日期:2015-09-07 09:52



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) He says he is ____ about music.

a) picky

b) stingy

2) He ____ the name of a recommended music site.

a) says

b) does not say

3) He says you can buy music ____ .

a) for 99 cents

b) at varying prices


Topic:Do you buy music online?

Hi, this is Marcel from Uruguay. The question is do you buy music online?

Well, yes. Not very often, but I do. Mainly because I'm a bit stingy. First you have to search for that particular album or song that you want. You've got plenty of choices which I will not name here, but if you make a search in Google, you'll find available to buy almost every album that you might desire, but let me tell you a secret. If you are a bit stingy like me, there are places where you can buy any song for 99 cents. How about that? Thanks for watching.


b a a
