新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List20:Unit3
日期:2015-10-03 16:17
【考法 1】 n. 纯净;清白,无罪: the quality or state of being morally pure; the quality or state of being morally pure
【例】 struggling to live a life of purity while surrounded by wickedness即使周围充满邪恶,也要使自己生命纯粹、完美
【近】 chasteness, immaculacy, innocence, modesty
【反】 impurity, unchasteness, unchastity 堕落,没有节操
【派】 impurity n. 杂质
【派】 purist n. 纯粹主义者
【考法 1】 n. 常去的地方: a place for spending time or for socializing
【例】 The restaurant, the preferred purlieu of the theatergoing crowd, is always packed an hour or two before showtime. 观剧的人群经常去的那间餐厅,总是在演出开始前 1-2 小时爆满。
【近】haunt, purlieu, rendezvous, resort, stamping ground, stomping ground
【考法 2】 n. 临近的地区: an adjoining region or space
【例】 We stopped at one of the several pubs in the purlieus of the stadium. 我们在体育馆附近的一间酒吧停下来。
【近】 backyard, neighborhood, purlieus, vicinage, vicinity
【考法 1】 vt. 偷窃: to steal, often in a violation of trust
【例】 fearing that someone might attempt to purloin a copy of the script for the show's season finale 害怕该剧的完季那集剧本被盗
【近】 appropriate, filch, pilfer, snitch, thieve
【考法 1】 v.(大量)供给,供应: to supply (food, for example); furnish.
【例】 a little shop purveying handmade merchandise 出售手工商品的小店
【考法 1】 adj. 懦弱的,胆小得令人鄙视的: lacking courage and resolution : marked by contemptible timidity
【例】 pusillanimous politicians who vote according to whichever way the political wind is blowing 胆小懦弱的政客,舆论风向倒向谁就投票给谁
【近】 craven, dastardly, gutless, poltroon, recreant, spineless
【反】 brave, courageous, daring, dauntless, doughty, gallant, gutsy, intrepid, lionhearted, stalwart, stout,
stouthearted, valiant, valorous 勇敢的
【考法 1】 n. 骗子医生,江湖郎中: a pretender to medical skill
【例】 don't bother to see that guy, as I've heard he's a quack with no actual training 别再找他看病了,我听说他就是个没有真才实学的江湖郎中
【近】 charlatan, fake, fraud, hoaxer, mountebank, phony
【反】 honest practitioner 诚实从业者
【考法 1】 vt. 大口地喝: to drink (a beverage) heartily
【例】 He stopped at a bar and quaffed a few beers. 他在酒吧停下来,痛饮了几杯啤酒。
【近】 draft, gulp, swig, swill
【考法 1】 vi. 胆怯,畏缩: to shrink back in fear; cower
【例】 She quailed at the thought of seeing him again. 她想到还要再见他就害怕。
【近】 blench, cringe, recoil, shrink, wince
【反】 become resolute, give bold 变得坚决、大胆
【考法 1】 vt. 限定: to reduce from a general to a particular or restricted form
【例】 qualified support 有限的支持
【派】 qualified
【反】 unreserved, absolute, categorical 无保留的,不受限制的
【考法 2】 v. 使有资格,有能力: to make competent (as by training, skill, or ability) for a particular office or function
【例】 raising five children has qualified her to be an advice columnist on parenting 抚养五个孩子的经历让她成为了育儿板块的专栏作家
【近】 equip, fit, prepare, ready, season, train
【考法 1】 n. 困惑,窘境: a state of perplexity or doubt
【例】 I've had two job offers, and I'm in a real quandary about/over which one to accept. 我有两个工作机会,但实在是进退两难,不知道应该选哪一个.
【近】 catch-22, double bind
【反】 state of complete certainty 胸有成竹
【考法 1】 n. 纯净;清白,无罪: the quality or state of being morally pure; the quality or state of being morally pure
【例】 struggling to live a life of purity while surrounded by wickedness即使周围充满邪恶,也要使自己生命纯粹、完美
【近】 chasteness, immaculacy, innocence, modesty
【反】 impurity, unchasteness, unchastity 堕落,没有节操
【派】 impurity n. 杂质
【派】 purist n. 纯粹主义者
【考法 1】 n. 常去的地方: a place for spending time or for socializing
【例】 The restaurant, the preferred purlieu of the theatergoing crowd, is always packed an hour or two before showtime. 观剧的人群经常去的那间餐厅,总是在演出开始前 1-2 小时爆满。
【近】haunt, purlieu, rendezvous, resort, stamping ground, stomping ground
【考法 2】 n. 临近的地区: an adjoining region or space
【例】 We stopped at one of the several pubs in the purlieus of the stadium. 我们在体育馆附近的一间酒吧停下来。
【近】 backyard, neighborhood, purlieus, vicinage, vicinity
【考法 1】 vt. 偷窃: to steal, often in a violation of trust
【例】 fearing that someone might attempt to purloin a copy of the script for the show's season finale 害怕该剧的完季那集剧本被盗
【近】 appropriate, filch, pilfer, snitch, thieve
【考法 1】 v.(大量)供给,供应: to supply (food, for example); furnish.
【例】 a little shop purveying handmade merchandise 出售手工商品的小店
【考法 1】 adj. 懦弱的,胆小得令人鄙视的: lacking courage and resolution : marked by contemptible timidity
【例】 pusillanimous politicians who vote according to whichever way the political wind is blowing 胆小懦弱的政客,舆论风向倒向谁就投票给谁
【近】 craven, dastardly, gutless, poltroon, recreant, spineless
【反】 brave, courageous, daring, dauntless, doughty, gallant, gutsy, intrepid, lionhearted, stalwart, stout,
stouthearted, valiant, valorous 勇敢的
【考法 1】 n. 骗子医生,江湖郎中: a pretender to medical skill
【例】 don't bother to see that guy, as I've heard he's a quack with no actual training 别再找他看病了,我听说他就是个没有真才实学的江湖郎中
【近】 charlatan, fake, fraud, hoaxer, mountebank, phony
【反】 honest practitioner 诚实从业者
【考法 1】 vt. 大口地喝: to drink (a beverage) heartily
【例】 He stopped at a bar and quaffed a few beers. 他在酒吧停下来,痛饮了几杯啤酒。
【近】 draft, gulp, swig, swill
【考法 1】 vi. 胆怯,畏缩: to shrink back in fear; cower
【例】 She quailed at the thought of seeing him again. 她想到还要再见他就害怕。
【近】 blench, cringe, recoil, shrink, wince
【反】 become resolute, give bold 变得坚决、大胆
【考法 1】 vt. 限定: to reduce from a general to a particular or restricted form
【例】 qualified support 有限的支持
【派】 qualified
【反】 unreserved, absolute, categorical 无保留的,不受限制的
【考法 2】 v. 使有资格,有能力: to make competent (as by training, skill, or ability) for a particular office or function
【例】 raising five children has qualified her to be an advice columnist on parenting 抚养五个孩子的经历让她成为了育儿板块的专栏作家
【近】 equip, fit, prepare, ready, season, train
【考法 1】 n. 困惑,窘境: a state of perplexity or doubt
【例】 I've had two job offers, and I'm in a real quandary about/over which one to accept. 我有两个工作机会,但实在是进退两难,不知道应该选哪一个.
【近】 catch-22, double bind
【反】 state of complete certainty 胸有成竹
