新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List19:Unit8
日期:2015-09-28 16:11


【考法 1】 adj. 罗嗦的,冗长的: tending to speak or write at excessive length
【例】 habitually transforms brief anecdotes into prolix sagas that exhaust his listeners 总是将简短的小趣事变成冗长的传说故事,让听众很疲倦
【近】 diffuse, garrulous, rambling, verbose, windy
【反】 pithy, taciturn, terse, succinct, concise, extreme brief 精炼的,寡言的
【考法 1】 n. 序言: the preface or introduction to a literary work
【例】 the burglary, which he committed while still a teen, was but a prologue to a wasted life of crime 他青少年时犯过的入室抢劫拉开了他偷盗生涯的序幕
【近】 exordium, foreword, preamble, preface, prelude, proem, prolusion
【反】 epilogue 结尾
【考法 1】 vt. 延长,拖延: to lengthen in extent, scope, or range
【例】 Additives are used to prolong the shelf life of packaged food. 添加剂被用来延长包装食品的保存期限。
【近】 elongate, lengthen, outstretch, protract, stretch, drag (out), draw out
【反】 abbreviate, abridge, curtail, cut, cut back, shorten , truncate 截短
【考法 1】 vt. 校对: to read (copy or proof) in order to find errors and mark corrections
【例】 She proofread the paper carefully. 她仔细把论文校对了。
【考法 1】 vt. 正式宣布: to make known openly or publicly
【例】 The law was promulgated in June 1988. 法律在 1988 年 6 月出台。
【近】 annunciate, declare, enunciate, proclaim, publicize, herald
【反】 keep secret 保密
【考法 1】 v. 繁殖: to cause to continue or increase by sexual or asexual reproduction
【例】 the dams along the river are interfering with the salmon's ability to propagate 河上的大坝影响了大马哈鱼的繁殖
【近】 breed, multiply, reproduce
【反】 fail to multiply 根除,繁殖失败
【考法 2】 vt. 传播,宣传: to cause to spread out and affect a greater number or greater area: extend
【例】 the various ways in which churches can propagate the faith 不同的宣传教义的方法
【近】 broadcast, circulate, disseminate
【反】 check 阻止
【考法 1】 n. 倾向,癖好: an often intense natural inclination or preference
【例】 a neighbor who has an unfortunate propensity for snooping 好管闲事的邻居
【近】 affinity, aptitude, bent, partiality, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity
【反】 aversion 厌恶
【考法 1】 adj. 预言的,预示的: foretelling events:predictive
【例】 those lower-than-expected sales numbers were a prophetic indicator of the financial trouble the company would soon be in 那些低于预期的销售数字就是公司即将陷入的金融危机的先兆
【近】 predictive
【考法 1】 vt. 慰抚,劝解: to conciliate (an offended power); appease
【例】 the temple was built to honor the gods in times of plenty and to propitiate them in times of trouble 该庙宇的作用是,丰收之时感谢神明,有难之时安抚神明
【近】 appease, assuage, conciliate, disarm, mollify, placate
【反】 enrage, incense, inflame, infuriate, ire, madden, outrage, antagonize, arouse hostility 激怒
【考法 1】 adj. 吉祥的: favorably disposed: pointing toward a happy outcome
【例】 propitious sign 吉祥的征兆
【近】 auspicious, encouraging, fair, heartening, optimistic, promising, upbeat
【反】 dim, discouraging, disheartening, futureless, hopeless, inauspicious, unfavorable, unpromising,
unpropitious 不吉利的
  • predictiveadj. 预言的,预兆的
  • propagatev. 繁殖,扩增,传播,传送
  • scopen. 能力,范围,眼界,机会,余地 vt. 仔细研究
  • proclivityn. 倾向,癖性
  • propitiousadj. 顺利的,适合的,吉祥的
  • propensityn. 倾向,习性
  • placatevt. 抚慰,和解
  • optimisticadj. 乐观的,乐观主义的
  • enragevt. 激怒,使暴怒
  • indicatorn. 指示器,指示剂 [计算机] 指示符