日期:2015-10-07 10:10



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) She recommends going to ____ .

a) Tical

b) Antigua

2) You need to go to the ____ .

a) beach

b) jungle

3) She also talks about ____ .

a) pyramids

b) nature parks


Topic:What is a good place to visit in your country?

Hi, my name is Lisbeth. I am from Guatemala. My question is what is a good place for traveling in your country?

Well, I would say that in my country, Guatemala, there are many beautiful places but I will recommend Tikal. Tikal is in Peten, and it's full of pyramids from Mayas and it's very, very interesting to learn about this ancient culture and it's in the middle of the jungle. So you are welcome to come to Guatemala and visit Tikal. Thanks.


a b a
