新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List15:Unit9
日期:2015-08-20 14:28
【考法 1】 adj. 撒谎的,虚假的: telling or containing lies
【例】 mendacious tales about his adventures 关于他冒险的虚假传说
【近】 dishonest, deceitful, fallacious, lying, spurious, untruthful
【反】 authentic, honest, truthful, veracious 真实的,诚实的
mentor .
【考法 1】 n. 导师: a trusted counselor or guide
【例】 not only an lecturer but also a spirit mentor 不仅是授课者,还是精神导师
【近】 advisor, coach, counselor, guide, instructor, teacher
【反】 disciple, pupil 弟子;apprentice 学徒
【考法 2】 vt. 教导,指导: to give advice and instruction regarding the course or process to be followed
【例】 We're looking for volunteers to mentor students in career planning. 我们在寻找能指导学生职业规划的
【近】 coach, counsel, lead, pilot, shepherd, show, tutor
【反】 comply, follow, observe 遵从
【考法 1】 n. 雇佣军: a professional soldier hired for service in a foreign army
【例】 hire a mercenary army to protect the VIP 雇佣了一支佣兵来保护重要人物
【近】 hack
【考法 2】 adj. 唯利是图的,贪婪的: motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain
【例】 Virtue flies from the heart of a mercenary man. 唯利是图的人没有美德可言
【近】 acquisitive, avaricious, avid, covetous, grasping, greedy, moneygrubbing, rapacious
【反】 benevolent, generous, liberal, philanthropic, munificent 慷慨的
【考法 1】 adj. (情绪)善变的: characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood
【例】 his mercurial temperament 他善变的脾气
【近】 capricious, changeful, fluctuating, fluid, mutable, temperamental, uncertain, variable, volatile
【反】 certain, constant, immutable, invariable, settled, stable, steady, unvarying 稳定的,不变的
【考法 1】 adj. 应得的,理所当然的: being what is called for by accepted standards of right and wrong
【例】 a merited bonus 应得的奖金‖The punishment, although harsh, was entirely merited. 虽然惩罚很
【近】 condign, deserved, due, fair, justified, right, warranted
【反】 undeserved, undue 不应得的;gratuitous, unjustified, unwarranted 没有根据的,无正当理由的
【考法 1】 v. 诱捕: to catch or hold as if in a net
【例】 Dolphins sometimes become meshed in fishnets. 有时海豚也会被渔网缠住
【近】 enmesh, ensnare, ensnarl, entoil, entrap, net, snare, tangle, trap
【反】 disentangle, untangle 解开,使解脱
【考法 1】 adj. 催眠的,催眠术的: of, relating to, or induced by mesmerism
【近】 hynoptic
【反】 awaking 觉醒的
【考法 2】adj. 令人着迷的,难以抗拒的: attracting and holding interest as if by a spell
【例】 the mesmeric recital 迷人的独奏
【近】 attractive, alluring, captivating, charming, drawing, enchanting, riveting
【反】 disgusting, loathesome, repellent, repulsive 令人厌恶的;unappealing, unattractive 没有吸引力的
【派】 mesmerism n. 催眠术,难以抗拒的魅力;mesmerize v. 催眠
【考法 1】 vt. 变形: to change into a different physical form especially by supernatural means
【例】 a science fiction story in which radiation metamorphoses people into giant bugs 一个描绘辐射将人变
【近】 alchemize, transfigure, transform, transmute, transpose, transubstantiate
【反】 remain 保持
【考法 1】 adj. 哲学上的,理论上的: dealing with or expressing a quality or idea
【例】 a work that deals with such metaphysical questions as the very nature of knowledge 一部探讨诸如"知
【近】 conceptual, ideal, ideational, notional, theoretical
【反】 concrete 具体的,实实在在的
【考法 2】 adj. 非尘世的: of, relating to, or being part of a reality beyond the observable physical universe
【例】 a metaphysical world beyond the one in which we live 在我们居住的世界之上的"超然世界"
【近】 ethereal, heavenly, otherworldly, paranormal, preternatural, transcendental, unearthly, unworldly
【反】 mundane 世俗的;natural 自然界的
【考法 1】 adj. 流星般迅速而短暂的: similar to a meteor in speed, brilliance, or brevity
【例】 a meteoric rise to fame 一夜成名
【近】 ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, momentary, rapid, transient, transitory
【反】 enduring, lasting, permanent, prolonged 持久的
【考法 1】 adj. 撒谎的,虚假的: telling or containing lies
【例】 mendacious tales about his adventures 关于他冒险的虚假传说
【近】 dishonest, deceitful, fallacious, lying, spurious, untruthful
【反】 authentic, honest, truthful, veracious 真实的,诚实的
mentor .
【考法 1】 n. 导师: a trusted counselor or guide
【例】 not only an lecturer but also a spirit mentor 不仅是授课者,还是精神导师
【近】 advisor, coach, counselor, guide, instructor, teacher
【反】 disciple, pupil 弟子;apprentice 学徒
【考法 2】 vt. 教导,指导: to give advice and instruction regarding the course or process to be followed
【例】 We're looking for volunteers to mentor students in career planning. 我们在寻找能指导学生职业规划的
【近】 coach, counsel, lead, pilot, shepherd, show, tutor
【反】 comply, follow, observe 遵从
【考法 1】 n. 雇佣军: a professional soldier hired for service in a foreign army
【例】 hire a mercenary army to protect the VIP 雇佣了一支佣兵来保护重要人物
【近】 hack
【考法 2】 adj. 唯利是图的,贪婪的: motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain
【例】 Virtue flies from the heart of a mercenary man. 唯利是图的人没有美德可言
【近】 acquisitive, avaricious, avid, covetous, grasping, greedy, moneygrubbing, rapacious
【反】 benevolent, generous, liberal, philanthropic, munificent 慷慨的
【考法 1】 adj. (情绪)善变的: characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood
【例】 his mercurial temperament 他善变的脾气
【近】 capricious, changeful, fluctuating, fluid, mutable, temperamental, uncertain, variable, volatile
【反】 certain, constant, immutable, invariable, settled, stable, steady, unvarying 稳定的,不变的
【考法 1】 adj. 应得的,理所当然的: being what is called for by accepted standards of right and wrong
【例】 a merited bonus 应得的奖金‖The punishment, although harsh, was entirely merited. 虽然惩罚很
【近】 condign, deserved, due, fair, justified, right, warranted
【反】 undeserved, undue 不应得的;gratuitous, unjustified, unwarranted 没有根据的,无正当理由的
【考法 1】 v. 诱捕: to catch or hold as if in a net
【例】 Dolphins sometimes become meshed in fishnets. 有时海豚也会被渔网缠住
【近】 enmesh, ensnare, ensnarl, entoil, entrap, net, snare, tangle, trap
【反】 disentangle, untangle 解开,使解脱
【考法 1】 adj. 催眠的,催眠术的: of, relating to, or induced by mesmerism
【近】 hynoptic
【反】 awaking 觉醒的
【考法 2】adj. 令人着迷的,难以抗拒的: attracting and holding interest as if by a spell
【例】 the mesmeric recital 迷人的独奏
【近】 attractive, alluring, captivating, charming, drawing, enchanting, riveting
【反】 disgusting, loathesome, repellent, repulsive 令人厌恶的;unappealing, unattractive 没有吸引力的
【派】 mesmerism n. 催眠术,难以抗拒的魅力;mesmerize v. 催眠
【考法 1】 vt. 变形: to change into a different physical form especially by supernatural means
【例】 a science fiction story in which radiation metamorphoses people into giant bugs 一个描绘辐射将人变
【近】 alchemize, transfigure, transform, transmute, transpose, transubstantiate
【反】 remain 保持
【考法 1】 adj. 哲学上的,理论上的: dealing with or expressing a quality or idea
【例】 a work that deals with such metaphysical questions as the very nature of knowledge 一部探讨诸如"知
【近】 conceptual, ideal, ideational, notional, theoretical
【反】 concrete 具体的,实实在在的
【考法 2】 adj. 非尘世的: of, relating to, or being part of a reality beyond the observable physical universe
【例】 a metaphysical world beyond the one in which we live 在我们居住的世界之上的"超然世界"
【近】 ethereal, heavenly, otherworldly, paranormal, preternatural, transcendental, unearthly, unworldly
【反】 mundane 世俗的;natural 自然界的
【考法 1】 adj. 流星般迅速而短暂的: similar to a meteor in speed, brilliance, or brevity
【例】 a meteoric rise to fame 一夜成名
【近】 ephemeral, evanescent, fleeting, momentary, rapid, transient, transitory
【反】 enduring, lasting, permanent, prolonged 持久的