每日视频新闻:房价上涨 英国啃老族激增
日期:2014-10-20 10:49



路透社:德国火车罢工 数百万旅客滞留















German train strike strands millions
德国火车罢工 数百万旅客滞留


Germany's railway workers are on a two day-strike, over a dispute on pay and negotiation rights. Millions of passengers are stranded. The action, which started on Saturday, comes during half-term holidays. The union says a third of long-distance trains are still running, but that's little consolation for travellers.


(SOUNDBITE) (German) PASSENGER, BIRGIC BARGA, SAYING: "At the end of the day we are suffering. I think that the bosses should be the ones suffering. They are striking and we are the ones who suffer. It's not ok."
旅客BIRGIC BARGA:“最终痛苦的是我们Ye_2XgK|dv@,#&#。我认为受惩罚的应该是大老板们Fij=q&CglnlGWs。他们罢工,而受惩罚的是我们(^8mSw9|Z[%#P4R8fIe。这并不合适3D&|I)FO;5AQzj)Ft*。”


National rail operator Deutsche Bahn had made a new pay offer on Friday, but the union rejected it and pressed ahead with the strike.



Food aid for Ebola-hit Sierra Leone


Food aid from the UN arrives on the outskirts of the Sierra Leone capital, which is battling an Ebola outbreak. It's a welcome sight for families who are finding it hard to make ends meet. Prices have jumped because quarantined districts are restricting the movement of food supplies. The World Food Programme says Saturday's distribution has been the largest since the virus first spread.


(SOUNDBITE) (Krio) WATERLOO RESIDENT, HASSAN SESAY, SAYING: "Things are very hard for us, may God help them, we want the World Food Programme to do more for us."
沃特卢居民HASSAN SESAY:“对我们来说形势非常艰难,希望上帝帮助我们=(1zx~h(_E+B!fPrA。我们希望世界粮食署能为我们做更多.HIGn.2IO_。”


There's no cure yet for Ebola but pharmaceutical companies have been working on experimental drugs. The World Health Organisation said more than 4,500 people have died from the disease, most of them in West Africa.



Hopes fade for 40 missing after Nepal blizzard


Nepal's army has resumed their search for at least 40 missing hikers, stranded in the Himalayas. This, after Wednesday's unseasonal blizzard killed 39 people. More than 500 people have been rescued so far, and the army is hoping that improved weather conditions will help speed things up.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) COLONEL NIRANJAN KUMAR SHRESTHA, SPOKESMAN OF THE NEPALESE ARMY, SAYING: "The terrain is still okay but it is the matter of the weather and thickness of the snow that is hampering our movement basically."
尼泊尔军队发言人,NIRANJAN KUMAR SHRESTHA上校:“地形没什么问题,但是问题是,糟糕的天气和厚厚的积雪妨碍我们的行动sPcMN(VhYjcOZ*。”


With each passing day, hopes of finding more survivors is fading. ...Survivors like these, returning to Israel after one of Nepal's worst ever mountain disasters.


(SOUNDBITE) (Hebrew) ISRAELI SURVIVOR, ROEY PATAEL, SAYING: "I was out in the field for two nights, one night I was completely buried in the snow for about 15 or 16 hours. And an additional night, in the field but out of the snow until the rescue came to take me."
以色列幸存者ROEY PATAEL:“我在野外度过了两个晚上,有一个晚上我完全被埋在大雪中15到16个小时,但是后来走出雪堆,一直待在野外,直到救援队找到我Duxus7LU4)aiR^VjH;。”


Now rescuers have turned to villagers, familiar with Nepal's Annapurna trail, to help a recovery mission that turns more bleak by the day.





Cruise ship passenger in voluntary isolation


A Texas healthcare worker is now in voluntary isolation on board this cruise ship. They work at the the Dallas hospital where two nurses contracted Ebola. The individual, who so far, is showing no symptoms did process body fluids belonging to Thomas Eric Duncan, the Liberian man who died of Ebola. Belize on Friday denied the U.S. permission to use a local airport to send the passenger back to the States. Prime Minister Dean Barrow explained decision. SOUNDBITE) (English) BELIZE PRIME MINISTER, DEAN BARROW, SAYING: "If it had been at all possible to do this thing in a way that could absolutely have eliminated any possibility of any risk to Belizeans, I would have been willing. The fact is, after the most anxious consideration, I concluded that the original position had to stand because it could not, in the circumstances, be possible to do what the Americans were asking." The ship is due to return to Texas on Sunday.


英伦广角:房价上涨 英国啃老族激增



An office at the Coast and Country Housing Association headquarters in Redcar, of the 11 people in today, 9 are aged 20 to 34, and 4 of them are still living at home with their parents. It's becoming a national issue. In England alone, a quarter of young workers, almost two million people, have yet to move out to a place of their own. The figures are much higher in some areas, including Castle Point, Essex, Knowsley on Merseyside and Solihull. And almost half of them blame a lack of affordable housing.


-These figures show us two things. Large numbers of young working people are living with their parents, and most of them don't want to.The government says it is addressing the issue with the Help to Buy scheme and more Affordable Homes(.Lewis Thompson is one of those who isbenefiting.


-I'm 26 years old, so I've been saving up many many years now. Only reason I was able to get a house is I managed to get one with 5% deposit.If it wasn't for that, I literally wouldn't be able to move out.


Of the two older workers in this office, one has a 30-year-old son, working and living at home.


-That means basically that at the moment I can't retire, because we have to provide a larger property in order for him to have his own room, to have his own space. And as such we can't downsize.


The homeless charity Shelter says we are creating a "Clipped Wing Generation".


-We've seen a large rise, particularly in recent years, in the number of young adults living at home with their parents. It's now one in four. What we are saying is that young adults, in fact, the offer(?) is you can work hard, you can save hard, but you can still be living as a teenager in your childhood bedroom, and that's because frankly we just haven't been building enough affordable homes, and that's whatpoliticians really got to focus on [that].


At the end of another day, the workers in the office head home. 4 of them to homes they'd like to have moved out of years ago. Gerard Tubb,Sky News, Redcar.

  • thicknessn. 厚度,一层,含混不清
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • issuen. 发行物,期刊号,争论点 vi. & vt 发行,流
  • schemen. 方案,计划,阴谋 v. 计画,设计,体系,结构,图
  • distributionn. 分发,分配,散布,分布
  • rescuevt. 营救,援救 n. 营救,救援
  • originaladj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的 n. 原件
  • terrainn. 地带,地域,地形
  • sheltern. 庇护所,避难所,庇护 v. 庇护,保护,隐匿