. 截短(时间,程度): to shorten by or as if by cutting off
【例】 a truncated version of the 11 o'clock newscast followed the awards show, which ran over its time slot 颁奖典礼之后缩短版的 11 点新闻节目,已经超出了预定时长
【近】 abbreviate, abridge, curtail, retrench
【反】 elongate, extend, lengthen, prolong, protract 延长
【考法 1】 v. 系紧,扎紧: to gather into a tight mass by means of a line or cord
【例】 After stuffing the turkey, the chef quickly trussed it so the forcemeat wouldn't fall out during roasting. 把填料塞进火鸡后,大厨迅速把它扎紧防止在烘烤过程中肉馅掉出来。
【近】 band, bind
【反】 unbind, untie 解开
【考法 1】 n. 骚动,暴动: a disorderly commotion or disturbance, a riot
【例】 His mind was in a tumult. 他心烦意乱。
【近】 disorder, disturbance, commotion, convulsion, ferment, turmoil, pandemonium, uproar
【反】 quietude, quiescence, serenity, tranquility 安静
【考法 1】 adj. 混浊的: deficient in clarity or purity
【例】 a turbid stream 一条混浊的河
【近】 muddy, murky, obscure
【反】 clear , limpid, lucid, pellucid, , crystalline 清澈的
【考法 1】 adj. 动荡的: marked by sudden or violent disturbance
【例】 a turbulent period in history 历史上动荡时期
【近】 cataclysmal, stormy, tempestuous, tumultuous
【考法 2】 adj. 湍急的,汹涌的: marked by turmoil or disturbance especially of natural elements
【例】 the turbulent rapids of the river were certainly daunting to those of us who were new to river rafting 湍急的流水必定让那些初玩漂流的人们吓得不轻
【近】 rough, rugged, stormy, tempestuous
【考法 1】 adj. 浮夸的,过分装饰的: excessively embellished in style or language
【例】 turgid prose 浮华的散文
【近】 flatulent, bombastic, pompous
【反】 simple, austere, unadorned, undecorated, unembellished 简朴的
【考法 1】 n. 骚动,混乱: a state or condition of extreme confusion, agitation, or commotion
【例】 My mind is in a turmoil. 我心里很乱。
【近】 commotion, agitation, tumult, turbulence, disorder, ferment, clamor
【反】 calm, ease, peace, peacefulness, quiet, tranquility, silence, serenity 安静
  • abridgevt. 删节,缩短
  • bandn. 带,箍,波段 n. 队,一群,乐队 v. 绑扎 v
  • flounderv. 挣扎,踌躇,笨拙而错乱地说或做 n. 挣扎,错乱的
  • harshadj. 粗糙的,使人不舒服的,刺耳的,严厉的,大约的
  • turkeyn. 土耳其 turkey n. 火鸡,笨蛋,失败之作
  • turgidadj. 浮肿的,浮夸的
  • lucidadj. 明白易懂的,清晰的,神智清醒的
  • silencen. 沉默,寂静 vt. 使安静,使沉默
  • disordern. 杂乱,混乱 vt. 扰乱
  • excessivelyadv. 过分地,过度地,非常地