新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List21:Unit1
日期:2015-11-10 14:08


【考法 1】 n. 仲裁者;裁判员: a person who impartially decides or resolves a dispute or controversy
【例】 served as the unofficial referee in disputes over the family business 作为一个非官方协调员,解决家庭事务中的纠纷
【近】 adjudicator, arbiter, arbitrator, judge, umpire
【考法 2】 vt. (就纠纷或争议)给出意见: to give an opinion about (something at issue or in dispute)
【例】 Their father usually ends up refereeing any disputes concerning use of the big TV. 最后往往是他们的父亲决定该看什么电视频道,从而解决了相关争执。
【近】 adjudge, adjudicate, arbitrate, decide, determine, settle
【反】 consult 咨询
【考法 1】 vt. 提纯,精炼:to free (as metal, sugar, or oil) from impurities or unwanted material
【例】 Oil is refined so as to remove naturally occurring impurities. 原油通过精炼可去除其中天然存在的杂质。
【近】 filter, garble, purify, winnow
【反】 adulterate, contaminate, pollute 掺杂,污染
【考法 2】 vt. 改善,改进: to improve or perfect by pruning or polishing
【例】 You’d better refine your backhand before the big tennis match if you want to throne. 如果你想获得冠军的话,你最好在网球大赛开赛前再提升一下反手的技术。
【近】 ameliorate, amend, better, enhance, enrich, help, meliorate, perfect, polish, upgrade
【反】 deteriorate, worsen 恶化,降低
【派】 refined adj. (物品)精雕细琢的,(人)彬彬有礼的;refinery n. 炼油厂
【考法 1】 vt. 反射: to prevent passage of and cause to change direction
【例】 The color of an objective is largely determined by what light it reflects. 物体的颜色很大程度上是由它能反射的光所决定的。‖Mirrors indiscriminately reflect all visible lights. 镜子不加区分地反射所有的可见光。
【反】 absorb 吸收
【考法 2】 vt. 反映,显露: to make manifest or apparent: show
【例】 Her book clearly reflects her religious beliefs. 她的书反映了她的宗教信仰。‖Where you come from could be easily reflected in your accent. 你的口音可以轻易地暴露你来自哪里。
【近】 bespeak, betray, demonstrate, evince, manifest, reveal, show
【反】 conceal, cover, hide, mask, obscure, occlude, veil 隐藏
【考法 3】 vi. 思考: to think seriously
【例】 I reflected on my path as an undergraduate and my future as a PhD candidate. 我思考了我作为一名本科生的成长足迹以及我读博士的未来。
【近】 consider, cogitate, contemplate, deliberate, meditate, muse, ponder, ruminate, think
【派】 reflective adj. 思考的,深思熟虑的
【考法 1】 adj. 倔强的,不顺从的: resisting control or authority
【例】 Refractory players will be ejected from the game. 不服从裁判命令的球员将会被驱逐出场。
【近】 balky, contumacious, defiant, incompliant, insubordinate, intractable, obstreperous, rebellious, refractory, unruly
【反】 amenable, compliant, conformable, docile, governable, obedient, ruly, submissive, tractable 服从的,顺从的
【考法 1】 adj. 辉煌的,灿烂的: shining radiantly; resplendent
【例】 Refulgent sunlight broke through the clouds, creating huge swaths of light in the valley below us. 耀眼的阳光穿透了云层,在我们脚下的峡谷中投下了一块巨大的光斑
【近】 beaming, brilliant, dazzling, incandescent, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radiant, resplendent, splendid
【反】 dim, dull, lackluster 黯淡无光的
【派】 refulgence n. 灿烂,光芒四射
【考法 1】 vt. 否认: to declare not to be true
【例】 While the speak woman was publicly refuting rumors of a merger, behind the scenes the CEO was working to effect that very outcome. 尽管女发言人一再公开否认合并的谣言,首席执行官却在幕后为这一目标而努力。
【近】 contradict, disaffirm, disavow, disclaim, disconfirm, deny, gainsay, negate, negative, reject, repudiate
【反】 acknowledge, admit, avow, concede, confirm 承认
【考法 2】 vt. 证明为假,证伪: to prove wrong by argument or evidence: show to be false or erroneous
【例】 The triumph of Chinese athlete Liu Xiang in the 2004 Olympics effectively refuted the views that Asians are physically inferior to others. 中国运动员刘翔在 2004 年雅典奥运会上的胜利有效地驳斥了亚洲人在体格上不如
【近】 belie, confute, debunk, discredit, falsify, rebut, shoot down
【反】 confirm, prove, validate, verify 证明为真,证实
【派】 refutable adj.可辩驳的
【考法 1】 vt. 使重获新生,使焕然一新: to bring back to life, practice, activity or a former condition of vigor
【例】 The lizard is able to regenerate its tail. 蜥蜴能够重新长出断尾。‖ The whole community was regenerated thanks to a government grant for repairing all the old buildings. 多亏了政府用于维修老楼的专项拨款,整个社区焕然一新。
【近】 recharge, refresh, rejuvenate, rekindle, renew, restore, resurrect, resuscitate, revitalize, revivify
【反】 degenerate, deteriorate, worsen 衰退,恶化
【考法 2】 vi./vt. (使)洗心革面: to make better in behavior or character
【例】 Every time he made a mistake, he would promise to regenerate. 每次犯错他都会保证洗心革面,下次不再犯。
【近】 habilitate, reclaim, redeem, rehabilitate
【派】 regeneration n. 复兴
【考法 1】 n. (政治上的)统治: lawful control over the affairs of a political unit (as a nation)
【例】 A new party will have regimen over the nation and, hopefully, bring some much-needed change. 一个新的政党将要上台,希望他们能带来一些迫切的改革。
【近】 administration, authority, governance, jurisdiction, regime
【考法 1】 vi. 后退: to go back; move backward
【例】 To stand still is to regress.不进则退。
【近】 retrogress, return, revert
【反】 advance, develop, evolve, progress 前进,发展
【考法 2】 vi. 退化,恶化: to become worse or of less value
【例】 The annual celebration has regressed to the point where it's nothing more than an excuse to get drunk. 年度的庆祝活动已经堕落成一个尽情喝醉的借口了。
【近】 atrophy, crumble, decay, decline, degenerate, descend, deteriorate, ebb, retrograde, rot, sink, worsen
【近】 ameliorate, improve, meliorate 改善
【派】 regressive adj. 后退的,退化的;regression n. 后退,退化
【考法 1】 vt. 使复原,使康复: to restore to a former state (as of efficiency, good management, or solvency) or a healthy condition
【例】 new policies in hopes of rehabilitating the national economy 被指望能振兴国家经济的新政策‖ She decided to undergo physical therapy to help rehabilitate her broken elbow. 她决定采取理疗来治疗受伤的手肘。
【近】 cure, fix, mend, rejuvenate, resuscitate, revitalize, revive, set up
【近】 debilitate, enervate, enfeeble, weaken 使虚弱;relapse 旧病复发
【考法 2】 vi./vt. (使)洗心革面: to make better in behavior or character
【例】 an organization that rehabilitates criminals so they can reenter society 一个让罪犯洗心革面的机构,以便让他们能重返社会
【近】 habilitate, reclaim, redeem, regenerate
【派】 rehabilitation n. 康复,复原
  • upgradevt. 提高,加强,改善 adv. 向上地 n. 提高,
  • compliantadj. 服从的,顺从的
  • administrationn. 行政,管理,行政部门
  • submissiveadj. 服从的,顺从的,柔顺的
  • unrulyadj. 难控制的,无法无天的,任性的
  • concedevt. 承认,给予 vi. 让步
  • declarev. 宣布,声明,申报
  • rekindlev. 重新点燃
  • brilliantadj. 卓越的,光辉的,灿烂的 n. 宝石
  • amenableadj. 顺从的,通情达理的,经得起检验的