日期:2015-02-03 08:11



Sky news:咖啡可降低黑色素瘤风险













Coffee Study Shows It May Reduce Melanoma Risk


Now, to the hidden health benefit of coffee. A new study revealing it may reduce your risk of getting the most dangerous kind of skin cancer.ABC's doctor is here with what you need to know. You know we're people drinking off coffee right now.


-I know. Are you guys fans?




-OK, I know.


-But what are the main findings here?


-For this is a big study done at Yale. They looked about half a million people and followed them for ten years by questionnaire and found those who drank the most coffee had the lowest risk of skin cancer, the deadly formulation melanoma. And it went down with every cup they drink a day. If you drink 4 or more cups a day, like I do, cut their risk by 20 percent. It's not on the same hour, no worry.


-You make me scared.


-So should people start drinking more coffee?


-Well, we have to remember caffeine is a drug, right? And there can be side effect and risk, so we think it can repower blood pressure and can cause the hydration. It can lead to insomnia, but the benefits have been very well documented. Also it can lower the risk not just the skin cancer, and series of cancer, and it can be protected for the brain, so more positive outcome.


-It exactly explains why they know the positive could be thinking.


-They can. This is the thing. This study was done by an association, but that's the first step in medicine and science. So after we see in an association whether it is real or not. And if it's real, or which this appears to be, is it causal, or there are other factors that can also contribute to this, and then you start looking for cause and effect. For now, continue the sunscreen, but enjoy your coffee.


-Cheers, here's my fan.


-You will drink a full cup.


-Yeah, a full cup, right now.


-This isn't right.


-Hang on. Everybody can get in on Twitter after Dr. Jane, your question throughout the Morning. All you need to do is to twitter at Dr. J.
等一下|ioeYLz&&vZgB9gd3m。每个人都可以在社交网站推特上联系Dr. Janek#6._2[-=^f~!x5|b。你所需要做的就是发消息给Dr. Janev,C!XTi&)w(b99=d





Serena Williams wins her 6th Australian Open title


Change to tennis for the highly anticipated showdown between the two best women's tennis players in the world, Serena Williams and Maria Sharapova as they took the court at the Rod Laver Arena to battle in the final of the Australian Open. The two are hardly strangers, but their rivalry is rather lopsided as Serena has beaten the Russian 15 times in a row and is unlikely to let up now as she chases her 19th career grand slam title and sixth at the event.


Sharapova serving in the far court. Both are known as big hitting baseliners and they don't disappoint. Vicious angle on the forehand winner from Williams.


Serean is up a break at 3-2 when the rain comes down and the towels come out. the match is delayed 12 minutes to close the roof.


We go to set point in the first with Williams up 5-3. Sharapova clips the net and Serena blasts a backhand winner to break her at love for the frame.


Williams would continue her thunderous attack in the second set. Another big two-handed backhand takes this one.

Now to championship point. And with Saharapova's back to the wall, she comes up with a stunning forehand winner that finds the corner. She later wins the game and forces a tiebreak.


Serena starts well, powering down a service return for a winner.
Now serving on another championship point, and Serena would nail her 18th ace of the match and after some uncertainty the result is confirmed and the celebration can begin. It's her 16th straight win over world number two Sharapova and Serena becomes the oldest winner of the Aussie Open at 33 years old. Her 19th career grand slam title moves her into second place all time, ahead of Chris Evert and Martina Navratilova, who was on hand to present the trophy, the sixth Serena has won.


"It feels really good. It feels really good to be sitting here as the champion. I definitely didn't think I would be here in the beginning of the week, or the beginning of the two weeks, but it feels pretty excellent...19 was very difficult to get to ... took me 33 years to get here ... so I would love to get there. But I have to get to 20 first, and then I have to get to 21. There's so many wonderful young players coming up, so it will be a very big task. My next goal was just to get to 19," Serena said.


"If I'm getting to the Finals of Grand Slams, and setting myself up to play a match against Serena, I mean, I know it sounds -- maybe you're telling me I'm wrong -- but I'm happy to be in that position. I love the competition. I love playing against the best, and at the moment she is," Sharapova said.


Italians defeat Herbert & Mahut of France 6-4, 6-4


Meanwhile, Simone Bolelli and Fabio Fognini captured their first Grand Slam doubles title. The Italian duo, playing their ninth major together, defeated the all-French team of Pierre-Hugues Herbert and Nicolas Mahut 6-4, 6-4 in the Men's Final. They also became the first all-Italian team to capture a Grand Slam men's doubles title in more than half a century, and their triumph marks their third doubles trophy overall. The team had previously reached the Semi-Finals of the 2011 US Open, and the 2013 Australian Open.

  • triumphn. 凯旋,欢欣 vi. 得胜,成功,庆功
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • associationn. 联合,结合,交往,协会,社团,联想
  • trophyn. 奖品,战利品
  • rown. 排,船游,吵闹 vt. 划船,成排 vi. 划船,
  • anticipatedadj. 预期的;期望的 v. 预料(anticipat
  • confirmedadj. 习惯的,积习的,确认过的,证实的 动词conf
  • revealingadj. 有启迪作用的,透露内情的,袒露身体的 动词re
  • settingn. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲 动词
  • championshipn. 锦标赛,冠军,拥护