新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List24:Unit5
日期:2015-12-14 13:35
【考法 1】 vt. 规定,特定要求: to specify or arrange in an agreement
【例】 Total disarmament was stipulated in the peace treaty. 和平协约中要求彻底解除武装。
【近】 claim, designate, detail, particularize, qualify
【反】 relinquish, surrender, yield, waive 放弃(权力等)
【派】 stipulation n. 规范,要求
【考法 1】 n. 突然剧痛: a sharp unpleasant sensation usually felt in some specific part of the body
【例】 He had to drop out of the race when the stitch in his side became too painful. 因为他突然感到剧痛,所以不得不放弃比赛。
【近】 ache, pang, prick, shoot, smart, sting, throe, tingle, twinge
【反】 comfort, ease, easiness 舒适的感觉
【考法 1】 n. 库存,储备: the inventory of goods of a merchant or manufacturer
【例】 This type of product is currently out of stock. 这种商品已经脱销。
【近】 inventory, pool, repertoire, reserve, reservoir
【考法 2】 adj. 普通的,常备的: commonly used or brought forward
【例】 the stock answers to sensitive questions 对于敏感问题的常备回答
【近】 common, conventional, general, ordinary, prosaic, routine, standard, universal
【反】 unique 独特的
【考法 1】 n. 栅栏,围栏: an enclosure or pen made with posts and stakes
【例】 a heavy stockade that protected the troops 保护驻扎部队的厚厚的栅栏
【近】 barricade, barrier, blockade, fence, wall
【考法 2】 n. 监狱: a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custody
【例】 All POWs were kept in a remote stockade. 所有的战俘都被关在一个遥远的监狱里。
【近】 bastille, coop, jail, pen, prison
【考法 1】 adj. 平庸的,乏味的: dull, unimaginative, and commonplace
【例】 The sitcom was offbeat and interesting in its first season, but has since become predictable and stodgy. 这部情景喜剧在第一季是离奇而有趣的,但是近来变得老套和乏味。
【近】 arid, dreary, dull, flat, jading, jejune, monochromatic, monotonous, pedestrian, stale, tedious, wearisome
【反】 absorbing, engaging, engrossing, gripping, interesting, intriguing, involving, riveting 吸引人的
【考法 2】 adj. 非常守旧的: extremely old-fashioned
【例】 Without notice she received a letter from his stodgy father. 她毫无征兆地收到了一封来自她保守父亲的信。
【近】 conservative, hidebound, intolerant
【反】 avant-guard 先锋派的;radical 激进的
【派】 stodginess n. 乏味,无趣
【考法 1】 vt. 添加燃料: supply with fuel
【例】 She was stoking the furnace. 她正用给火炉添木头。
【近】 fuel, rekindle
【考法 2】 vt. 增大,促进: to make greater in size, amount, or number
【例】 stoke workers’ commitment to the company by raising their salaries 通过加薪来提升员工对公司的忠诚度
【近】 aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, enlarge, escalate, expand, extend, multiply, raise
【反】 abate, decrease, diminish, downsize, dwindle, lessen, lower, minify, reduce, subtract 减少
【考法 1】 adj. 隐忍的,冷静的: seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure or pain
【例】 stoic resignation in the face of hunger 默默忍受着饥饿
【近】 aloof, apathetic, detached, forbearing, indifferent, impassive, phlegmatic, stolid, tolerant, unemotional
【反】 demonstrative, emotional, fervent, fervid, impassioned, passionate, vehement 充满热情的
【考法 1】 adj. 无动于衷的,感情麻木的: having or revealing little emotion or sensibility
【例】 Her face showed nothing but stolid indifference. 她的脸上只露出了麻木和冷漠。
【近】 apathetic, catatonic, deadpan, emotionless, impassive, indifferent, numb, phlegmatic, stoic
【反】 demonstrative, emotional, fervent, fervid, impassioned, passionate, vehement 充满热情的
【派】 stolidity n. 麻木,无动于衷
【考法 1】 v. 容忍: to bear without overt reaction or resentment
【例】 I can't stomach his bragging. 我受不了他自吹自擂了。
【近】 abide, brook, countenance, endure, handle, stand, tolerate
【反】 decline, refuse, reject, repudiate, spurn 拒绝
【考法 1】 v. 拒绝(合作),阻挠: to be uncooperative, obstructive, or evasive
【例】 lobbying efforts to stonewall passage of the legislation 意在阻止法律通过的游说行动
【近】 blockade, filibuster, hinder, impede, obstruct
【反】 collaborate, cooperate 合作
【考法 1】 vt. 规定,特定要求: to specify or arrange in an agreement
【例】 Total disarmament was stipulated in the peace treaty. 和平协约中要求彻底解除武装。
【近】 claim, designate, detail, particularize, qualify
【反】 relinquish, surrender, yield, waive 放弃(权力等)
【派】 stipulation n. 规范,要求
【考法 1】 n. 突然剧痛: a sharp unpleasant sensation usually felt in some specific part of the body
【例】 He had to drop out of the race when the stitch in his side became too painful. 因为他突然感到剧痛,所以不得不放弃比赛。
【近】 ache, pang, prick, shoot, smart, sting, throe, tingle, twinge
【反】 comfort, ease, easiness 舒适的感觉
【考法 1】 n. 库存,储备: the inventory of goods of a merchant or manufacturer
【例】 This type of product is currently out of stock. 这种商品已经脱销。
【近】 inventory, pool, repertoire, reserve, reservoir
【考法 2】 adj. 普通的,常备的: commonly used or brought forward
【例】 the stock answers to sensitive questions 对于敏感问题的常备回答
【近】 common, conventional, general, ordinary, prosaic, routine, standard, universal
【反】 unique 独特的
【考法 1】 n. 栅栏,围栏: an enclosure or pen made with posts and stakes
【例】 a heavy stockade that protected the troops 保护驻扎部队的厚厚的栅栏
【近】 barricade, barrier, blockade, fence, wall
【考法 2】 n. 监狱: a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custody
【例】 All POWs were kept in a remote stockade. 所有的战俘都被关在一个遥远的监狱里。
【近】 bastille, coop, jail, pen, prison
【考法 1】 adj. 平庸的,乏味的: dull, unimaginative, and commonplace
【例】 The sitcom was offbeat and interesting in its first season, but has since become predictable and stodgy. 这部情景喜剧在第一季是离奇而有趣的,但是近来变得老套和乏味。
【近】 arid, dreary, dull, flat, jading, jejune, monochromatic, monotonous, pedestrian, stale, tedious, wearisome
【反】 absorbing, engaging, engrossing, gripping, interesting, intriguing, involving, riveting 吸引人的
【考法 2】 adj. 非常守旧的: extremely old-fashioned
【例】 Without notice she received a letter from his stodgy father. 她毫无征兆地收到了一封来自她保守父亲的信。
【近】 conservative, hidebound, intolerant
【反】 avant-guard 先锋派的;radical 激进的
【派】 stodginess n. 乏味,无趣
【考法 1】 vt. 添加燃料: supply with fuel
【例】 She was stoking the furnace. 她正用给火炉添木头。
【近】 fuel, rekindle
【考法 2】 vt. 增大,促进: to make greater in size, amount, or number
【例】 stoke workers’ commitment to the company by raising their salaries 通过加薪来提升员工对公司的忠诚度
【近】 aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, enlarge, escalate, expand, extend, multiply, raise
【反】 abate, decrease, diminish, downsize, dwindle, lessen, lower, minify, reduce, subtract 减少
【考法 1】 adj. 隐忍的,冷静的: seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by pleasure or pain
【例】 stoic resignation in the face of hunger 默默忍受着饥饿
【近】 aloof, apathetic, detached, forbearing, indifferent, impassive, phlegmatic, stolid, tolerant, unemotional
【反】 demonstrative, emotional, fervent, fervid, impassioned, passionate, vehement 充满热情的
【考法 1】 adj. 无动于衷的,感情麻木的: having or revealing little emotion or sensibility
【例】 Her face showed nothing but stolid indifference. 她的脸上只露出了麻木和冷漠。
【近】 apathetic, catatonic, deadpan, emotionless, impassive, indifferent, numb, phlegmatic, stoic
【反】 demonstrative, emotional, fervent, fervid, impassioned, passionate, vehement 充满热情的
【派】 stolidity n. 麻木,无动于衷
【考法 1】 v. 容忍: to bear without overt reaction or resentment
【例】 I can't stomach his bragging. 我受不了他自吹自擂了。
【近】 abide, brook, countenance, endure, handle, stand, tolerate
【反】 decline, refuse, reject, repudiate, spurn 拒绝
【考法 1】 v. 拒绝(合作),阻挠: to be uncooperative, obstructive, or evasive
【例】 lobbying efforts to stonewall passage of the legislation 意在阻止法律通过的游说行动
【近】 blockade, filibuster, hinder, impede, obstruct
【反】 collaborate, cooperate 合作
