More than 100,000 "phantom employees" of provincial governments have been cleaned out of civil servant teams in Hebei, Sichuan, Henan and Jilin provinces since a national campaign was launched last year, requiring stricter measures to keep government teams clean and efficient, experts said.
“吃空晌”的英文表达是being paid although they did not work,而“吃空晌人员”则被形象地表达为phantom employees。 吃空晌人员通常在政府或public institutes(事业单位)中占据职位,虽然不工作,但却能定期拿到薪水。Lack of effective supervision from higher authorities(上级机关缺乏监管)和light punishments after exposure(被发现后处罚太轻)是吃空晌屡禁不止的重要原因。