日期:2013-01-19 19:38



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) On New Year's he wears ___ clothes.

a) casual

b) traditional

2) He visits his _____ .

a) friends

b) family

3) He usually gets _____ .

a) money

b) presents


Topic:what do you do for New Years?

This is Key from Korea and this is for elllo.org. The question is ... What do you do on New Year's Day? Normally what I do on New Year's Day is following the Korean tradition wearing hanbok, the traditional suit from Korea, and we'd go meet relatives: grandfather, grandmother, and bow to them to show the respect and this was very, very happy season for me because I could much bow money, although I never got to spend it because my parents would say they were gonna save it for my future, and they never gave it back. Anyhow, the New Year's Day always a happy day for Korean people because we can get to meet relatives that we haven't seen for a long time.


b b a

  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • bown. 弓 n. 鞠躬,蝴蝶结,船头 v. 鞠躬,成弓形,
  • traditionaladj. 传统的