新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List17:Unit6
日期:2015-09-06 15:50


【考法 1】 v. 瞒骗,以智取胜: to surpass in cleverness or cunning; outsmart
【例】 a plan to outwit their opponents at their own game 在擅长的领域智取对手的计划
【近】 outfox, outmaneuver, outslick, outsmart, outthink
【考法 1】 adj. 专横傲慢的: domineering in manner; arrogant
【例】 Her husband's overbearing manner made her miserable. 她的丈夫专横傲慢,让她痛不欲生。
【近】 authoritative, despotic, dictatorial, imperious, masterful, peremptory
【反】 meek, unassuming 谦逊的
【考法 2】 adj. 压倒一切的,在力量或重要性上势不可挡的;支配的,显著的: overwhelming in power or
significance; predominant, coming before all others in importance
【例】 the overbearing problem in our nation's schools 我国中小学教育的最突出的问题
【近】 capital, cardinal, central, chief, dominant, key, leading, master, number one, overmastering, overriding,paramount, predominant, preeminent, premier, primary, prior, sovereign, supreme
【考法 1】 vt. 重叠,重复: to occupy the same area in part
【例】 Baseball season overlaps football season in September. 棒球赛季和橄榄球赛季在九月有时间重合。
【近】 lap, overlay, overlie, overspread
【考法 1】 adj. 明显的,公开的: open and observable; not hidden, concealed, or secret
【例】 overt hostility 公然的敌意
【反】 shadowy 模糊的
【考法 1】 n. 前言: an introductory section or part, as of a poem; a prelude
【近】 preamble, preliminary, prologue, warm-up, curtain-raiser
【考法 2】 n. 序曲: an instrumental composition intended especially as an introduction to an extended work,such as an opera or oratorio
【例】 the parade down Main Street served as the overture for a weekend of fun and festivities 主干道上的游行活动拉开了一周节日活动的序幕
【反】 coda 结尾
【考法 1】 n. 矛盾修饰法: a combination of contradictory or incongruous words
【例】 The phrase "cruel kindness" is an oxymoron. "残酷的仁慈"就是矛盾修饰法的一个例子。|| The phrase
"Broadway rock musical" is an oxymoron. Broadway doesn't have the nerve to let the really hard stuff in the house.
【考法 1】 vt. 使平静,安慰: to ease the anger or agitation of
【例】 pacify a crying child 安抚一个哭泣的孩子
【近】 appease, assuage, conciliate, mollify, placate, propitiate
【反】 incite, rankle, tantrum, vex, discompose, truculent 煽动激起
【考法 1】 n. 夸张,废话: the representation of something in terms that go beyond the facts
【例】 that feature writer is sometimes guilty of padding, but he keeps it from getting out of hand 这作者有时候夸夸其谈,但是保持了适度
【近】 caricature, coloring, elaboration, embellishment, embroidery, hyperbole, magnification, overstatement,stretching
【反】 meiosis, understatement 轻描淡写
【考法 1】 n. 欢乐颂: a joyous song or hymn of praise, tribute, thanksgiving, or triumph
【例】 her retirement party featured many paeans for her long years of service to the company 她的退休派对满是对她多年在公司辛勤工作的赞颂
【近】 accolade, citation, dithyramb, eulogium, eulogy, hymn, panegyric, tribute
【考法 1】 adj. 煞费苦心的: taking pains: expending, showing, or involving diligent care and effort
【例】 It took months of painstaking research to write the book. 这本书的写作耗费了几个月的苦心研究。
【近】 careful, conscientious, fussy, meticulous, scrupulous
【反】 slipshod, cursory, careless 漫不经心的,草率的