日期:2014-11-01 10:39













韩国流行音乐会事故 16人身亡





A tough final two years for Obama if Republicans win Senate


U.S. President Barack Obama makes a rare campaign stop in the run up to the Midterm elections November 4th. In many ways, analysts say, it is a verdict on his administration. He underscores his accomplishments.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: "Over the past four and a half years our businesses have created more than 10 million new jobs. For the first time in six years unemployment is below six percent. The housing market that was reeling is now rebounding.The auto industry that was wheezing is now roaring back. "


But it is a record even some Democrats are shying away from, like Alison Lundergan Grimes, who is trying to unseat Kentucky Republican Mitch McConnell. While voters will cast ballots for all 435 seats in the House, and 36 seats in the Senate, the focus on is less than a dozen Senate races that could determine who controls the Senate, says Darryl West of the Brookings Institution.
但这是一些民主党人都羞于面对的记录,比如格莱姆丝(Alison Lundergan Grimes),她试图让肯塔基州共和党参议员康奈尔(MITCH MCCONNELL)下台@zOabaemLG05hU。当选民委众议院所有435个席位和参议院36个席位投票时,民众的焦点在于可以决定哪个党派控制参议院的不到12个参议员席位角逐=_!+mV-WUfJ2)TG。布鲁金斯学会的Darryl West表示B|]L92~vNmES


(SOUNDBITE) (English) DARRELL WEST, VICE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR OF GOVERNANCE STUDIES AT THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION, SAYING: "There are a number of key Senate races. I think everyone is paying attention to Iowa and Colorado. People are interested in what is going to happen in Alaska. Arkansas and Louisiana seem very competitive and North Carolina is also a state that is in play."
布鲁金斯学会副会长,执政研究部门主任DARRELL WEST:“有几场参议院竞选角逐非常关键fgz8;stTm6tCPvs。我认为每个人都在关注爱荷华州和科罗拉多州_O~(Fr;H9sav*。人们也对阿拉斯加的状况感兴趣)3,o0|QDP+J.weuYDm。阿肯色和路易斯安娜的竞争也会非常激烈,北卡罗来纳州也发挥着关键作用jb(L9vTBG5oo-。”


So far it looks like Republicans have the edge.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) DARRELL WEST, VICE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR OF GOVERNANCE STUDIES AT THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION SAYING: "Republicans seem to be in pretty good shape to get at least five seats, which would end up in a 50 - 50 Senate. But they also have the possibility of getting that sixth seat which would give them outright majority control."
布鲁金斯学会副会长,执政研究部门主任DARRELL WEST:“共和党人的形势似乎很好,他们至少可以获得五个席位,最终形成50:50的结局aGmtSa-!GOi3THrN*O^o。但是他们也有可能赢得第六个席位,让他们在参议院拥有绝对大多数的控制权UhXDUMSr&MCt(^2.~@F。”


Run-off elections are possible in two important states, Louisiana and Georgia, which means even on election night it might not be clear whether Republicans will succeed.



Burkina Faso president resigns amid protests


After two days of often violent street protests... celebrations after the resignation of President Blaise Compaore. Hundreds of thousands of protesters have packed the streets of Ouagadougou -- chanting for retired General Kouame Lougue to lead the transitional government, ...even though Army Chief, General Honore Traore, has named himself interim leader. The protests began yesterday, over Compaore's bid to extend his 27 year rule by amending the constitution. Compaore hasn't been seen in public since declaring he would remain in power. But now, despite his change of mind, the mood remains tense...with the people of Burkina Faso unsure as to who will lead them now that their president of nearly three decades is gone.
经过两天频繁的暴力街头抗议活动之后,总统布莱斯·孔波雷(Blaise Compaore)宣布辞职,人们举行了庆祝活动MSq+E_w*!h(~,RmtS。数十万名抗议者走向瓦加杜古街头,呼吁退休将军夸梅·卢盖(Kouame Lougue)领导过渡政府,然而军方领导欧诺瑞·特拉奥雷(Honore Traore)任命自己为临时领导人xgU5MeHmGVeLt~jUUX。抗议活动于昨天开始,原因是总统孔波雷试图通过修改宪法来延长其27年的统治7LuoAam8xQ~h4|_9。自宣布继续执政以来,特拉奥雷未曾出现在公共视野中7Q&Mr2dV!xvBb,IW。但是现在,尽管他改变了主意人们的情绪依然非常紧张&cD0k[Z19@;1]。随着领导他们近30年的总统离去,布基纳法索民众不确定谁将成为新的领导人7HtS)u&Kcj|Ov-c



Floodwaters slam Norway


Floodwaters sweep through western Norway. Heavy rains cause severe flooding, cutting off villages and leaving some residents stranded. It's been a trauma.


(SOUNDBITE)(Norwegian) JAN NORDLI, FLOOD VICTIM SAYING: "It is very exhausting. At this moment I feel tired. But the worst thing is that …Well, it hurts. Everyone's hurt. That's the worst part."
洪水灾民JAN NORDLI:“非常疲惫^&(bs~V%lRh。此时此刻我感觉非常疲劳U]L,qt~w,5fl^X7L6;W]。但是最糟糕的是,非常伤心L4crY;MweG7795wB^@。这才是最严重的[,VVV!n!Z.SJKV。”


Authorities have tracked down the stranded -- rescuing a 93 year-old woman. She is later taken to safety by helicopter. Norwegian authorities have warned people to stay off the roads and keep away from exposed areas, as flooding continues to cause havoc and destruction.





Israeli far-right activist shot and wounded in Jerusalem, says media


An Israeli far-right activist is shot and wounded in Jerusalem Wednesday, outside a conference promoting a Jewish campaign to allow prayer at an Old City compound holy to both Jews and Muslims, officials said. Police confirmed that a man on a motorcycle had shot and wounded a Jewish man in his 50s outside the Menachem Begin Center complex. Hospital officials identified the victim as Yehuda Glick. Tension has been on the rise since the end of the Gaza war in August with almost nightly clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters.


CCTV9视频:北京地铁票宣布涨价 你适应吗



Beijing subway fares to rise
北京地铁票宣布涨价 你适应吗


Beijing has the world's cheapest public transport system, but not for much longer. Transport officials in the Chinese capital say they're going to raise ticket prices on the subway and buses, after years of price capping. Currently, every subway journey in the city, however long or short, costs just 2 yuan - that's around 30 US cents. Now, prices will be set according to the distance of each journey.


Officials say the new fares will start at 2 or 3 yuan, with average fares likely to now be just over 4 yuan. So, let's look at one extreme example. One of the longest journeys in the capital is travelling east-west right across the city, from one end of Line 1 to the other.


That's about a 30 kilometer ride. That will set you back 9 yuan - a dollar and a half - nearly five times higher than the current price.


If you take that journey to and from work for 20 days each month, then your monthly commute will set you back 360 yuan. To counter the cost for daily commuters, there'll be a new discount plan for the "Beijing Superpass", which can save more than a hundred yuan per month. The way it works is that when your monthly fares come to more than a hundred yuan, further fares are discounted at 20 percent. Once you pass 150 yuan, fares get discounted by 50 percent.



  • controln. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制,掌管,支
  • severeadj. 剧烈的,严重的,严峻的,严厉的,严格的
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • confirmedadj. 习惯的,积习的,确认过的,证实的 动词conf
  • extremeadj. 极度的,极端的 n. 极端,极限
  • exposedadj. 暴露的,无掩蔽的,暴露于风雨中的 v. 暴露,
  • institutionn. 机构,制度,创立
  • majorityn. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派 n. 法定年龄
  • identifiedadj. 被识别的;经鉴定的;被认同者 v. 鉴定(id
  • complexadj. 复杂的,复合的,合成的 n. 复合体,综合体,