日期:2015-07-06 08:07

















Fear not the toilet - new nano-coating keeps cellphones dry


A cellphone rests in its watery-grave,a distressing sight for cellphone users everywhere. But this one, isn't dead.


"Hello, this Alexan,thanks for calling ,welcome, how may I help you?"


Liquipel is a start-up company based in Santa Ana, California. It's also the name of the company's marquis product - a nano-coating designed to protect every component of a mobile device from water damage. Liquipel co-founder Kevin Bacon says the technology fills a significant gap in the cellphone market.
Liquipel是加利福尼亚州圣安娜一家初创公司,也是该公司至尊产品的名字——一层纳米保护膜,保护手机每个组件不受水的破坏RNw^Q#9oL6DRcog0iW|e。Liquipel联合创始人Kevin Bacon表示,该技术填补了手机市场一个重大空白o0e9E)FFLfp


"Liquipel is a preventative coating, so it's not something that we're marketing in a way that we want people swimming with their devices or needlessly exposing them to water. That's more to prevent those accidents which usually water-damage your electronics, such as being caught in the rain, dropped in the sink, or unfortunately, it happens, put in the toilet, or if you've got to take a quick call in the shower, those types of things."


The company won't discuss their patent-pending technology in detail, other than to say that Liquipel is a vaporised liquid that covers all components of a cellphone with a coating one thousand times thinner than a human hair. Sales agent Sarah Chitrars says the process is simple.
这家公司并未详细介绍这种仍在等待申请专利的技术,只是说,Liquipel是一种蒸发性的液体,厚度只有人类头发丝的千分之一,覆盖着手机所有组件N]=)_W&yS-y#OC。销售代理Sarah Chitrars表示,该过程非常简单+tWER4R*z(


"What we're able to do is place your electronic device inside our especially engineered Liquipel machine. In that machine we have a chamber that pumps down and ignites our plasma process to permeate your device on a molecular level, so the internal and external components. At the end of that process, which takes about 30-35 minutes, your phone has been Liquipeled."


At the moment the business runs on a mail order basis with customers paying $59 to have their cellphone treated. After Liquipel debuted their product at the recent Consumer Electronics Show In Las Vegas, Kevin Bacon says the company was overwhelmed with orders and is now processing one thousand phone an hour. But eventually, he says he'd like to take the technology further.
目前,该企业通过邮件预订服务,顾客支付59美元就可以给你的手机覆盖保护膜WlSyKp!du[XhY。最近在拉斯维加斯的消费者电子产品展上初次亮相时,Kevin Bacon表示,公司收到很多邮件预订,每小时处理1000部手机@G3qJo+Bz[C4kY&Xt。但是最终,他表示,他希望能该技术能够更进一步OXDB&0tYVW,*-36


"The coating itself is applicable to all type of personal electronic devices so we hope to see it in the majority of products that are going to be coming or released. It's just right now we've chosen to focus primarily on mobile phones, just because we feel like they're the ones that are most likely to come into situations where they're gonna be water-damaged. So I mean these phones have become an extension of ourselves and we shouldn't be limited by the environments that we're able to take them into."


And that includes the bathroom. The company wants to expand, bringing relief to cellphone users everywhere. Rob Muir, Reuters.
其中就包括浴室r@6hQ%olu~TzY。该公司希望为各地的手机用户带来便捷WRpVEEg9r1Ra_2w。路透社,Rob Muir报道kLovP.v,Vc0gVu(C





Lugou Bridge Incident 78 years on


Tuesday marks the 78th anniversary of the beginning of China's eight-year War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.


On July 7th, 1937, a crucial access point to Beijing, Lugou Bridge, also known as Marco Polo Bridge, was attacked by Japanese troops. Historians agree that the attack signalled the beginning of Japan's full-scale invasion of China, though Japan had invaded the northeast in September 1931.


Remembrance ceremonies will take place on July the 7th to commemorate the start of the War. And, last year, Sept. 3rd was designated through legislative procedures as "Victory Day" in the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. It is the day after the Japanese government officially surrendered in 1945.


We will be bringing you three days of reports about the incident starting today. And on the 78th anniversary on Tuesday, we will have special coverage of the commemoration events.





New design for Rio 2016 Olympics' torch unveiled


The torch for the Rio 2016 games was unveiled on Friday in the Brazilian capital of Brasilia. President Dilma Rousseff, along with Carlos Nuzman, head of the event's organising committee, and other government officials presented the new torch to the media during a press conference.


The ceremony also revealed the route the torch will take as it will visit 300 cities and towns before reaching Rio de Janeiro's famous Maracana stadium on August 5th next year for the opening ceremony.


During its travels the torch will rack up over 20,000 kilometres and fly nearly 16,000 kilometres over the north and mid-west parts of the country.

The design of the torch is intended to represent the three Olympic values that include excellence, friendship and respect.


"When we see the Torch for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, we feel the responsibility and emotion grow. The day is approaching when we will be the first country in Latin America to have the honour of hosting the largest sporting event on earth," said Dilma Rousseff, Brazilian president.
