每日视频新闻:希拉里重返爱荷华 不确定是否竞选总统
日期:2014-09-17 09:11



路透社:希拉里重返爱荷华 不确定是否竞选总统














Hillary Clinton returns to Iowa amid speculation over 2016 bid
希拉里重返爱荷华 不确定是否竞选总统


Hillary Clinton is back in Iowa. It's her first visit to the Hawkeye State since her third-place finish in the state's 2008 Democratic presidential primary. CLINTON "HELLO IOWA!" She's headlining Senator Tom Harkin's annual "Steak Fry". He's retiring after nearly 40 years in the Senate. But Clinton's upstaging her host -- amid speculation that the former Secretary of State may be eyeing a second run for the White House. NATS CLINTON "I'M BACK!" Iowa, of course, is where prospective presidential contenders have long gauged their campaign prospects.
希拉里·克林顿重返爱荷华州sKhb-~Iha.5gFI。这是她在2008年民主党总统初选中以第三名宣告结束之后首次访问鹰眼州iann82qud8An@。克林顿“爱荷华,你好!”在参议员哈金(Tom Harkin)一年一度的炸牛排大会中担任主要发言人+;oss(BThMl9%b-e。他在参议院服务近40年之后退休ucy~7mjiGN~G。但是克林顿非常抢镜——有人猜测这位前国务卿可能会第二次竞选,入主白宫Cqw0agl)pX3YBgI。希拉里·克林顿说:“我回来了!”当然,总统选举候选人向来都以爱荷华州类衡量自己的前景pSnM77,3!1(k[955


SOUNDBITE: HILLARY CLINTON SAYING: "I've got a few things on my mind these days...(cheers)… It is true that I'm thinking about it (cheers)."


For weeks, the "Ready for Hillary" super PAC with its deep pockets has been rallying attention to the steak fry. It's been wooing Iowans and offering to shuttle in for free college students from across the state. NATS STAR SPANGLED BANNER Clinton recently says she'll announce early next year whether she plans to run again. Analysts point to her shaky showing in the state in 2008, saying Iowa was where the presumptive Democratic candidate ultimately lost her frontrunner status.
几周来,“为希拉里做准备”超级政治行动委员会(Super PAC)一直不断造势,吸引人们对炸牛排大会的关注[-G5JDKK[B0H4(.。该活动恳求爱荷华人免费运送全州大学生pi7S;+6vfVmj^J。克林顿最近表示,她将于明年年初宣布是否再次竞选总统WI8vgWDjJ2p04sly!g2。分析人员指出她在2008年竞选中在该州的表现,称爱荷华州就是原本应该是民主党候选人的希拉里失去领先地位的地方fRu0=N#lP4



Thirty countries gather to formulate response to Islamic State


Representatives from more than 30 countries met in Paris Monday (September 15) to discuss ways to tackle the militant group Islamic state. French President Francois Hollande arrived with Iraqi President Fuad Masum. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry arrived at the conference following his visit last week to Middle Eastern countries including Iraq, where he was to trying to build a coalition to fight IS, Hollande on Monday called for united action against the militants.


FRENCH PRESIDENT FRANCOIS HOLLANDE SAYING: "This terrorist movement has spread in a whole territory, in Iraq, in Syria. This terrorist movement ignores borders and has the ambition to build a state. That is the threat, it is global. So there must be a global answer."


Foreign ministers from the main European states, the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, Iraq's neighbours and Gulf Arab states are in Paris to discuss broad political, security and humanitarian aspects of tackling Islamic State.



British queen makes first public comment on Scotland independence vote


The campaigns for and against Scottish independence are heating up with just days to go before the highly anticipated vote. In Edinburgh, the "NO" campaigners waved British flags and sang God Save the Queen. Queen Elizabeth has been largely silent on the matter until Sunday when she reportedly commented on it after a morning church service near her Balmoral estate in Scotland. The Times newspaper says she told someone in the crowd -- quote -- I hope people will think very carefully about the future -- unquote.


That sentiment was echoed by Labour M-P Alister Darling -- who's leading the "Better Together" effort. "What we are saying is if you've got any doubt about this then don't do it. You wouldn't do it on any personal decision you would make and this decision isn't just for you. It's for your family. It's for your country. Which is why we think people will say "no thanks" on Thursday."


"Yes" campaigners staged one of their biggest rallies in Glasgow, Scotland's second largest city. Scottish national party leader Alex Salmond was all smiles as he posed for selfies with independence supporters. He accused the other side of fear mongering.
支持独立阵营在苏格兰第二大城市格拉斯哥发起了最大的游行活动oKA+b1h!csNnFQPO&dr。苏格兰国家党领袖萨尔蒙德(Alex Salmond)与独立派支持者一起拍照时一直面带微笑q-o%oLrs*c9yjnSl。他指控其他党派害怕改变E*(U^u8+RCv42lAu5q


"So we've got big battalions trotted out, organized by Downing Street, to say the seven plagues of Egypt will descend on Scotland on Friday if you vote 'yes' on Thursday. But I think people in Scotland are now of an attitude that no, this is a prosperous nation, they want it to be a just society and that is why this joyful, liberating and empowering campaign is moving its way forward.'


Polls show the vote is split nearly evenly down the middle, but with a large number of voters still undecided, leaving many people on edge. "We are all biting our nails down to the knuckles." More than four million people have registered to vote in the referendum.


路透社娱乐:纪念《老友记》20周年 咖啡馆免费



Central Perk pop up shop serves up free coffee
纪念《老友记》20周年 纽约咖啡馆免费


In honor of the 20th anniversary of the "Friends" series premiere, a pop up coffee shop will debut in New York City on Wednesday (September 17). The shop, fashioned in the vein of Central Perk, the coffee house hangout by the "Friends" characters, will offer free cups of coffee to fans. The shop is filled with "Friends" memorabilia including the iconic orange couch, a statue of Pat the dog, costumes and photos. James Michael Tyler, the actor who played Gunther as the manager of Central Perk highlighted some of his favorite props from the show. SOUNDBITE: James Michael Tyler, actor who played Gunther in "Friends," saying (English): "Joey's big purchase when he became a soap opera star and he got his first paycheck and of course he blows it on Pat the dog, which is one of the most ridiculous props in the history of television as far as I'm concerned, I love that, and of course we have the orange couch, which Gunther sat on one time when Phoebe wanted to have her sexy singing voice back after having the cold, Gunther had a cold, so she pulls him down, gives him a kiss and that's the only time Gunther sat on the couch." When asked if he thinks his character still has a crush on Rachel Green, played by Jennifer Aniston, 20 years later: SOUNDBITE: James Michael Tyler, actor who played Gunther in "Friends," saying (English): "Boy I hope not. Honestly, could you imagine like a 20 year obsession with someone? I mean 10 years is bad enough, but 20 years is just sad." Central Perk shop will be open through October 18.





Remarks by the President at Presentation of the Medal of Honor to Command Sergeant Major Bennie G. Adkins and Specialist Four Donald Sloat
East Room


1:52 P.M. EDT


THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, and welcome to the White House. More than four decades ago, in early 1970, an American squad in Vietnam set out on patrol. They marched down a trail, past a rice paddy. Shots rang out and splintered the bamboo above their heads. The lead soldier tripped a wire -- a booby trap. A grenade rolled toward the feet of a 20-year-old machine gunner. The pin was pulled, and that grenade would explode at any moment.


A few years earlier, on the other side of the country, deep in the jungle, a small group of Americans were crouched on top of a small hill. And it was dark, and they were exhausted; the enemy had been pursuing them for days. And now they were surrounded, and the enemy was closing in on all sides.


Two discrete moments, but today we honor two American soldiers for gallantry above and beyond the call of duty at each of those moments: Specialist Donald Sloat, who stood above that grenade, and Command Sergeant Major Bennie Adkins, who fought through a ferocious battle and found himself on that jungle hill.
Nearly half a century after their acts of valor, a grateful nation bestows upon these men the highest military decoration –- the Medal of Honor.


Normally, this medal must be awarded within a few years of the action. But sometimes even the most extraordinary stories can get lost in the fog of war or the passage of time. Yet when new evidence comes to light, certain actions can be reconsidered for this honor, and it is entirely right and proper that we have done so. And that is why we are here today.


So before I go any further, I want to thank everyone present here today whose research and testimonies and persistence over so many years finally resulted in these two men deserving the recognition they so richly deserve. I especially want to welcome members of the Medal of Honor Society, as well as two American families whose love and pride has never wavered.


Don Sloat grew up in the heart of Oklahoma in a town called Coweta. And he grew big -- to over 6’4”. He loved football, and played for a year at a junior college. Then he decided to join the Army. But when he went to enlist, he didn’t pass his physical because of high blood pressure. So he tried again. And again. And again. In all, he took the physical maybe seven times until he passed -- because Don Sloat was determined to serve his country.


In Vietnam, Don became known as one of the most liked and reliable guys in his company. Twice in his first months, his patrol was ambushed; both times, Don responded with punishing fire from his machine gun, leaving himself completely vulnerable to the enemy. Both times, he was recognized for his bravery. Or as Don put it in a letter home, “I guess they think [that] I’m really gung-ho or something.” (Laughter.)


And then one morning, Don and his squad set out on patrol, past that rice paddy, down that trail, when those shots rang out. When the lead soldier’s foot tripped that wire and set off the booby trap, the grenade rolled right to Don’s feet. And at that moment, he could have run. At that moment, he could have ducked for cover. But Don did something truly extraordinary -- he reached down and he picked that grenade up. And he turned to throw it, but there were Americans in front of him and behind him -– inside the kill zone. So Don held on to that grenade, and he pulled it close to his body. And he bent over it. And then, as one of the men said, “all of a sudden there was a boom.”


The blast threw the lead soldier up against a boulder. Men were riddled with shrapnel. Four were medevaced out, but everyone else survived. Don had absorbed the brunt of the explosion with his body. He saved the lives of those next to him. And today, we’re joined by two men who were with him on that patrol: Sergeant William Hacker and Specialist Michael Mulheim.


For decades, Don’s family only knew that he was killed in action. They’d heard that he had stepped on a landmine. All those years, this Gold Star family honored the memory of their son and brother, whose name is etched forever on that granite wall not far from here. Late in her life, Don’s mother, Evelyn, finally learned the full story of her son’s sacrifice. And she made it her mission to have Don’s actions properly recognized.


Sadly, nearly three years ago, Evelyn passed away. But she always believed -- she knew -- that this day would come. She even bought a special dress to wear to this ceremony. We are honored that Don -- and his mom -- are represented here today by Don’s brother and sisters and their families. On behalf of this American family, I’d ask Don’s brother, Dr. Bill Sloat, to come forward for the reading of the citation and accept the gratitude of our nation.


MILITARY AIDE: The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, March 3, 1863, has awarded in the name of Congress the Medal of Honor to Specialist Four Donald P. Sloat, United States Army.


Specialist Four Donald P. Sloat distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a Machinegunner with Company D, 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, 196th Light Infantry Brigade, Americal Division, during combat operations against an armed enemy in the Republic of Vietnam on January 17, 1970.


On that morning, Specialist Four Sloat’s squad was conducting a patrol, serving as a blocking element in support of tanks and armored personnel carriers in the area. As the squad moved up a small hill in file formation, the lead soldier tripped a wire attached to a hand grenade booby trap set up by enemy forces. As the grenade rolled down the hill, Specialist Four Sloat knelt and picked up the grenade. After initially attempting to throw the grenade, Specialist Four Sloat realized that detonation was imminent. He then drew the grenade to his body and shielded his squad members from the blast, saving their lives.


Specialist Four Sloat’s actions define the ultimate sacrifice of laying down his own life in order to save the lives of his comrades. Specialist Four Donald P. Sloat’s extraordinary heroism and selflessness above and beyond the call of duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, Company D, 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, 196th Light Infantry Brigade, Americal Division and the United States Army.

  • campaignn. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动,参加竞
  • gratituden. 感恩之心
  • statusn. 地位,身份,情形,状况
  • definev. 定义,解释,限定,规定
  • primaryadj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的 n. 最主
  • evenlyadv. 平衡地,平坦地,平等地
  • organizedv. 组织
  • deservevi. 应该得到 vt. 应受,值得
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • prospectsn. 预期;前景;潜在顾客;远景展望