新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List13:Unit3
日期:2015-06-27 09:59


【考法1】adj. 考虑不周的,不体谅的:thoughtless;inconsiderate
【例】anincogitant litterbug 不体谅人的乱扔垃圾者
【近】discourteous, disrespectful, ill-mannered, impertinent, inconsiderate, rude,thoughtless, ungracious
【反】civil,considerate, courteous, genteel, gracious, thoughtful 体谅他人的,举止得体的
【考法1】adj. 不一致的:not conforming to thecircumstances or requirements of a situation
【例】Twotriangles are incongruent. 两个三角形不全等。
【近】conflicting, discordant, discrepant, dissonant, incompatible, incongruous,inconsonant
【反】congruent,congruous, consistent 一致的
【考法1】adj. 不合逻辑的:not using or following goodreasoning
【例】aninconsequential line of argument 不合逻辑的论述
【近】fallacious, illogical, invalid, irrational, unreasonable, unsound, weak
【反】logical,rational, reasonable, sound, valid, well-founded, well-grounded 有理的,论证有力的
【考法2】adj. 不重要的:of no significance
【例】That's aninconsequential problem compared to the other issues. 和其他问题相比,这就是个无关痛痒的小事
【近】fiddling,frivolous, inconsiderable, insignificant, minor, minute, negligible, nugatory,petty, slight, trivial
【反】consequential, eventful, important, meaningful, momentous, significant,substantial, weighty 重要的
【考法1】adj. 无可争议的:not open to question
【例】incontrovertible facts 无可非议的事实
【近】certain,inarguable, incontestable, indisputable, indubitable, positive, sure,undeniable, unquestionable
【反】arguable,controversial, debatable, disputable, problematic, questionable, refutable 有争议的
【派】incontrovertibility n. 无可争议
【考法1】adj. 不可救药的,积习难改的:incapable of beingcorrected or amended
【例】anincorrigible criminal deserving death penalty 一个应该被判死刑的恶习难改的罪犯
【近】incurable,irrecoverable, irredeemable, irremediable, irretrievable, unrecoverable,unredeemable
【反】curable,reclaimable, recoverable, redeemable, remediable, retrievable, savable 可以拯救的
【考法2】adj. 无法管制的:difficult or impossible tocontrol or manage
【例】anincorrigible, spoiled child 被宠坏了的难管的孩子
【近】headstrong, intractable, obstinate, refractory, stubborn, unmanageable, unruly,willful
【反】compliant,docile, manageable, obedient, submissive, tractable 顺从的
【考法1】vt. 归罪于:to accuse of a crime or other wrongful act
【例】incriminate innocent people 诬陷好人
【近】charge,criminate ,impeach, indict
【反】absolve,acquit, exculpate, exonerate, vindicate 免罪
incubate .
【考法1】vt. 孵化:to cover and warm eggs as the young inside develop
【例】The henincubated her eggs for two weeks. 母鸡孵蛋两周
【近】brood,hatch, sit
【考法2】vt. 帮助,培养,促进:to cause or aid the development of
【例】Hopefully,these youthful visits to the museum will incubate an enduring love of art. 我们希望年轻时
【近】advance,cultivate, encourage, forward, further, nourish, nurse, nurture, promote
【反】check,discourage, frustrate, hinder, impede, inhibit, obstruct, retard, shackle 妨碍,阻碍
【派】incubatorn. 恒温箱;incubationn. 孵化,孵卵
【近】charge,criminate, inculpate, indict
【反】absolve,acquit, exculpate, exonerate, vindicate 免罪
【考法1】n.入侵:a hostile entrance into a territory
【例】homesdamaged by the incursion of floodwater 被洪水入侵破坏的房屋
【近】foray,inroad, invasion, irruption, raid
【反】retreat,withdrawal 撤退
【考法1】adj. (印记等)无法擦除的:impossible to remove,erase, or wash away
【例】indelibleink 难以擦拭的墨水
【近】ineffaceable, ineradicable, inerasable, ingrained
【反】eradicable, erasable, removable, washable 可抹去的
【考法2】adj. 无法忘怀的:not easily forgotten
【例】mostindelible experiences 最难以磨灭的经历
【近】impressive, memorable, unforgettable
【反】forgettable 容易被忘记的
