新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List6:Unit8
日期:2015-03-27 11:32



【考法1】n. 破坏,毁坏:the act or process of wrecking or destroying, especiallydestruction by explosives.

【例】thedemolition of dangerous buildings 危楼的拆毁

【近】annihilation, decimation, devastation, havoc, wreckage

【反】building,construction, erection, raising 建造


【考法1】v. (通过证据)证明,表明:to show or make clear by using examples

【例】thepaleontologist hopes to demonstrate that dinosaurs once existed in central Peruby unearthing the

fossil evidence 通过发掘化石,古生物学家试图证明恐龙曾经在秘鲁中部生活过


【反】unable toprove 不能证明的

【考法2】v. 使明白易懂:to make plain or understandable

【例】a fewstriking facts should demonstrate the complex nature of our topic 一些显著的事实可以使我们话


【近】clarify,construe, demystify, elucidate, explicate, illuminate

【反】obscure 使模糊

【考法3】v. 表现,表露:to make known (something abstract) through outward signs

【例】thebabysitter's actions during the emergency demonstrate beyond doubt her generaldependability 保


【近】bespeak,betray, display, evince, manifest, reveal


【考法1】vt. 使士气低落:to undermine the confidence or morale of; dishearten

【例】demoralizethe staff 使员工士气低落

【近】daunt,dishearten, dismay, dispirit, unnerve

【反】invigorate,cheer 鼓舞

【考法2】v. 贬低,堕落:to lower in character, dignity, or quality

【例】we refusedto be demoralized by our humiliating defeat 我们拒绝由于这场屈辱的战败而被贬低

【近】abase,corrupt, debauch, degrade, demean

【反】elevate,ennoble, uplift 使崇高


【考法1】adj. 通俗的,大众化的:popular, common

【例】demoticentertainments 大众化的娱乐

【反】profound 深奥的


【考法1】vi. 表示异议,反对:to voice opposition; object

【例】demur atthe suggestion 反对提议

【近】challenge,exception, expostulation, fuss, kick, protest, remonstrance, stink

【反】accept,accede 接受

【考法2】n. 犹豫:hesitation (as in doing or accepting) usually based on doubt of theacceptability of

something offered or proposed; qualm

【例】weaccepted his offer to pay for our dinners without demur 我们毫不犹豫地同意了他买单


【考法1】vt. 诋毁,污蔑:to express scornfully one's low opinion of

【例】denigrateone's opponents 诋毁某人的对手

【近】belittle,depreciate, derogate, dismiss, disparage

【反】honor,acclaim, applaud, exalt, extol, glorify, magnify 给以……荣誉,赞扬


【考法1】n.(小说的)结局:the final resolution or clarification of a dramatic or narrativeplot

【例】asurprising/ unexpected denouement 令人惊奇的、出人意料的结局


【考法1】v. 公开指责:to express public or formal disapproval of

【例】thegovernor has denounced the court's decision and vows to press for aconstitutional amendment 州


【近】condemn,objurgate, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove

【反】cite,commend, endorse 支持,称赞

【考法2】v. 道德上错误、可耻的:to declare to be morally wrong or evil

【例】the churchcouncil denounced the bishop's teachings, officially declaring them to beheresy 该 教理 事 会


【近】anathematize, censure, execrate, reprehend, reprobate

【派】denunciation n. 谴责:an act ofdenouncing especially : a public condemnation

【反】panegyric,accolade, eulogy 颂词


【考法1】n. 凹陷,凹痕:a depression in a surface made by pressure or a blow

【例】a dent inthe side of a car 汽车侧面一处凹陷

【近】cavity,depression, hollow, indenture, recess

【反】bulge,convexity, projection, protrusion, protuberance 凸起

【考法2】v. (数量、程度上)变小,变弱:to make smaller in amount, volume, or extent

【例】hopefullythis vacation won't dent our bank account too much 但愿这次旅行不会让我们银行存款缩水


【近】abate,downscale, downsize, dwindle

【反】aggrandize, amplify, augment, boost, enlarge, escalate 增大,增强


【考法1】vt. 脱去,使赤裸:to divest of covering; make bare

【例】Droughthas completely denuded the hills of grass. 干旱脱去了山上的草使山变得光秃秃的。

【反】cover 遮盖