新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List7:Unit8
日期:2015-04-06 11:41



【考法1】adj. 公正的,无偏见的:free from selfish motiveor interest: unbiased

【例】adisinterested decision 公正的决定

【近】equal,evenhanded, impartial, just, nonpartisan, dispassionate, objective, square,unbiased, unprejudiced

【反】biased,inequitable, nonobjective, one-sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced, unjust 不公正的,有偏见的

【考法2】adj. 没有兴趣的:having or showing a lack ofinterest or concern

【例】The city'sphilistines, naturally disinterested in art, voted to cut the museum's budget. 城市里对艺术本


【近】apathetic,incurious, insouciant, nonchalant, perfunctory, unconcerned

【反】concerned,interested 关心的,感兴趣的


【考法1】adj. 分离的:marked by breaks or disunity

【例】adisjunctive narrative sequence 分散的叙述顺序

【近】discrete,separate, disconnected, disunited

【反】combined,connected, jointed, mixed,united连接的,混合的


【考法1】vt. 分解,分拆:to take to pieces also : to destroy the integrity or functioning of

【例】dismantlea machine 分拆机器

【近】breakdown, knock down

【反】assemble,construct 组装


【考法1】v. 使失去勇气:to cause to lose courage or resolution

【例】Theexcessive homework dismayed ourselves. 过量的作业让我们失去了信心。

【近】chill,daunt, dishearten, dispirit, frustrate, unnerve

【反】embolden,encourage, hearten, nerve 鼓励,使勇敢

【考法2】v. 使不安,使焦虑:to trouble the mind of; to make uneasy

【例】Parentsbecame increasingly dismayed by their son's GPA. 父母对他们儿子的平均成绩非常焦虑。

【近】agitate,bother, discomfort, discompose, disquiet, distemper, distress, perturb,unsettle, upset

【反】calm,compose, quiet, soothe, tranquilize 平息抚慰


【考法1】vt. 贬低,轻蔑地说:to lower in rank or reputation; to speak of in a slighting ordisrespectful way;


【例】use thepast to disparage the present 借古讽今|| Voters don't like political advertisements in which

opponents disparage one another.选民不喜欢看到贬低竞争对手的政治广告。

【近】belittle,denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, degrade

【反】acclaim,applaud, exalt, extol, glorify, laud 赞扬


【考法1】adj. 迥然不同的:fundamentally distinct ordifferent in kind; entirely dissimilar

【例】Thiscouple of seemingly disparate topics have something in common. 这两个看似无关的主题其实有些相


【近】dissimilar, distinct, distinguishable, diverse, nonidentical, unalike

【反】alike,identical, indistinguishable, kindred, like, parallel, same, similar 相似的,相同的


【考法1】adj. 客观公正的,不易被情绪或偏见影响的:devoid of orunaffected by passion, emotion, or bias

【例】Journalists should aim to be dispassionate observers. 记者们应该朝着成为一个公正的观察者努力。

【近】disinterested, equal, equitable, evenhanded, impartial, just, nonpartisan,objective, unbiased, unprejudiced

【反】biased,inequitable, nonobjective, one-sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced, unjust 有偏见的,不公正的


【考法1】n. 迅速:promptness and efficiency in performance or transmission

【例】do sth.with dispatch 迅速的做某事

【近】alacrity,haste, swiftness, expedition, promptitude

【反】leisureliness, delay, procrastination 悠然,拖延

【考法2】v. 发送,运输:to cause to go or be taken from one place to another

【例】todispatch a messenger with urgent news 发送一个紧急消息

【近】transfer,transmit, transport, pack off

【反】accept,receive 接收

【考法3】v. 使死亡:to deprive of life

【例】dispatch acriminal 处决罪犯|| Theman dispatched the termites with professional efficiency. 那 个 男


【反】animate 使有生命

【考法4】v. 获胜:to achieve a victory over

【例】Theydispatched the other team with breaking a sweat. 他们险胜其他的队。

【近】conquer,defeat, subdue, triumph over, prevail over

【反】lose to 输


【考法1】vt. 使倾向:to give a tendency to: incline

【例】faulty dietdisposes one to sickness 营养不全面导致疾病

【派】disposedadj. 喜欢的:willingor likely,inclined

【例】not feeldisposed to argue with her 不喜欢与她争执

【近】willing,inclined, predisposed, prone

【反】disinclined, indisposed 不喜欢的

【考法2】vi. 处理掉(与of 连用,dispose of):to get rid of; throw out

【派】disposaln. 处理,不再利用:theact of getting rid of something that is no longer wanted or needed

【例】thepermanent disposal of radioactive wastes 对放射性废物的永久处理

【考法3】v. 布置有序:to place, distribute, or arrange especially in an orderly way

【例】Disposethe surgical instruments in the exact order in which they would be needed. 把手术仪器按他



【反】disarrange, disarray, disorder, upset, mess up, muss up 使混乱


【考法1】vt. 漠视,不关注:to pay no attention to

【例】disregardthe advice of his executives 漠视执行管理者的建议

【近】ignore,overlook, slight

【反】heed,mind, regard, attend to 关注

【考法2】n. 缺乏兴趣,缺乏关心:lack of interest or concern

【例】Revelersfired guns in the air with complete disregard for the possible consequences. 饮酒狂欢者一点


【近】apathy,disinterestedness, incuriosity, nonchalance, torpor, unconcern

【反】concern, interest, regard 关心,感兴趣
