新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List5:Unit9
日期:2015-03-18 11:26



【考法1】adj. 有世界性眼光的,包容的:having worldwide ratherthan limited or provincial scope or bearing

【例】acosmopolitan traveler 云游四海的旅行者

【近】universal,catholic, global, worldwide

【反】insular,provincial 狭隘的

【派】cosmopolitism n. 世界主义,天下主义


【考法1】v. 宠爱:to treat as a pet; pamper

【近】caress,cuddle, dote, pet, mollycoddle

【反】slight 怠慢;abuse 虐待

【派】cossetedadj. 被宠坏的


【考法1】v. 容忍:to put up with (something painful or difficult)

【例】Thecollege administration will not countenance cheating. 大学管理部门决不容忍作弊的存在

【近】abide,endure, stand, stomach, wear

【考法2】v. 赞成,推崇:to have a favorable opinion of

【例】I don'tcountenance such behavior in children of any age. 对于任何年龄的孩子,我都不推崇那种行为

【近】accept,favor, subscribe

【反】disapprove, frown 表示反对

【考法3】n. 沉着,冷静:evenness of emotions or temper

【例】The doctor’s purposeful countenance was instark contrast to everyone else's hysteria. 医生带有目的性的沉着与他人的歇斯底里形成了巨大的反差

【近】aplomb,calmness, composure, sangfroid, serenity

【反】agitation,discomposure, perturbation 急躁,焦虑


【考法1】adj. 仿制的,假冒的:made in imitation ofsomething else with intent to deceive

【例】counterfeit money 假币

【近】forged,bogus, spurious, pseudo, feigned, artificial, phony

【反】authentic,genuine 真实的

【考法2】vt. 仿制:to make a fraudulent replica of

【例】counterfeitthe signature 仿造签名

【近】copy,forge, imitate, simulate, mimic

【考法3】vt. 伪装成:to present a false appearance of

【例】tocounterfeit a happy expression while visiting a sick friend 在看望患病的朋友时装出一副高兴的样子

【近】affect,assume, fake, pretend


【考法1】vt. 取消,撤销:to revoke (a command) by a contrary order

【例】countermand an order 撤销命令

【近】annul,repeal, rescind, revoke, cancel

【反】approve,permit, sanction 批准


【考法1】vt./n. 追求,献殷勤:to seek the affections of

【例】court theyoung lady by bring her flowers every day 通过每天给年轻女孩送花追求女孩

【近】woo,pursue, invite

【反】spurn,snub 摒弃,怠慢

【派】courteousadj. 彬彬有礼的


【考法1】adj. 隐蔽的,秘密的:not openly shown, engagedin, or avowed

【例】covertalliance 秘密联盟

【近】cloistered, hidden, secret, sheltered

【反】open,overt, aboveboard 公开的

【考法2】n. 隐秘掩护所:a place where a person goes to hide or to avoid others

【例】set up acovert from which to watch wildlife without being detected 设立了一个隐蔽的野生动物观测点

【近】concealment, hermitage, hideaway, nest, lair


【考法1】adj. 贪婪的,渴求财富的:marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or foranother's


【例】castcovetous eyes on their neighbors’fields 对他邻居的土地垂涎

【近】acquisitive,avaricious, avid, rapacious, grasping


【派】covet v. 觊觎,贪婪


【考法1】v. 恐吓,威胁:to frighten with threats or a show of force

【例】cow sb.into doing sth. 威吓某人做某事

【近】intimidate,browbeat, bully, hector, awe

【反】embolden,encourage, inspirit 鼓励

【派】cowed adj. 被吓倒的


【考法1】n. 懦弱,不坚定:lack of courage or resolution

【例】cowardicein the face of danger 面对危险时的懦弱

【近】cravenness, dastardliness, gutlessness, poltroonery, pusillanimity,spinelessness

【反】courage,guts, pluck , intrepidness, nerve, stoutness, valiance, valor 勇气

【派】coward n. 懦夫
