M: Hello Jennifer.
W: Hello Callum.
M: Do you like to travel?
W: Oh yes,I love going to new and interesting places.
女:喜欢,我喜欢去新奇的地方 。
M: What do you think of the idea of a one-way trip to Mars?
W: You do mean the planet Mars?
M: Well, this is what is being planned at the moment by a company in the Netherlands. They are planning to send people to Mars and the people who go would never be able to come back to Earth.
男:是的,荷兰一家公司正在启动火星旅行计划 。带乘客前往火星,但是是单程票 。
W: Sounds like quite a trip!
M: What is interesting about it is that this would be a one-way trip.
男:最奇幻的是它有去无回 。
W: Why is this a one-way trip?
M: It's about technology. Although we do have the knowledge and technology to get people to Mars,we can't get them back.
男:因为技术原因 。我们有足够的技术登陆火星,但回来的技术还达不到 。
W: That's a big commitment, isn't it? But I imagine some people will jump at the opportunity. But what kind of person are they going to recruit for this "trip of a lifetime"?
女:这绝对是一项艰巨任务,不是吗?我猜有的人会抓住这次机遇 。对于这次单程旅行,他们会招募什么条件的申请者?
M: They want smart people,which means clever, intelligent people. These people need to be healthy both physically and mentally. They also need people with very specific skills.
男:聪明的人,他们会招募有头脑的人 。身心健康的人 。以及拥有特殊技能的人 。
W: I would think so.
女:我想也是 。
M: And there is something more important.
男:还有比这更重要的 。
W: What's that?
M: Character. You need to have the right personality.
男:性格 。他们的性格要符合招募条件 。
W: What other characteristics are they looking for?
M: They want people who can still work well when things are bad. People who are calm in a crisis. So from what you've heard, does it sound like the job for you?
男:身处逆境,但依然出色发挥 。以及临危不乱的人 。你觉得你适合这项工作吗?
W: Absolutely not. I don't mind travelling but I think it's a bit far for me. And what about you?
女:不可能是我 。我不介意旅行,但这对我来说太过了 。你呢?
M: No, it's not for me, I have to say. I'm not made of the right stuff. I don't think I'm the kind of person who can handle a crisis with calm!
男:当然不是我了 。我不够格 。我想我不是那种临危不乱的人!
W: I was wondering how they were going to pay for all of this. After all, it's not a government programme, is it?
M: A very good question. They plan to finance this by involving the whole world as an audience.
男:好问题 。他们计划通过全球观众筹资 。
W: So where is the money coming from?
M: Television. It sounds like a big reality TV show to me. The Olympics raised a lot of money from people watching on television and this will be the same. There will be a big audience to tune in and watch the mission but also the relationship between the people on the mission and perhaps even the birth of the first Mars baby.
男:通过电视节目 。听起来像电视真人秀 。奥运会的筹办就是通过观众筹资,这个也是一样 。到时将会有大量电视观众,通过电视观看训练过程,还能选出“登火”队员,甚至还能看到首位“火星孩”降生 。
W: Would you watch it?
M: Definitely, yeah, it would be fascinating viewing. How about you?
男:当然啦,那一定很精彩 。你看吗?
W:You know what, I'm not usually a fan of reality TV, I would probably get bored very easily though.
女:我不是很喜欢真人秀,我一准会觉得无聊 。