新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List15:Unit8
日期:2015-08-19 14:27


【考法 1】 adj. 深思熟虑的,审慎的: deliberated, calculated
【例】 a measured response to the terrorist attack 就恐怖袭击做出的深思熟虑的反应
【近】 advised, calculated, considered, knowing, reasoned, studied, thoughtful, weighed
【反】 casual 随意的;uncalculated, unconsidered, unstudied 没仔细考虑过的
【考法 1】 vi. 干涉,管闲事: to intrude into other people's affairs or business; interfere
【例】 Please stop meddling in my marriage. 请不要来干涉我的婚姻
【近】 interfere, interlope, intermeddle, intrude, obtrude, poke, pry, snoop
【反】 disregard, ignore, neglect, omit, overlook 忽略,不理会
【派】 meddlesome adj. 爱管闲事的
【考法 1】 vt. 调解,调停: to intervene between two or more disputants in order to bring about an agreement,a settlement, or a compromise
【例】 mediate a labor-management dispute 调解劳工纠纷
【近】 conciliate, intercede, intermediate, interpose
【反】 arouse, encourage, excite, foment, incite, inflame, instigate, pique, spark, stimulate, stir 煽动激起
【派】 mediator n. 调停人
【考法 1】 adj. 平庸的,质量中等偏下的: moderate to inferior in quality; ordinary
【例】 Without a desire for success, life is at best mediocre. 没有对成功的强烈渴望,人生最多也就是碌碌无为
【近】 average, common, commonplace, fair, indifferent, medium, ordinary
【反】 outstanding, excellent, exceptional, extraordinary, impressive, superior 优秀的
【派】 mediocrity n. 平庸者;平庸
【考法 1】 adj. 大杂烩,混合物: an unorganized collection or mixture of various things
【例】 a medley of snack foods available on the buffet table 自助餐桌上供应着各式各样的小吃
【近】 agglomerate, collage, hodgepodge, jumble, montage, motley, muddle, salad, shuffle, variety, welter
【考法 1】 adj. 谦恭的: showing patience and humility; gentle
【例】 He was a meek, mild-mannered fellow. 他是个谦逊、温文尔雅的的人
【近】 humble, modest, unassuming, unpretentious
【反】 arrogant, bumptious, haughty, imperious, pompous, presumptuous, supercilious 自大的
【考法 2】 adj. 顺从的: easily imposed on; submissive
【例】 He may be self-effacing, but he certainly isn't meek. 他可能是个很低调的人,但他绝非软骨头
【近】 compliant, docile, manageable, obedient, submissive, tractable
【反】 adamant, headstrong, intractable, obstinate, refractory, stubborn, unruly, unyielding 倔强的,不顺从的
【考法 1】 adj. 合适的: precisely adapted to a particular situation, need, or circumstance: very proper
【例】 In this case, splitting the winnings of the contested lottery ticket seems like a meetsolution. 在这种情况
【近】 applicable, appropriate, apt, becoming, befitting, felicitous, fitting, proper, right, suitable
【反】 improper, inapplicable, inapposite, inappropriate, inapt, infelicitous, malapropos 不合适的
【考法 1】 adj. (曲调)优美的: smooth and sweet
【例】 a mellifluous voice 甜美的嗓音
【近】 dulcet, euphonious, mellifluent, mellow, melodious
【反】 cacophonous, raspy 刺耳的
【考法 1】 adj. 感情夸张的,伤感的: exaggeratedly emotional or sentimental; histrionic
【例】 Our office drama queen yet again made the melodramatic declaration that she was contemplating suicide.
【近】 dramatic, hammy, histrionic, mannered, pretentious, stagy
【反】 nondramatic, nontheatrical 平淡无奇的,非戏剧性的
【考法 1】 vt. 威胁,使处于危险: to make a show of intention to harm; to place in danger
【例】 Stockpiles of nuclear weapons that continue to menace the inhabitants of this planet. 大量的核武器持续地威胁着这个行星上的居民
【近】 compromise, hazard, imperil, jeopardize, peril, risk, threaten
【反】 rescue, save 救出
【派】 menacing adj. 带有威胁的