日期:2014-12-28 08:58
















A white Christmas comes a day late in Germany


Santa may have come and gone... but snow finally made it to Germany. Munich is painted white. The cold snap offers tourists a chance to capture a White Christmas to take photos of.. Even if it's a day late. The country's weather service says the dusting mostly hit the south-west of the country. A welcome note for those still celebrating with families, with more snowfall expected into the weekend.



Rescuers rush to save a boy trapped in well in Bangladesh


A dramatic rescue effort in Bangladesh to save a four-year-old boy who fell into a 300-foot deep abandoned well. Food, water, and oxygen have been dropped down to the boy to try and keep him alive. Firefighters tried several times using a rope to bring the boy up.. with no luck.


(SOUNDBITE) (Bengali) LOCAL RESIDENT, KAMAL HOSSAIN, SAYING: "Some children were playing around here from 3:30, when suddenly a four-year-old boy fell into an abandoned water pipe. Since then rescue workers have been trying and are still trying to rescue the boy."
当地居民KAMAL HOSSAIN:“大约3:30,一些儿童在这附近玩,突然,一名4岁的男孩掉入废弃的水井中M19+n&Gk=3,%|mOy|。自那时起,救援工作者一直努力,而且现在仍在继续努力拯救这名男孩,uIT!0vYKKhILE7L(C。”


Rescuers can't reach him either. The 14-inch diameter of the pump is too small to send someone down. While rescuers spoke to him several times, there's no telling if or when he'll make it out.



Major flooding in Thailand and Malaysia


Thailand is underwater - and the flooding is nowhere near drying up. Children soaked from head to toe trudge through floodwaters seeking dry ground. Buffalo are swimming. The country has declared a disaster zone in eight of its southern provinces... after heavy flooding kills at least 13 people, with thousands displaced. But the flooding didn't only hit Thailand. Malaysia has been hit by the worst monsoon in decades. Local media reports that tens of thousands have been evacuated. Extremely high floodwaters make it difficult for rescuers to reach victims with food and supplies. And the floodwaters dampen an already difficult time, with the country already marking the 10th anniversary of the Indian Ocean Tsunami.






Weak rouble rebounds, but Russians keep up seasonal spending spree


Despite a weakening and wavering rouble, a Moscow shopping mall is packed full of shoppers. Russians rushed to the stores Thursday to grab last-minute holiday gifts and get their hands on durable goods. This comes as the rouble plunged dramatically last week because of steep declines in oil prices. But thanks to a government order for exporters to sell some of their hard currency revenues, the rouble on Friday rose to its strongest levels in more than three weeks. One shopper says the currency crisis is forcing him to be more creative. (SOUNDBITE) (Russian) SHOPPER, PAVEL, SAYING : "I am trying to prepare more items by hand. Everyone is pleased, because I'm showing more creativity than last year. When there is money there is less creativity. You go to the shops and select what appears beautiful to you. When there isn't money, then you think and use your imagination and are creative." Russians remain divided on who to blame for the rouble's recent plunge, but many are beginning to feel the effects. (SOUNDBITE) (Russian) SHOPPER, ANASTASIA, SAYING: "It will affect us drastically because we are traveling to Europe and everything is getting more expensive because of the euro currency. We will do all of our shopping there and now we are just buying necessities for the winter to not be cold." Russian authorities have taken steps to halt the rouble's slide and curb inflation, which after years of stability may threaten President Vladimir Putin's reputation for ensuring the country's prosperity.





China gets tougher on polluters


The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress has been convening in Beijing this week, to discuss the most pressing legal issues in the country. High up on that agenda is environmental protection. CCTV's Hou Na reports, lawmakers held group discussions on an amendment to the air pollution law on Friday, aiming to harden both penalties and controls.


The toughest penalties on polluters yet. The new draft was completed amid growing calls throughout the country for controls on air pollution. It addresses the sources, total discharge and density of pollutants.


"The previous amendment is not effective in controlling current multiple pollution sources, and isn’t working in ongoing efforts. The amended draft now specifies punishment for violations such as discharging pollutants without certificate, excess discharge and fabricating monitoring data," said Wang Yunlong, NPC deputy.


Based on the Ministry of Environmental Protection’s annual report on air quality, in 2013, the air in only three of China’s major 74 cities were within acceptable national standards.


The average number of smoggy days in the country in 2013 was 35.9, the most since 1961.


Coal-consumption sources contribute more to air pollution than they did 14 years ago, with such sources now including industrial production.


The new draft has separate chapters to address each source.


"The highlight of the draft is that the chapters include more details on dealing with various pollution sources, such as the required use of advanced equipment and technology in production, instructions on how to monitor vehicle exhaust, and bans on importing coal that emits an unacceptable level of pollution," said Liu Zhengkui, member of NPC Standing Committee.


The new draft lists detailed financial punishments, saying those responsible for air pollution will face larger fines, at most five times the direct economic loss in each case.


In addition, there are stipulations on fines for different violations in relation to pollution, information disclosure and other aspects.


Law makers say that there needs to be such law enforcement.


"Polluters currently are paying too low a price for violations, a big disincentive to controlling their behavior. The law needs more teeth to be effective," said Zhang Xingkai, member of NPC Standing Committee.


After the revised Environmental Protection Law passed in April, several other laws, including pollution prevention in the air, water and soil, are on the working agenda of the National People’s Congress, of which the air pollution prevention draft will be taken up first.
