新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List7:Unit2
日期:2015-03-31 11:35



【考法1】v. 拘留:to hold or keep in or as if in custody

【例】detainedby the police for questioning 被警察扣留下问讯

【反】manumit 释放


【考法1】vt. 吓住,威慑:to prevent or discourage from acting, as by means of fear or doubt

【例】wouldn’t be deterred by threats 不被威胁吓住


【反】spur,courage, persuade 激励

【派】deterrentadj/ n. 威慑力量,威慑的

【例】deterrentweapons 威慑性武器; adeterrent to theft 对偷窃的威慑

【反】inducement, incentive 引诱,刺激


【考法1】n. 恶化;堕落:a gradual sinking and wasting away of mind or body

【例】acontinuing deterioration in relations between the two countries 两国关系的持续恶化

【近】decadence,degeneration, deterioration, devolution, downfall, downgrade

【反】improvement, recovery, recuperation, rehabilitation, revitalization 改进,改善


【考法1】n. 偏离正常标准:a turning away from a course or standard

【例】we'llregard this relapse as just a brief detour on your road to recovery fromsubstance abuse 我 们把


【近】deflection, departure, deviation, divergency

【考法2】v. 改变方向或者路线:to change one's course or direction

【例】we had todetour for a few miles around the section of highway under construction 我们不得不绕远几公


【近】deviate,diverge, sheer, swerve, veer


【考法1】v. 贬低:to diminish the importance, value, or effectiveness of something

【例】It iswrong to detract from the achievements of other people in the same field. 贬低同行是不对的。

【近】belittle,depreciate, derogate, disparage, dispraise, write off

【反】extol,praise, eulogize, laud, panegyrize 赞美

【考法2】v. 使分心:to draw the attention or mind to something else

【例】Numeroustypos in the text detract the reader's attention from the novel's intricateplot. 许多打印错误把


【近】divert,abstract, call off


【考法1】n. 废品,碎屑,遗骸:a product of disintegration, destruction, or wearing away: debris

【例】thedetritus of war 战争的遗骸

【近】debris,residue, wreck

【反】valuableproduct 有用的物品


【考法1】adj. 投入的,忠诚的:characterized by loyaltyand devotion

【例】Goodteachers are devoted to learning. 好老师会专心学习。

【近】constant,loyal, allegiant, dedicated, devout, loyal, pious, staunch, steadfast

【反】disloyal,faithless, perfidious, unfaithful 不忠诚的;recreant, traitorous, treacherous 背叛的

【考法2】adj. 示爱的,恩爱的:feeling or showing love

【例】a devotedcouple will enjoy sharing their lives with one another. 一对恩爱的情侣喜欢和对方一起度过自


【近】adoring,affectionate, fond, tender, tenderhearted

【反】unloving 无爱心的,冷漠的


【考法1】adj. (对于宗教)虔诚的:devoted to religion or toreligious duties or exercises

【例】a devoutBuddhist 虔诚的佛教徒

【近】pious,religious, sainted

【反】antireligious, impious 不虔诚的

【考法2】adj. 忠诚的:firm in one's allegiance tosomeone or something

【例】DevoutMavericks fans never lost faith in Nowitzki. 忠诚的小牛队球迷从来没有对诺维斯基失去信心。

【近】constant,loyal, allegiant, dedicated, devout, loyal, pious, staunch, steadfast

【反】disloyal,faithless, perfidious, unfaithful 不忠诚的;recreant, traitorous, treacherous 背叛的


【考法1】adj. 动作灵活的:ready and skilled in physicalmovements

【例】adexterous surgeon 技术娴熟的外科医生|| The dexterous watchmaker was able to repair the antique watch's delicate gears and parts. 手巧的手表匠能够修理古董手表的精密的齿轮和部件。


【反】ham-fisted, ham-handed, handless, heavy-handed, unhandy 手笨的

【考法2】adj. 头脑灵活的:mentally adroit and skillful:clever

【近】adroit,clever, cunning

【反】dull,foolish, silly, fatuous, unwise 傻的


【考法1】adj. 恶魔一般的:of, relating to, orcharacteristic of the devil

【例】The policequickly mobilized to track down the diabolical serial killer. 警察迅速调动起来来追查出这个恶


【近】demoniac,demonian, demonic, devilish, satanic

【反】angelic, seraphic 天使般的
