日期:2015-04-26 10:25













毕业季来临 毕业还是失业






Let's talk about the numbers, let’s talk about possibly even the younger generation. Are men being taught through video, through music, through rap, through hip-pop, through TV, through movies that they gotta be players, they gotta be gangsters and they are learning nothing about relationships.


Yes! Misinformation. Listen, listen, I’ve said, I say it all the time, that I believe my business, the entertainment business has done more to misleading, decimate the self-esteem of us and our young people in virtually any other industry, and that's real.


It is, this is the reality of the situation, kids watch TV, they have iPhones, they have, they are more technologically advanced than we are.


But they got parents too.


Yes, we are parents, we ain't take it away, Jimi, but I am just saying, this is, this is what it is. Everybody listens to Steve Harvey on the radio, they go out, they watch these films. It is up to us as parents to be role models and explain to them, uh, the other side, but they’re gonna look these people as role model.
是的,我们也是父母2V*;]RmXM1NY6k]。我们不是推卸责任QS^yyMBy.5%h。但是,我要说的是,这是事实&X0HK8ziud^。每个人都通过无线电收听Steve Harvey的节目,他们也会出去看电影!Kz2BURaG6I9H;。作为父母,我们是他们的榜样,我们也会向他们做出解释M!oUO3%cN_M。但是他们也会把明星作为偶像,作为模范mZRQGh6IS~f@mlrv@oD


One of the problems that you have is that we, men in my age are responsible for what you see in music today, what you see in videos today. We forgot to teach, just a few simple things, you know, the business of manhood is being cool, cool in our styles, so we replace cool with hot now. Nobody smiles on our albumn no more, everybody hot now. We used to dress for women. We don't dress for women no more, we dress for each other. Women don't care none about your boots being on tag, your sagging, abandon on your hair, you got only a six-egg-T-SHIRT, and you wear a medium, women don't like none of that, women don't want to see your drawers when you walk down the street. But because, but because it looks good to our hormone, that’s what we do and then we forgot to teach our young boys how to talk to women. So now, you don't know how to talk to girl, now your songs ain’t about love no more.


Our song now is about, move be get out of the way, get out of the way,(snap or slip the rapid nail)beaches in different area code, smack that, give me that. You know, it’s all in that. because we, our fault. This is man. We’ve allowed this, we are the only race of people who degrade our woman in our music. We are the ones. This is us. Until like Hill said, until we start checking one another, and we gotta get busy right quick. We, you won’t get better man, unless we start producing better man.





Eurozone urges Greece to pick up the pace of reforms


Eurozone Finance Ministers will resume their meeting in Riga on Saturday, with Greece again the main topic of conversation. The country has six days to come up with a reform plan, or face the prospect that the EU will cut off its bailout package. As the deadline nears, there's a new sense of optimism in Athens that Greece and its creditors will manage to hammer out a deal in time.


After meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the sidelines of Thursday's leaders summit, Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras insisted he wants a deal for Greece concluded by the end of this month.


An agreement would unlock access to bailout loans totaling the equivalent of nearly eight billion US dollars. But when finance ministers met in Riga on Friday, there was clear pessimism surrounding that deadline.


It's unclear exactly when Greece will run out of cash, but it has a series of repayments due to the International Monetary Fund in May.


The threat of contagion from a potential Greek default remains the single biggest risk to the euro zone's recent and still fragile economic recovery.


Despite the risks the Eurogroup president made it clear on Friday that any major concessions would have to come from Athens.


With polls showing that risks of a Greek default are rising sharply, a growing number of European politicians and Central Bank officials are now saying such an event may not automatically mean Greece would have to exit the single currency area.





Former Yemeni president calls for end to unrest


Yemen's former President Ali Abdullah Saleh has called on militants to withdraw from all provinces in the country, and open a political dialogue to bring an end to the conflict.


In a statement, Saleh said that all parties should stop fighting and return to the dialogue process. He also called on all militants and armed supporters of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to withdraw from the southern city of Aden, and hand over power to local authorities.


The former President said he is ready to reconcile with all parties that have opposed him since 2011.


Meanwhile, US Secretary of State John Kerry said the Houthi rebels needed to stop fighting. He said the priority now is to find a location for peace talks, adding that the United Nations had already appointed a facilitator.
