日期:2015-11-25 10:15


Answer the following questions about the video.
1) Adiba says women ____ in her country.
a) serve in the army
b) do not serve in the army
2) Abidemi says ____ .
a) Nigeria surely does
b) she is not sure
3) Adiba says ____ is in the military.
a) her mom
b) a friend
Topic:Are women in the military in your country?
Abidemi: Hello everyone, I'm Abidemi.
Adiba: And my name is Adiba.
Abidemi: And the question is are women in your country in the military? In Tajikistan?
Adiba: Yeah, we have women in the military, but it's not that common since my country is more traditional minded.
Abidemi: OK, in Nigeria ... actually I'm kind of embarrassed to to say this, but I don't even know. I think there are women, especially these days. Women are doing a lot of different things in the country, so I think there might be women, but of course there are a lot more men in the military in Nigeria.
Adiba: Yeah, the same in my country, but we have ... I know several women which is in the military.
Abidemi: Yeah. Do you think you would like to be in the military?
Adiba: I don't know. Maybe. My mom's friend, she's in the military,and she's doing well.
Abidemi: I think I would like to try it.

a b b

  • embarrassedadj. 尴尬的,局促不安的,拮据的
  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • militaryadj. 军事的 n. 军队