【考法1】vt. 乱涂,潦草地写:to write or draw awkwardly, hastily, or carelessly
【例】scrawled aquick note, stuck it in their mailbox, and hurried off 草草写了张便条,塞进他们的信箱然后匆匆跑了
【反】write carefully仔细地写
【考法1】vt. 潦草地书写,乱写:to cover with scribbles, doodles, or meaningless marks
【例】Studentsscribbled furiously as the teacher lectured. 老师一边讲,学生们一边狂抄笔记。
【近】scratch,scrawl, squiggle
【考法1】adj. 正直的:guided by or in accordance withone's sense of right and wrong; principled
【例】Lessscrupulous companies find ways to evade the law. 道德程度略低的公司钻法律的空子。
【近】conscionable, ethical, honest, honorable, moral, principled
【反】cutthroat,dishonest, dishonorable, immoral, unconscionable, unethical, unjust,unprincipled 不道德的
【考法2】adj. 一丝不苟的:taking, showing, or involvinggreat care and effort
【例】The taskrequires scrupulous attention to detail. 这项任务需要对细节一丝不苟。
【近】careful,conscientious, fussy, meticulous
【考法1】adj. 可以理解的:capable of being understoodthrough study and observation; comprehensible.
【例】Hermachinations and motives are all too scrutable to us who know her. 她的阴谋和动机对于了解她的我们来说非常昭然若揭
【近】accessible, apprehensible, comprehensible, fathomable, legible
【反】mysterious, incoherent, incomprehensible, inscrutable, insensible 神秘而不可知的
【考法1】vt. 仔细检查:to examine or observe with great care
【例】I closelyscrutinized my opponent's every move. 我仔细注意着对手的每一个举动。
【近】examine,review, scan, survey, plumb, check (out)
【反】casuallyglance, gloss over 随意一瞥,敷衍处理
【考法1】vt. 磨损:to become scratched, chipped, or roughened by wear
【例】acountertop that won't scuff 一块不易磨损的厨房台面
【近】abrade,graze, scratch
【考法2】v. 脚步拖沓:to move heavily or clumsily
【例】The minersscuffed past in heavy boots. 矿工们脚着厚重的靴子,步履蹒跚。
【近】barge,clomp, clump, flog, flounder, lump, plod, pound, shamble, slog, slough, stamp,stomp, stumble, stump, tramp, tromp, trudge
【反】breeze,coast, glide, slide, whisk 滑行
【考法1】adj. 说粗话的:given to the use of vulgar,coarse, or abusive language
【例】scurrilousattacks on the senator 对参议院粗俗的攻击
【近】contumelious, invective, opprobrious, truculent, vitriolic, vituperative
【考法1】adj. 下流,让人鄙视的:mean; contemptible
【例】She wasbeset by a whole scurvy swarm of con artists. 她被一群下流的骗子艺术家蜂拥围攻。
【近】deplorable, despicable, grubby, lousy, scummy, wretched
【反】admirable,commendable, creditable, laudable, meritorious, praiseworthy 让人称赞的
【考法1】adj. 肮脏的,堕落的:sordid; base
【例】the seamyside of urban life 城市生活的肮脏面
【反】decent andrespectable 适当而值得尊敬的
【考法1】adj. 隐僻的,隐蔽的:screened or hidden fromview
【例】secludedmonks 隐居的僧人
【近】cloistered, covert, isolated, remote, retired, sheltered