日期:2012-11-27 19:03


Questions may have more than one answer.

1) Jingwei says she likes _______ .
a) going to clubs
b) good conversation
c) funny people

2) Joseph would consider going _______ .
a) near the river
b) to a cookie musuem
c) to the beach

3) Joseph would prefer someplace that is _____ .
a) exotic
b) quiet
c) scenic
Topic:Where is a good place for a first date?
Jingwei: Hi, I'm Jingwei.

Joseph: I'm Joseph.

Jingwei: And we're both from Singapore, and this is for elllo.org, and today our question is what's a good place for a first date in Singapore?

Joseph: Wow, OK, that's a tricky question. Well, what do girls think is the most important thing for the first date?

Jingwei: For me, personally, good conversation, definitely. Some one who is funny enough to impress me. So a good place might be somewhere where you can actually hear each other, so no, not clubs, possibly the Esplanade Park.

Joseph: Yeah, I quite like Esplanade. There are interesting places there like the cookie museum which is quite a novel experience actually, because they have cookies with a lot of local flavors as well as exotic flavors, so you could have some interesting conversations about the place. As for me, I prefer Clark Quay because it's some place that's rather quite.

Jingwei: It's by the river.

Joseph: Yeah, Singapore river is one of the most scenic locations we have in our little country

Jingwei: Yeah.

Joseph: Nice joints we can grab a bite, so I recommend Clark Quay. It's Esplanade for you Jingwei?

Jingwei: Yep. Lucky for you, right.

bc ab bc

  • impressn. 印象,特徵,印记 v. 使 ... 有印象,影响,
  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • recommendvt. 建议,推荐,劝告 vt. 使成为可取,使受欢迎
  • exoticadj. 异国的,外来的,奇异的,脱衣舞的 n. (复数