日期:2015-01-30 08:12
















Boeing's profit soars


Boeing delivered a lot more commercial planes, and that fueled profit sharply higher in the latest quarter. Driving revenue: the ever popular narrow bodied 737 and its newest jet, the 787 Dreamliner. Boeing sped up production to prevent awaiting customers from shifting to rival Airbus. That helped Boeing's beat Airbus in deliveries and set an industry record as airlines clamored for planes to meet the pent-up demand for travel. While deliveries were strong on the commercial side, they fell for most of Boeing's military aircraft amid cutbacks in U.S. military spending. But Boeing issued a mixed outlook. Its estimated profit for this year fell shy of Wall Street's forecasts. The aerospace giant predicts operating cash flow of more than $9 billion, which was just above estimates. That's important because investors want to gauge how successful Boeing is in cutting production costs on the Dreamliner, which would add to its cash flow. Boeing's backlog of commercial jets grew to 5800 planes. Analysts are concerned that low fuel prices could tempt airlines to defer deliveries of more fuel-efficient planes or cancel orders. Boeing's stock, which has been rather steady despite the oil price slide, rose in early trading.



Co-pilot flying plane prior to crash


Indonesian investigators say the French co-pilot of AirAsia flight QZ8501 was at the controls just before the plane started to go down.During a news conference, the head investigator said information from the flight data recorders gave them a clear picture of what happened.Officials said the plane had been cruising at a stable altitude before it crashed. They also said the aircraft was in sound condition when it took off, and all the crew members were properly certified. The cause of the crash is still unknown. The flight went down off the coast of Indonesia on December 28th. All 162 people onboard died.



Central Peru ravaged by Amazonian floods


Streets have turned into rivers in parts of Peru after heavy rains caused mudslides and severe flooding in the country's Amazon region. And while some are making the best of it...these muddy brown waters have destroyed houses and farmland, leaving hundreds homeless. In some areas,knee-deep mud has made it almost impossible for residents to walk - even threatening to swallow this car. And the ordeal is far from over---officials expect the floods to continue into February---prompting the government to declare a 60-day emergency to give crews time to bring relief supplies and clean up the water-logged region.





Blizzard slams Northeast; NYC spared


Bostonians are braving the blizzard of 2015. SOUNDBITE: BOSTON RESIDENT JENN SATO SAYING: "She is loving it. I'm doing ok - I'm not feeling as energetic and excited but I mean, I think I'm prepared. I've got my goggles, I've got my five layers of pants and I'm ready to go." Massachusetts got more than a foot of snow from the storm that swept across the Northeast burying cars and side streets. And it's not over yet. Snow is expected to keep falling throughout the day Tuesday. The whiteout conditions perfect for some cross-country skiing. SOUNDBITE: BOSTON RESIDENT NICK FOGEL SAYING: "It's sort of the novelty of being able to ski in the streets and then ski in these areas where you usually see cars packing the roads." In New York City, the storm fell short of dire predictions. Instead of three feet of snow, the city only got about 6 inches. SOUNDBITE: UNIDENTIFIED NEW YORKER SAYING: "Disappointed. I want more. I'm off from work today and I feel like there is no reason for me to be off. So, I'm just going to go to the gym now and just relax at home all day." The underwhelming snow made it easier to clear streets and sidewalks. Despite dodging mother nature's bullet, many businesses and restaurants remained closed. For those who had to venture outside, the snowy conditions weren't all that bad. SOUNDBITE: UNIDENTIFIED NEW YORKER SAYING: "Well this is not a bad one. A bad one was in 1947. That was a big one." New Yorkers spared this time around as their neighbors to the north are dealing with the worst of it.





High-end sales in China fell by 1% in 2014


China will soon account for one fifth of the world's luxury sales. According to a new report by Bain and Company, last year consumers in China spent nearly 19 billion US dollars on luxury goods. But despite this, it says, luxury consumption in the country still fell in 2014.


The increasing amount of wealth in China has made it one of the most important markets for luxury brands. But, they're buying fewer than before.


And Chinese brands are often a better bargain. Due to import taxes, luxury brands cost up to two-thirds more than overseas... Sending many shoppers abroad.


According to Bain & Company, 70 percent of Chinese luxury buyers now shop overseas. And China's ongoing anti-corruption campaign has dented luxury gift giving.


"Luxury spending has been slowing in China for several years, ever since the government's anti-corruption campaign began. But for the first time in recent years, luxury consumption here has actually fallen, down one percent, last year.


The sales dip comes after growth of 7 percent in 2013. And 2 percent in 2012.


Luxury watches were worst-hit, plunging 13 percent last year.


Dennis Wang, who runs this online watch store, says sales of expensive watches have fallen, but cheaper watch sales have grown.


"In 2014, we sold more than 100 thousand watches, up around 60 percent from 2013. Most buyers already know what they're looking for and buy it online for less. It's also because we sell a wide range of watches, with prices from several hundred yuan, to hundreds of thousands. So market changes do not affect us much," Wang said.


But many other retailers are being hit by the changes in China's luxury market.


Bruno Lannes, head of consumer goods, retail and luxury for Bain in China, says 2014 was quote, "an extraordinary year". And that he expects 2015 to be very similar.


"We saw for the first time a decline in the market. There are three main reasons. One is the anti-graft campaign. The second is that Chinese consumers buy a lot of luxury products outside China, or through 'daigou' agencies. The third reason is more are now enjoying experiential luxury, enjoying good times in spas, resorts and cruises, not only owning luxurious products," Lannes said.


With experiences now more important to Chinese, it seems brands need to offer more than just a product to win them over.


  • beatv. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动 n. 敲打,拍子,心跳
  • venturen. 冒险,风险,投机 v. 尝试,谨慎地做,冒险一试
  • slidevi. 滑,滑动,滑入,悄悄地溜走 vt. 使滑动 n.
  • unknownadj. 未知的,不出名的
  • extraordinaryadj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的
  • quoten. 引用 v. 引述,举证,报价
  • energeticadj. 精力旺盛的,有力的,能量的
  • temptvt. 引诱,诱惑,勾引
  • importn. 进口,进口商品,意义 v. 进口,输入
  • prioradj. 优先的,更重要的,在前的 adv. 居先,在前