新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List17:Unit10
日期:2015-09-10 15:53
parry .
【考法 1】 vt. 躲避(问题): to evade especially by an adroit answer
【例】 He parried the embarrassing question with a clever reply. 他以巧妙的回答躲避了这个令人尴尬的问题
【近】 avoid, dodge, elude, eschew, evade, finesse, scape, shirk, shun
【反】 confront, face, meet 面对;embrace 欣然接受
【考法 1】 n. 过度节俭的,吝啬的: frugal to the point of stinginess
【例】 the stereotype of the dour and parsimonious Scotsman 严肃而吝啬的苏格兰人的典型代表
【近】 closefisted, mean, mingy, miserly, niggardly, penurious, stinting, tight, tightfisted, uncharitable, ungenerous
【反】 generous, liberal, munificent 慷慨的;dissolute, extravagant, prodigal, wasteful 浪费的,挥霍的
【考法 1】 adj. 偏袒的,偏爱的: inclined to favor one party more than the other: biased
【例】 He is partial to Maverick. 他偏爱小牛队
【近】 biased, one-sided, partisan, prejudiced
【反】 disinterested, equitable, evenhanded, fair, impartial, neutral, objective, unbiased, unprejudiced 公平的
【考法 2】 adj. 部分的,不完整的: lacking some necessary part
【例】 a partial answer to the problem 一部分的解答
【近】 deficient, fragmental, fragmentary, half, halfway
【反】 complete, entire, full, intact, integral, perfect, whole 完整的
【派】 partially adv. 部分地;partiality n. 偏袒,偏爱
【考法 1】 vt. 详述: to go into or give details or particulars
【例】 particularize the rules you must observe 详述了你需要遵守的规定
【近】 detail, specificate, specify
【反】 abbreviate, abridge, condense, shorten 删减内容
【考法 1】 n. 跟随者,信徒: one who follows the opinions or teachings of another
【例】 Partisans of the charismatic leader refuse to tolerate any criticism of him at all. 跟随者们不允许任何有关他们富有魅力的领导的负面言论
【近】 acolyte, adherent, disciple, pupil, votary
【反】 bellwether, leader 领导者
【考法 2】 n. (狂热、坚定的)拥护者,支持者: one who is intensely or excessively devoted to a cause
【例】 a partisan of the revolution who was even willing to give her life for it 一个愿意为了革命献出自己生命的坚定拥护者
【近】 crusader, fanatic, ideologue, zealot, true believer
【反】 adversary, antagonist, opponent 反对者
【考法 3】adj. 偏袒的: inclined to favor one side over another
【例】 a shamelessly partisan news report 一篇无耻的、有倾向性的新闻报道
【近】 biased, one-sided, partial, prejudiced
【反】 disinterested, equitable, evenhanded, fair, impartial, neutral, objective, unbiased, unprejudiced 公平的
【考法 1】 n. (带嘲讽的)模仿: a literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work, often with satirical intent
【例】 a pastiche of Botticelli's Birth of Venus 波提且利画作《维纳斯的诞生》的仿品
【近】 burlesque, caricature, imitation, parody, spoof, travesty
【反】 original work 原作
【考法 2】 n. 大杂烩: a pasticcio of incongruous parts; a hodgepodge
【例】 a pastiche of dishes from many countries 来自众多国家的饮食杂烩
【近】 agglomerate, collage, hodgepodge, jumble, jungle, medley, montage, motley, salad, variety, welter
【考法 1】 n. 分割,划分: the act or process of dividing something into parts
【例】 the partition of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia 捷克斯洛伐克被分裂成捷克共和国
【近】 bifurcation, breakup, cleavage, disunion, division, fractionalization, schism, scission, split, sundering
【反】 unification, union 联合
【考法 1】 adj. 显而易见的,明显的: readily visible or intelligible: obvious
【例】 Unfortunately, the patent flaw of the proposal did not deter the city council from putting it up for a vote.
【近】 apparent, blatant, conspicuous, evident, flagrant, manifest, obvious, plain
【反】 concealed, hidden, invisible 隐藏的,不可见的
【考法 1】 adj. 不正常的,病态的: being such to a degree that is extreme, excessive, or markedly abnormal
【例】 She has a pathological fear of snakes. 她对蛇有一种病态的恐惧
【近】 abnormal, aberrant, anomalous, morbid
【反】 normal 正常的;natural 自然的
【考法 1】 n. 外表: a superficial covering or exterior
【例】 a superficial patina of knowledge 表面肤浅的知识
【近】 fa.ade, hull, skin, veneer
【反】 essential quality 本质;core, kernel 核心
【考法 2】 n. (由内而外散发的)氛围,气场: an appearance or aura that is derived from association, habit, or established character
【例】 Although the winery is brand-new, it has been constructed and decorated to give it a patina of old-world quaintness. 尽管酿酒厂是全新建造的,但它的构造和装饰都刻意营造出一种古色古香的奇异氛围
【反】 air, ambience, aroma, atmosphere, climate, flavor, halo, odor, smell, temper, vibration
【考法 1】 vt. 躲避(问题): to evade especially by an adroit answer
【例】 He parried the embarrassing question with a clever reply. 他以巧妙的回答躲避了这个令人尴尬的问题
【近】 avoid, dodge, elude, eschew, evade, finesse, scape, shirk, shun
【反】 confront, face, meet 面对;embrace 欣然接受
【考法 1】 n. 过度节俭的,吝啬的: frugal to the point of stinginess
【例】 the stereotype of the dour and parsimonious Scotsman 严肃而吝啬的苏格兰人的典型代表
【近】 closefisted, mean, mingy, miserly, niggardly, penurious, stinting, tight, tightfisted, uncharitable, ungenerous
【反】 generous, liberal, munificent 慷慨的;dissolute, extravagant, prodigal, wasteful 浪费的,挥霍的
【考法 1】 adj. 偏袒的,偏爱的: inclined to favor one party more than the other: biased
【例】 He is partial to Maverick. 他偏爱小牛队
【近】 biased, one-sided, partisan, prejudiced
【反】 disinterested, equitable, evenhanded, fair, impartial, neutral, objective, unbiased, unprejudiced 公平的
【考法 2】 adj. 部分的,不完整的: lacking some necessary part
【例】 a partial answer to the problem 一部分的解答
【近】 deficient, fragmental, fragmentary, half, halfway
【反】 complete, entire, full, intact, integral, perfect, whole 完整的
【派】 partially adv. 部分地;partiality n. 偏袒,偏爱
【考法 1】 vt. 详述: to go into or give details or particulars
【例】 particularize the rules you must observe 详述了你需要遵守的规定
【近】 detail, specificate, specify
【反】 abbreviate, abridge, condense, shorten 删减内容
【考法 1】 n. 跟随者,信徒: one who follows the opinions or teachings of another
【例】 Partisans of the charismatic leader refuse to tolerate any criticism of him at all. 跟随者们不允许任何有关他们富有魅力的领导的负面言论
【近】 acolyte, adherent, disciple, pupil, votary
【反】 bellwether, leader 领导者
【考法 2】 n. (狂热、坚定的)拥护者,支持者: one who is intensely or excessively devoted to a cause
【例】 a partisan of the revolution who was even willing to give her life for it 一个愿意为了革命献出自己生命的坚定拥护者
【近】 crusader, fanatic, ideologue, zealot, true believer
【反】 adversary, antagonist, opponent 反对者
【考法 3】adj. 偏袒的: inclined to favor one side over another
【例】 a shamelessly partisan news report 一篇无耻的、有倾向性的新闻报道
【近】 biased, one-sided, partial, prejudiced
【反】 disinterested, equitable, evenhanded, fair, impartial, neutral, objective, unbiased, unprejudiced 公平的
【考法 1】 n. (带嘲讽的)模仿: a literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work, often with satirical intent
【例】 a pastiche of Botticelli's Birth of Venus 波提且利画作《维纳斯的诞生》的仿品
【近】 burlesque, caricature, imitation, parody, spoof, travesty
【反】 original work 原作
【考法 2】 n. 大杂烩: a pasticcio of incongruous parts; a hodgepodge
【例】 a pastiche of dishes from many countries 来自众多国家的饮食杂烩
【近】 agglomerate, collage, hodgepodge, jumble, jungle, medley, montage, motley, salad, variety, welter
【考法 1】 n. 分割,划分: the act or process of dividing something into parts
【例】 the partition of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia 捷克斯洛伐克被分裂成捷克共和国
【近】 bifurcation, breakup, cleavage, disunion, division, fractionalization, schism, scission, split, sundering
【反】 unification, union 联合
【考法 1】 adj. 显而易见的,明显的: readily visible or intelligible: obvious
【例】 Unfortunately, the patent flaw of the proposal did not deter the city council from putting it up for a vote.
【近】 apparent, blatant, conspicuous, evident, flagrant, manifest, obvious, plain
【反】 concealed, hidden, invisible 隐藏的,不可见的
【考法 1】 adj. 不正常的,病态的: being such to a degree that is extreme, excessive, or markedly abnormal
【例】 She has a pathological fear of snakes. 她对蛇有一种病态的恐惧
【近】 abnormal, aberrant, anomalous, morbid
【反】 normal 正常的;natural 自然的
【考法 1】 n. 外表: a superficial covering or exterior
【例】 a superficial patina of knowledge 表面肤浅的知识
【近】 fa.ade, hull, skin, veneer
【反】 essential quality 本质;core, kernel 核心
【考法 2】 n. (由内而外散发的)氛围,气场: an appearance or aura that is derived from association, habit, or established character
【例】 Although the winery is brand-new, it has been constructed and decorated to give it a patina of old-world quaintness. 尽管酿酒厂是全新建造的,但它的构造和装饰都刻意营造出一种古色古香的奇异氛围
【反】 air, ambience, aroma, atmosphere, climate, flavor, halo, odor, smell, temper, vibration