日期:2015-07-21 07:17

















"Bright" foods can make you look younger


You may be able to look younger just by changing what you eat. I recently sat down with Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a best-selling author, who focuses on aging and skin care. So here is what he says about living better now.
通过改变饮食你可以看上去更年轻SlD-87gMVJ7*8E。我最近和一位畅销书作者Nicholas Perricone座谈了一下F+yTgDb=4b。他主攻衰老和皮肤护理方面uFDpsP8|*M)Y|。下面他给大家提供一些建议,让我们活得更好~IuT]#2A)e]6pKz

So an anti-aging kitchen, you say there is probably three groups of food that if we have in our refrigerator. It’s gonna do what for us?

Well, it’s gonna reduce inflammation, and inflammations are the bases of aging and aging-related diseases. So if you wanna look young and beautiful. You've got to(gotta) reduce inflammation, reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes,the whole spectrum.

Okay, so it’s more than just looking good this is about feeling good and being healthy. So protein, tell me about why salmon,Salmon has wonderful interest: high grade protein, you need protein repair yourselves, and the day you don't get enough protein are the days you age.

So if you don't wanna have to get fresh salmon everyday, can I just get the salmon in the can of one of those packets?


You should can that canned salmon are usually wild salmon, which is even better for you.


Beans, lentils.

Wonderful source of carbohydrate, this will sustain your appetite, even your blood. It can also contain antioxidants, and that’s a nutural anti-inflammatory.

We love blueberries and what would these do for us?

Blueberries are incredible, they protect your brain, give you beautiful skin, reduces our inflammation,your arteries, give you make your heart healthy. So blueberries are the answer to have a sharp mind and beautiful skin.

Very good! Are there any substitutes for at least three foods? Like we’ve got a lot of blueberries.

There’re lots of means,all kinds of berries and all kinds of fresh food if you see bright colors in your food,it means your anti-oxidant present and anti-oxidants are natural for inflammatory. So there’s a huge menu you can choose from.





Continuous heavy rains trigger floods in C. India


Heavy rainfall has been hitting India for days and led to flooding. Floodwaters inundated buildings and stranded people in many cities in India's central Madhya Pradesh state.


Rains have also damaged electric wires, cutting off power supply in several areas. Transportation is disrupted due to damaged roads, bridges and railway tracks. And dozens of trains were cancelled or running behind schedule due to water on the tracks.


Annual rainfall is essential in India as rains support two-thirds of the 1.25 billion population living in rural areas who rely on farming. But excessive rainfalls cause chaos to daily life.





New Monkey King brings hope to Chinese animation


Chinese animated films have come in for some pretty harsh criticism at home over the past years. But one film has defied that trend. Chinese audiences have been stunned by the return on screens of the legend of classical novel ‘Journey to the West’ in the new movie ‘Monkey King: Hero is Back’. The film has captured the nation's attention with its high visual quality and sincerity.


The fictional hero is back. And he has taken China's social media sphere by storm. People are flocking to cinemas to discover the new sensation, or even to re-watch it.


The box office takings for the new Monkey King movie have exceeded US$50 million, a new record for a Chinese animated film.


But despite its immense popularity, director Tian Xiaopeng keeps a cool head.


"We're still far away from real success. People's love for this movie stems more or less from their affection for Chinese-made animation. Animated movies in China still need more social recognition to grow," said Tian.


It took Tian Xiaopeng and his team eight years to finish the movie. With a budget of only about US$10 million, it has achieved a success similar to the Hollywood animated blockbusters.


Tian said: "We can't afford the huge costs of Hollywood 3D animated films, so we have to find our own edge. The only way to compete with Hollywood is to find connect on a cultural and emotional level. I want to tell the story in a Chinese way, using our own philosophy and aesthetics to explain the world in our eyes."


‘The Monkey King: Hero is Back’ is winning over Chinese audiences with a good plot and extraordinary visuals. More importantly, audiences can feel the dedication, sincerity, and passion poured into the film. But the success of a single film does not represent the whole of China's animation industry.


China now has the largest animation industry in the world, with an annual output of 260,000 minutes every year. That is nearly twice that of Japan, which comes in second place. And yet only a third of them make it to the screens.


“I suggest the government to invest more on the original contents and IP,” said Han Hua from China Film Association.


On the market side, Liu Zhijiang, producer of the Monkey King, calls for patience.


"Many investors just want to make quick money in animation. That’s against the rule of the market and artistic creation. Investors have to treat animation as a real industry and give the artists enough room to fully explore their imaginations," he said.


China's animation sector still has a long way to go to catch up to Hollywood. But talents such as Tian Xiaopeng are helping shorten that distance.
