新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List16:Unit10
日期:2015-08-31 14:38


【考法 1】 adj./n. 游牧的;居无定所的人: a member of a people who have no fixed residence but move from place to place usually seasonally and within a well-defined territory
【例】 after college she became quite the nomad, backpacking through Europe with no particular destination
【近】 ambulant, fugitive, gallivanting, perambulatory, peripatetic, ranging, roaming, vagabond, vagrant, wandering, wayfaring
【反】 settled 定居的
【考法 1】 adj. 不重要的: so small or unimportant as to warrant little or no attention
【例】 His involvement was nominal. 他的参与不太重要。
【近】 inconsequential, inconsiderable, paltry, trifling, trivial
【反】 big, consequential, considerable, important, material, significant 重要的
【考法 2】 adj. 名义上的: existing or being something in name or form only
【例】 nominal head of the party 党派的名义首领
【近】 formal, paper, titular
【考法 1】 adj. 冷漠的: having an air of easy unconcern or indifference
【例】 She was surprisingly nonchalant about winning the award. 她竟然对得奖很淡然。
【近】 apathetic, disinterested, insensible, insouciant, perfunctory, unconcerned
【反】 concerned, interested 忧虑的,有兴趣的
【考法 1】 adj. 平凡的,不吸引人的: lacking distinctive or interesting qualities
【例】 Their performance was disappointingly nondescript. 他们的演出令人失望,味同嚼蜡。
【近】 beige, characterless, featureless, indistinctive, vanilla
【反】 conspicuous, remarkable, striking 明显的,惊人的
【考法 1】 n. 不重要的人: a person or thing of little consequence or significance
【例】 she was so quiet she was almost a nonentity at the meeting 她非常沉默,在会议上是个边缘人物
【近】 cipher, half-pint, insignificancy, lightweight, nullity, snippersnapper, twerp, whippersnapper, zero, zilch
【反】mogul, big shot, big wheel, bigwig, eminence, figure, magnate, personage, somebody 显要人物
【考法 2】 n. 虚构的东西: a conception or image created by the imagination and having no objective reality
【例】 the arctic circle is a nonentity-you won't see it on the way to the north pole 北极圈是虚构的概念,去北极的路上你不会见到那么一个圈
【近】 chimera, conceit, daydream, delusion, fancy, figment, hallucination, illusion, phantasm, unreality, vision
【考法 1】 vt.迷惑,困惑: use to be at a loss as to what to say, think, or do: perplex
【例】 I was nonplussed by his openly expressed admiration of me. 我被她公开表现的仰慕弄得很窘迫。
【近】 confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, mortify, abash, faze, fluster
【考法 1】 n. 无意义的话,废话: words or language having no meaning or conveying no intelligible ideas
【例】 Many of the words in the poem are nonsense. 这首诗歌当中很多词都是废话。
【近】 babble, blabber, drivel, prattle, mumbo jumbo
【考法 1】 n. 刻痕: a V-shaped cut. Such a cut used for keeping a record
【反】 unserrated 没有刻痕的
【考法 2】 v. 通过努力获得: to obtain (as a goal) through effort
【例】 a stunning performance that notched up a second Academy Award for the actor 出色的表演为该演员
【近】 attain, bag, chalk up, clock up, gain, hit, log, make, rack up, ring up, score, win
【考法 1】 adj. 新奇的: strikingly new, unusual, or different
【例】 a novel scheme to collect money 一种新颖的筹钱手段
【近】 original, unaccustomed, unfamiliar, unheard-of, unknown, unprecedented
【反】 banal, timeworn, familiar, hackneyed, time-honored, tired, warmed-over 陈腐的
【考法 1】 adj. 有害的,有毒的: harmful to living things; injurious to health
【例】 noxious waste 有害的废弃物
【近】 unwholesome, baneful, deleterious, detrimental, nocuous, pernicious, wicked
【反】 beneficial, salubrious, anodyne, benign, harmless, hurtless, innocent, innocuous, inoffensive, safe 有益的,无害的
【考法 2】 adj. 产生强烈厌恶的: causing intense displeasure, disgust, or resentment
【例】 a noxious new breed of horror movie in which graphic depictions of torture are presented as entertainment
【近】 abhorrent, abominable, appalling, awful, disgusting, distasteful, dreadful, foul, fulsome, gross, hideous, horrid, loathsome, nasty, nauseating, noisome, obnoxious, odious, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting,scandalous
