英语六级翻译训练每日一题附答案和讲解 第167期:刺绣
日期:2014-06-18 16:31



刺绣(embroidery)是中国艺术中一颗璀燦的明珠。从华丽的龙袍到今日的时装,刺绣为我们的文化和生活增添了许多乐趣。中国记载的最古老的刺绣可追溯至商朝。在当时,刺绣象征着社会地位。随着国民经济的发展,刺绣走进普通人的生活。对于足不出户的女子来说,刺绣是一种优雅的工作。想象一下,一位美丽的年轻女子在家刺绣:一针一线,她为爱人绣一对鸳鸯(mandarin duck)。寒冷的冬日,屋子里充满香气。多么美丽动人的画面啊!



Embroidery is a brilliant pearl in Chinese art. From the magnificent dragon robes worn by emperors to today's fashions, embroidery adds a great deal of pleasure to our culture and life. The oldest embroidery on record in China dates from the Shang Dynasty. Embroidery in this period symbolized social status. As the national economy developed, embroidery entered the life of the common people.Embroideiy was an elegant task for ladies who were forbidden to go out of their homes. Imagine a beautiful young lady embroidering at home:stitch by stitch, she ;embroiders a pair of mandarin ducks for her lover. It is a cold winter day and the room is filled with sweet smell. What a touching and beautiful picture!


1.一颗璀燦的明珠:可译为a brilliant pearl。
2.为…增添了许多乐趣:可译为add a great deal of pleasure to…其中“许多”也可以用a lot of表达。
3.记载的:可译为on record,作embroidery的后置定语。
4.追溯至:可使用词组date from或trace back to表达。
5.足不出户的女子:过去女子是被禁止走出家门的,所以此处可理解为“被禁止走出家门的女子”,可用who引导的定语从句来表达,即ladies who were forbidden to go out of their homes 0
6.优雅的工作:可译为an elegant task。
7.多么美丽动人的画面啊:可使用感叹句式译为What a touching and beautiful picture!

  • brilliantadj. 卓越的,光辉的,灿烂的 n. 宝石
  • pearln. 珍珠 v. (用珍珠)装饰,呈珍珠状 adj. 珍
  • forbiddenadj. 被禁止的
  • stitchn. 一针,疼痛,碎布条 v. 缝合
  • elegantadj. 优雅的,精美的,俊美的
  • tracen. 痕迹,踪迹,微量 vt. 追踪,找出根源,描绘 v
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • embroideryn. 刺绣品,粉饰,刺绣
  • statusn. 地位,身份,情形,状况