每日视频新闻:毕业生最难就业季 签约率仅三成
日期:2013-09-07 09:00







李天一案首日审理 三被告认罪李某否认


上海冷库液氨泄漏 15人死亡




北京房市调控出狠招 限制房价竞标地价



Walmart employees stage protests in cities across the U.S.


In cities across the country, Walmart employees took to the streets to protest. They're demanding higher wages and benefits. In L.A., they marched by the dozens. Several protestors were arrested.


SOUNDBITE: (English) Unidentifed person saying: "Sisters and brothers, we've got to keep reminding Walmart that it's our United States of America, we've got a right to speak out." Protestors are calling on the giant retailer to provide full-time work that pays 25-thousand dollars a year.


SOUNDBITE: (English) Walmart Employee saying: "The conditions could be better… You making money? Minimum wage." Some employees also claim Walmart is against unions. But a company spokesman say that's simply not true.


SOUNDBITE: (English) Walmart Spokesman Kory Lundberg saying: "While the law allows people the ability to be able to vote for a union, it also gives them the right and the ability to vote to not be a union and time and again, that's what we've seen our associates do." The protests were held in more than 15 cities across the U.S.
沃尔玛发言人隆柏格(Kory Lundberg)表示:“法律规定了人们选举组成工会的权利,也给了他们投票不要组成工会的能力和权利,我们的员工们向来都是这样的T*pMN|lsw~wgur。”抗议活动在美国超过15个城市举行Dj3Vo&f)uwP*Jy5vO9



U.S. Senate files resolution on Syria


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid returned to the floor on Friday as part of the continued push to move a resolution forward that would authorize limited U.S. military action in Syria. Reid came back from summer recess a few days early to file the resolution on the Senate floor, a clerical transaction that must take place in order for it to be put on the Senate calendar. Earlier in week, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved a resolution to authorize a limited military strike on Syria in response to its suspected use of chemical weapons against civilians.
周五,参议院多数派领袖哈里·里德(Harry Reid)重返工作岗位,作为继续推动美国对叙利亚采取有限的军事行动的决议的一部分g3BwOr1[.%q0Q=0V8Ylj。里德提前几天结束夏季休假,向议员席递交一份决议,该文书事务完成之后才能提上参议院日程]yDrmYNpN9oMHI。本周早些时候,参议院外交事务委员会通过一份决议,授权对叙利亚采取有限的军事打击,作为其对平民使用化学武器的回应~GvZsmxp]o.C,pnri0o


SOUNDBITE : Unidentified Person At Town Hall Meeting saying: "What I'm saying is, nobody wants war, I don't want war, I don't want my kids dying." Meanwhile, debate continues around the country on if the U.S. should get involved in Syria. Senator John McCain faced a fierce crowd at a town hall meeting in Tuscon.
市政厅会议未透露身份的人:“我要说,没有人希望发生战争,我也不希望发生战争,我不希望我的孩子牺牲RWnv&4.e!vhIfSy(cUT,。”同时,全国各地仍在就美国是否应该干预叙利亚问题展开辩论VQn~9|Nh&]N0er*%。参议员约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)在图森遭遇了群情激愤的景象,ejBfJ4M|2qON,xr


SOUNSBITE: U.S. Senator John Mccain Saying: "You're not exercising your 1st amendment rights. What you're doing is you're preventing others from exercising their rights and disrespecting them." Many at that town hall were opposed to U.S. involvement in Syria.
参议员约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain):“你们不是在执行第一修正案规定的权利u.XW,%).AeIIjZ5ge。你们是在阻止其他人执行自己的权利,是不尊重他们8OSabVn[h5|Vz!lu。”市政厅许多民众反对美国介入叙利亚事务vee7kRCh,L^6U



Clashes erupt in Jerusalem between Muslim worshippers and Israeli police


Clashes erupt as Israeli police storm a sacred Muslim site in Jerusalem, after stones were thrown in the direction of those guarding the site. Nestled within Jerusalem's walled Old City and erected 1,300 years ago, the al-Aqsa compound is now Islam's third holiest site. Within the hour, police entered a second time and fired stun grenades while rocks were hurled at police and at the Western Wall, a revered site for Jews. Five people were arrested. One police officer and several protesters also suffered minor injuries.


CCTV9:毕业生最难就业季 签约率仅三成




30% of graduates secured jobs so far
毕业生最难就业季 签约率仅三成


It has been the hardest season for job hunters in China. Nearly 7 million students graduate from university this year, the highest on record in the past 6 decades.


The latest survey by Zhaopin.com, a job-hunting portal for graduates, shows the average monthly salary for university graduates in 28 major cities of China this year. Shanghai tops the list, averaging over 4,800 yuan, and Beijing follows with around 4,700 yuan.


While new graduates can get nearly 4,500 yuan in Shenzhen city. They’re expecting less pay this year. Less than 30 percent of new graduates in China have secured jobs so far.


While a survey on 500 firms made by China’s ministry of education, shows that employers have trimmed the number of jobs available for new hires this year by about 15 percent.


武汉河流发现大量死鱼 或流向市场



Dead fish found in polluted river in C. China
武汉河流发现大量死鱼 或流向市场


Thousands of dead fish have been found floating in a river in central China following a toxic spill, the latest in a series of pollution scandals to hit the country's water supplies.


The sudden appearance of large quantities of dead fish caught many residents in Wuhan unprepared.


Mr. Zhang has been fishing on the Fu River over the past decade. He says water quality has deteriorated. He finds it increasingly difficult to catch live fish.


Zhang said, "We have to stop working for a few days. The fish are all dead. We have to wait for better quality water from the upper reaches."


People say the dead fish may have something to do with pollution. And it’s not the first time they’ve found dead fish. This is confirmed by the local environmental protection bureau.


Mr. Chen with environmental protection bureau in Wuhan Huangpo district, said, "The water is not even suitable for irrigation. It’s the worst type of water."


Fortunately, the river is not a source of drinking water. Authorities are closely monitoring nearby water plants and will suspend water supplies if quality problems are detected.


On Thursday, Wuhan municipal government said volatile organic compounds and heavy metals in the water are not beyond safety limits. But ammonia and nitrogen is 155 times normal, resulting in the dead fish. The government also says the source of pollution is in the upper reaches of the river, and it’s trying to identify who is responsible.

  • minoradj. 较小的,较少的,次要的 n. 未成年人,辅修科
  • toxicadj. 有毒的 n. 有毒物质
  • confirmedadj. 习惯的,积习的,确认过的,证实的 动词conf
  • suitableadj. 合适的,适宜的 adv. 合适地,恰当地
  • eruptv. 爆发
  • claimn. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物 vt. 要
  • calendarn. 日历,月历,日程表 vt. 把 ... 列入日程表
  • appearancen. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面
  • responsen. 回答,响应,反应,答复 n. [宗]答复语,
  • involvementn. 包含,缠绕,混乱,复杂的情况