新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List18:Unit4
日期:2015-08-14 15:57


【考法 1】 adj. 巡游的,四处游历的: walking about or from place to place
【派】 peripatetic preachers 四处游历的传教士
【近】 ambulant, errant, nomadic, perambulatory, peregrine, vagabond, wandering
【反】 sedentary, settled 定居的
【考法 1】 adj. 外围的: related to, located in, or constituting an outer boundary or periphery
【例】 development in the peripheral areas of megacities 大城市边缘地区的发展
【近】 circumferential, marginal
【反】 central 中心的;interior 内部的
【考法 2】 adj. 辅助性的: available to supply something extra when needed
【例】 The IT consultant suggested that we update the drivers for all of the computer's peripheral devices. IT咨询师建议我们更新电脑所有外围辅助设备的驱动程序
【近】 accessorial, accessory, appurtenant, supplemental, supplementary
【反】 chief, main, principal 主要的
【考法 1】 vi. 死亡,消亡: to become destroyed or ruined: cease to exist
【例】 thrive in calamity and perish in soft living 生于忧患,死于安乐‖adapt or perish 适应或是消亡
【近】 decease, demise, die, end, expire, succumb, pass away
【反】 breathe, live, survive 活着,存活
【考法 1】 adj. 永恒的: continuing or enduring without fundamental or marked change; lasting forever
【例】 A temporary compromise has been accepted until a more permanent solution can be agreed upon. 在更为持久的决案被通过之前,一个暂时性的妥协方案被接受了
【近】 ceaseless, dateless, deathless, endless, eternal, immortal, perpetual, undying, unending
【反】 ephemeral, evanescent, transient, transitory 稍瞬即逝的;provisional, temporary 暂时性的
【派】 permanence n. 永恒
【考法 1】 adj. 可渗透的: capable of being permeated or penetrated, especially by liquids or gases
【例】 a permeable fabric that allows your body heat to escape 一种能使身体热量耗散的透气纤维
【近】 passable, penetrable, pervious, porous
【反】 waterproof 防水的;impassable, impenetrable, impervious, impermeable 不能渗透的
【考法 1】 adj. 有害的: highly injurious or destructive
【例】 Business may be troublesome but idleness is pernicious. 工作烦人,懒散害人
【近】 adverse, baleful, damaging, deleterious, detrimental, hurtful, injurious, mischievous, nocuous, noxious
【反】 anodyne, benign, harmless, innocent, innocuous, inoffensive, safe 温和的,无害的
【考法 1】 n. (演讲的)结束语: the concluding part of a discourse and especially an oration
【例】 He summarized his main points in his peroration. 他在结束语中总结了自己的主要观点
【近】 coda, conclusion, denouement, epilogue, finale
【反】 foreword, prelude, preface, prologue, overture 前言,序曲
【考法 2】 n.(正式的)演讲,致辞: a usually formal discourse delivered to an audience
【例】 a peroration celebrating the nation's long tradition of religious tolerance and pluralism 为庆祝该国长期以来对于宗教的容忍态度和宗教多元化所做的一个演讲
【近】 address, declamation, harangue, oration, speech, talk
【考法 1】 adj. 永恒的,不断的: continuing forever:everlasting
【例】 perpetual motion machine 永动机
【近】 ceaseless, dateless, deathless, endless, eternal, immortal, perpetual, undying, unending
【反】 ephemeral, evanescent, transient, transitory 稍瞬即逝的;provisional, temporary 暂时性的
【派】 perpetuate v. 使永恒
【考法 1】 vt. 迫害,折磨: to cause persistent suffering to
【例】 people who were persecuted simply for practicing their religious faith 因为实践宗教信仰而惨遭迫害的人
【近】 agonize, anguish, curse, excruciate, harrow, plague, rack, torment, torture
【派】 persecution n. 迫害
【考法 1】 vi. 坚持不懈,不屈不挠: to persist in or remain constant to a purpose, idea, or task in the face of obstacles or discouragement
【例】 Although he was frustrated by the lack of financial resources and support, hepersevered in his scientific research. 尽管因为资金不足而受阻,但他仍坚持进行科学研究
【近】 carry on, endure, persist
【反】 renounce, succumb, surrender, yield 放弃,屈服
【派】 perseverance n. 坚持不懈