每日视频新闻:亚航客机失联 搜索工作正在进行
日期:2014-12-29 08:24



路透社:亚航客机失联 搜索工作正在进行














Search for missing AirAsia plane
亚航客机失联 搜索工作正在进行


At Surabaya Airport in Indonesia from where AirAsia Flight QZ8501 took off on Sunday worried relatives were waiting for news of its fate. The aircraft lost contact with traffic controllers after the pilots asked to fly higher to avoid bad weather. There were at least 155 passengers and seven crew on board. Most were Indonesian. The airline says there were also three South Koreans, and one each from Singapore and Malaysia. Indonesian transport officials say the plane disappeared between the port town of Tanjung Pandan and Pontianak town on Borneo. They said no distress signal was sent. The airline and Indonesia's air force are searching for the plane. Singapore says it's also mobilised its air force and navy to help.



Northern England hit with heavy snow, closing roads and airport
英格兰北部遭遇暴雪 道路和机场关闭


Winter has come to the UK in a big way. Heavy snow and ice hitting parts of central and northern England Saturday. An airport in Leeds was closed overnight, but flights eventually resumed. Roads were a problem, especially in several northern counties. In Derbyshire, drivers were even stranded in at least two areas due to too much snow. Just a reminder that snow isn't always that much fun.



South-west Germany hit by snow, ice


For southwest Germany, their White Christmas came a bit late this year. After an unusually warm Christmas season, Frankfurt got a healthy dose of snow and ice -- one many welcomed.


(SOUNDBITE) (German) MATTHEW COLEMAN, SAYING: "It's like a belated Christmas gift. That's why we are so happy."
MATTHEW COLEMAN:“这就像迟来的圣诞礼物7ekG5UP]R]Iw9R[nj8n。这也是我们如此开心的原因GmKtG6*y_m~-%。”


While drivers had to be careful and workers laid out salt, the people that got out in the snow made the most of it.


(SOUNDBITE) (German) FELIX MAUSE SAYING: "We went outside, for a bit of a walk. We are building snowmen, having snowball-fights. Everything you do in winter."
FELIX MAUSE:“我们走到雪中步行E-D|DN#aaM.l4。我们堆雪人,打雪仗dt~#-fN=uLEGCaBL。在冬季可以做的一切事情gfdHVtz]F5M。”


The German weather service says more snow and ice is expected for the turn of the year -- meaning this could be just the beginning.





Weak rouble rebounds, but Russians keep up seasonal spending spree


Despite a weakening and wavering rouble, a Moscow shopping mall is packed full of shoppers. Russians rushed to the stores Thursday to grab last-minute holiday gifts and get their hands on durable goods. This comes as the rouble plunged dramatically last week because of steep declines in oil prices. But thanks to a government order for exporters to sell some of their hard currency revenues, the rouble on Friday rose to its strongest levels in more than three weeks. One shopper says the currency crisis is forcing him to be more creative. (SOUNDBITE) (Russian) SHOPPER, PAVEL, SAYING : "I am trying to prepare more items by hand. Everyone is pleased, because I'm showing more creativity than last year. When there is money there is less creativity. You go to the shops and select what appears beautiful to you. When there isn't money, then you think and use your imagination and are creative." Russians remain divided on who to blame for the rouble's recent plunge, but many are beginning to feel the effects. (SOUNDBITE) (Russian) SHOPPER, ANASTASIA, SAYING: "It will affect us drastically because we are traveling to Europe and everything is getting more expensive because of the euro currency. We will do all of our shopping there and now we are just buying necessities for the winter to not be cold." Russian authorities have taken steps to halt the rouble's slide and curb inflation, which after years of stability may threaten President Vladimir Putin's reputation for ensuring the country's prosperity.





China Railway Corporation's website is compromised


The China Railway Corporation has announced that police have detained two people suspected of illegally obtaining and disclosing personal information from its official ticket purchasing website,www.12306.cn. They urge consumers not to use the same password for different websites or to purchase tickets from a third-party website.


The company said on its official Weibo account that two suspects -- surnamed Jiang and Shi -- were arrested on Thursday night. The pair are alleged to have illegally accessed user information stored in the website's ticket sales system, using usernames and passwords that had been leaked by other websites for profit. The theft comes amid peak travel season in China, as many attempt to profit from passengers. Experts say the website should improve its security to prevent this happening again.


"Suspects could get information simply by trying users’ details leaked from other websites. Over 140,000 personal ID numbers, e-mail addresses and phone numbers of train ticket buyers had been leaked online for profit," said Li Tiejun, Internet security expert.


The leak was reported by an internet security monitoring platform, which gave it its highest risk level.


"One internet user saw someone else selling user data from the ticket purchasing website. He then found out his own data were also on sale.


He was so angry that he reported it to us," said Meng Zhuo, co-founder of Wooyun.org.


Experts say as no security code is required for repeatedly logging into the website, it has a major bug. Consumers are advised to use a more abstract username, and change their passwords regularly.
