新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List8:Unit9
日期:2015-05-03 15:33


【考法 1】 vt. 乐于接受: to take up willingly or eagerly
【例】 embrace the opportunity to study further 乐于接受继续深造的机会
【近】 accept, adopt, espouse, welcome
【反】 abjure 誓绝;abrogate, renounce, spurn 废除,摒弃
【考法 2】 vt. 包围:to surround or cover closely
【例】The stone walls that embrace the monastery serve to symbolize its function as a retreat from an unquiet
world. 包围着修道院的石墙是它远离喧嚣尘世的象征
【近】 circle, encompass, envelop, wrap
【考法 1】 v. (时常伴有夸张和想象内容)详细说明: to give an elaborate account of, often with florid language
and fictitious details
【例】 embroider the story of his adventures in the army 细说他服役时惊险的经历
【近】 elaborate, embellish, exaggerate, magnify, overstate, hyperbolize
【反】 downplay, de-emphasize 轻描淡写
【考法 1】 vi. 移民,移居海外: to leave one's place of residence or country to live elsewhere
【例】 have to emigrate to the United States due to political persecution 不得不因政治迫害而移民美国
【近】 migrate
【反】 immigrate 移入,入境;repatriate 遣返
【派】 emigrant n. (向外的)移民;emigration n. (向外)迁徙
【考法 1】 adj. 杰出的: exhibiting eminence especially in standing above others in some quality or position
【例】 an eminent young scientist 一名杰出的青年科学家
【近】 famous, celebrated, distinguished, famed, notable, prominent, renowned
【反】 mediocre, undistinguished 中庸的,平凡的
【派】 eminence n. 杰出,显赫
【考法 1】 adj. 起缓和作用的: making less intense or harsh
【例】 soothe us in our grieves with emollient words 用安慰的话语抚平我们的悲伤
【近】 appeasing, assuaging, mollifying, mitigating, relieving
【反】 aggravating, intensifying 使(局势、情况)加剧恶化的
【考法 1】 vt. 仿效并努力超越: to strive to equal or excel, especially through imitation
【例】 a role model worthy emulating 值得效仿的榜样
【近】 copy, imitate, mimic, mime
【派】 emulation n. 模仿
【考法 1】 vt.制定颁布法律: to establish by legal and authoritative act
【例】 Congress enacted the tax reform bill. 国会颁布了税法改革案
【近】 constitute, establish, legislate, pass, ratify, ordain, lay down
【反】 abolish, repeal, rescind, revoke 废除
【派】 enactment n. 颁布
【考法 1】 v. 涂亮漆;使具有光滑或亮泽的表面: to give a glossy or brilliant surface to
【近】 glaze, varnish
【反】 efface 抹去
【考法 2】 v. 用亮丽的表面装饰: to adorn with a brightly colored surface
【近】 adorn, beautify, bedeck, decorate, , embellish, garnish, ornament
【反】 disfigure 毁容
【考法 1】n. 赞颂之词:glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise
【例】received encomiums from literary critics 受到文学评论家的好评
【近】accolade, applause, compliment, eulogy, laud, panegyric, salutation, tribute
【反】criticism 批评;abuse, invective, vituperation 辱骂
【考法 1】 v. 组成,包含:to constitute or include
【例】 a plan that encompasses multiple aims 一项包含了多个目标的计划
【近】 contain, comprehend, embody, entail, involve, subsume
【反】 exclude 排除
【考法 2】 v. 包围: envelop
【例】 Berlin had already been encompassed by the Red Army and all Soviet soldiers were patiently waiting for
the order to put a final nail in Nazi Germany's coffin. 柏林已被红军包围,苏联士兵们静静地等待着最后的命令,
【近】 circle, embrace, enclose, environ, surround
