China's Supreme People's Court (SPC) announced on Thursday that it would forbid suspects on trial from wearing prison uniforms or clothes that would indicate that they are suspects in criminal cases in a move to better protect the rights of the accused, Xinhua News Agency reported on Thursday.
on trial是出庭受审;prison uniforms是囚服。
26日,最高法在北京召开新闻发布会(news conference),发布《最高人民法院(Supreme People's Court,简称SPC)关于全面深化人民法院改革的意见——人民法院第四个五年改革纲要(five-year reform plan)(2014-2018)》。其中,第11项指出,强化人权(human rights)司法保障机制。
该项提到,“彰显现代司法文明,禁止让犯罪嫌疑人(criminal suspects)穿着识别服、马甲(vest)、囚服等具有监管机构标识(carry the logo of prison or detention house)的服装出庭受审。”
最高法司改办主任贺小荣表示,只有经过庭审的辩论以后,才能确定被告人(defendant)是不是构成了犯罪(guilty)。所以为了更好保护被告的人权(better protect the human rights of the defendants),我们准备推进这项改革。
我国《刑事诉讼法》(Criminal Procedure Law of China)规定(stipulate):未经人民法院审判不得确定其有罪(no person shall be found guilty without being judged as such according to the law by a People's Court)。
这一原则也可称作无罪推定(presumption of innocence),这是世界刑事司法系统(criminal justice systems)中所体现(embody)的最重要的权利之一。