日期:2013-12-04 12:18







双11网上购物节 天猫一分钟交易额破亿




奥运火炬历史首进太空 将进行太空漫步







Detroit is eligible for bankruptcy


Once a booming city thanks to the U.S. auto industry - the city of Detroit now is officially broke. After a nine-day trial -U.S. Judge Steven Rhodes ruled negotiations with the city's thousands of creditors were unfeasible and therefore - Detroit is eligible for bankruptcy. It marks the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history - and means the city also can cut pensions. Detroit's labor unions, retirees and pension funds had argued against the move, while Detroit's state appointed emergency manager Kevyn Orr had argued bankruptcy was the best bet for recovery.
由于汽车工业而繁荣一时的城市底特律正式宣告破产[uqei*RW|X。经过为期9天的审判,法官史蒂芬·罗德(Steven Rhodes)作出裁决,与该市数千名债权人的谈判难以实施,因此,底特律符合破产保护条件X8BPSF4]E4j。这是美国历史上最大的破产城市,也意味着这个城市可以削减养老金+(qU;@Joyh。底特律工会,退休和养老基金曾经反对该举动,底特律市应急管理人凯文·奥尔(Kevyn Orr)辩驳称,破产是通往复兴之路最好的选择Z6t-ZzrlU[[


SOUNDBITE: DETROIT EMERGENCY MANAGER KEVYN ORR, SAYING: "We are gratified with the court ruling today to pursue a plan of adjustment under Chapter 9 of the federal banking code. While we are very pleased, we remain very concerned about the need to adjust the city's debt to improve its level of services for the citizens, and also to prepare for the city to exit the receivership in a fashion that restores democracy to the city."
底特律市应急管理人凯文·奥尔(Kevyn Orr):“我们非常感激法庭今天作出的裁决,按照联邦银行法则第9章的内容对计划作出调整)Tq%O7w-X=N|E[)w|D。尽管我们非常高兴,我们仍然非常关心城市债务调整问题,以改善对市民的服务,也为财务管理人重建该市的民主制度做好准备2LWqp%_J]4C57i~LgRq|。”


After Tuesday's ruling, the city needs to come up with a plan to reconcile more than $18 billion in debt. Creditors will have to accept a portion of what they city owes them - while an appeals process is expected to start in federal court.



Demonstrators occupy grounds of Government House


Daybreak in Bangkok and the Thai capital resembles a war zone. Garbarge and plastic water bottles fill the streets after more than a week of anti-government demonstrations. Soon enough- protests pick up again with the same force seen in recent days. Here a group of demonstrators bring down a concrete barrier in front of the Government House where Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's office are located. Later police announced they had allowed demonstrators onto the grounds around the Government House in an effort to ease tensions. The protesters want Yingluck to step down. She has so far refused, but has said she wants an end to the violence and is willing to negotiate. December 5th marks the 86th birthday of Thai King Bhumibol. And as the majority of demonstrators support the monarchy, it's unlikely they will continue any provocations with police. At least on that day.


Searching for signs of life in Syria


The scramble for signs of life in the aftermath of an attack in northern Syria. At least 20 people are killed after government forces dropped a so-called Barrel bomb in a suburb of Aleppo Sunday. Those improvised bombs are typically rolled out of the back of helicopters and are an indiscriminate form of warfare. So far, diplomacy has done little to put out the flames of war. Rights groups say the death toll in Syria has nearly hit 126,000. And that number is only expected to go higher. On the streets, residents struggle to pull a woman from the rubble. The video, which cannot be independently verified by Reuters, comes at a time of heavy fighting across country. While a peace conference is set for late January -- the bodybags just keep coming -- in a war that shows few signs of ending anytime soon.





UK PM addresses students in Jiaotong University


British Prime Minister David Cameron is in China's financial center Shanghai today, on the second stop of his China tour.


He is in his element when talking. His hand gestures and movements, similar to him speaking in the British Parliament.


At close quarters, his enthusiasm was there for the young Chinese students to see.


Mr. Cameron took questions from students on subjects ranging from education to visas, parliamentary debates to high-speed rains. He also answered some touchy ones such as the challenges he has faced since assuming office. He however also did his tmost to promote higher education in Britain.


And the feedback was positive.


Mr. Cameron believes in dialogue and talking to resolve difference. He views this as the best way that the two countries can ome together and see the bigger picture.


The Prime Minister will fly to Chengdu on Wednesday on the last leg of his China tour.





Christmas shopping wave sweeps London


There are still 3 weeks left till Christmas but the holiday shopping frenzy is well underway. Now let’s go to London and heck out how the retail business there is getting ready for the busy season.


Christmas is one of the busiest periods for digital printing company Photobox.It will dispatch around 2.5 million parcels, hat’s 2-3 items per second before the big day.


Stan Laurent is the company’s CEO.


"Christmas is about a third of our business overall so we sell a very emotional product so they’re very suitable for an vent like Christmas and we’ll probably grow solid double digit percentage growth at Photobox and all of the brands." said Stan.


This Christmas is set to be a record breaker in the UK. Shoppers are expected to spend 1.4 billion pounds more than last year.


Total spending will increase 3.5 percent adding more than 40 billion pounds to the economy.


Half of that will be from online sales - which is expected to increase by a fifth to 5 billion pounds.


And shoppers are getting better at finding bargains too - using the internet in new ways.


Amazon is of course a favourite with internet shoppers.


But even it’s being side-stepped by some as shoppers choose to buy direct from the supplier.


A recent change in policy means retailers who already sell their products on Amazon can sell them cheaper direct if they wish. That’s leading to a bargain-hunting frenzy says Planet Retail’s Malcolm Pinkerton.


Amazon’s fighting back.It’s testing unmanned drones to deliver parcels to customers.


The so-called Octocopers will be able to deliver packages weighing up to 2.3 kg within 30 minutes of an order being placed.


The Prime Air service comes as Amazon looks to improve growth by efficiency.


But it won’t be coming anytime soon - it’s likely to be 5 years before it’s up and running.

  • fundsn. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金
  • frenzyn. 狂暴,狂怒
  • efficiencyn. 效率,功率
  • portionn. 部分,份,命运,分担的责任
  • retailn. 零售 vt. 零售,传述 adv. 以零售形式
  • announced宣布的
  • violencen. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行
  • willingadj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的
  • emotionaladj. 感情的,情绪的
  • dispatchv. 派遣,迅速做完,立即处死 n. 派遣,发送,急件,