英语六级翻译训练每日一题附答案和讲解 第215期:儒家看婚姻
日期:2015-03-16 16:59




儒家学派(Confucianism)认为婚姻对家庭和社会都有重大意义。对于家庭,婚姻能将不同姓氏的家庭聚在一起,延续相关家族的家庭生活。对于社会,夫妻是人口的基本单位,婚姻有时能影响到国家的政治稳定和国际关系。从儒家思想来看, 婚姻的目的之一是培养美德。一夫一妻制(monogamy)的观念根深蒂固,中国人明白婚姻应该建立在爱情的基础上。出于孝(filial piety)与礼(propriety)的观念,婚姻成了昂贵的仪式,被认为仅次于葬礼。聘媒人(matchmaker)可以确保丈夫和妻子彼此般配,但主要是为了家庭的最大利益。



To the Confucians, marriage is of great importance to both family and the society. As for family, marriage can bring families of different surnames together, and continue the family life of the concerned clans. Socially, a married couple is the basic unit of the population;sometimes marriages can even affect the country's political stability and international relations. From the perspective of Confucianism, one purpose of marriage is to cultivate virtue.The Chinese have seen that marriage should be founded on love since the concept of monogamy is deeply rooted in their mindset. Due to the concept of filial piety and propriety, marriage has become a costly affair and been seen as second only to funeral ceremonies. The employ of a matchmaker can ensure that the husband and wife are compatible with each other,but primarily work in the families'best interests.


1.儒家学派认为婚姻对家庭和社会都有重大意义:表示“对…有重大意义”可用 be of great importance或be of great significance,在句中作谓语。
2.培养美德:可译为不定式结构to cultivate virtue。
3.一夫一妻制的观念根深蒂固:可译为the concept of monogamy is deeply rooted in their mindset。“根深蒂固”译为be deeply rooted。mindset意为“思想倾向”。
4.出于孝与礼:“出于”可理解为“由于”,故译为due to,表示原因。“孝与礼”即 “孝道与礼节”,译为 filial piety and propriety。
5.仅次于葬礼:可译为second only to funeral ceremonies。其中be second only to意 为“仅次于…”。
6.丈夫和妻子彼此般配:可译为the husband and wife are compatible with each other。be compatible with意为“适合,与…相配”。
7.为了…的最大利益:可译为 work in one's best interests。
