日期:2012-08-03 16:11







--菲尔普斯400米决赛无缘奖牌 粉丝大谈伤不起



奥运奖牌榜 可可英语为中国健儿加油!!!



1【Olympic badminton players disqualified over match throwing】




TEXT:The world of Badminton is in uproar after three women's teams are disqualified for attempting to throw Tuesday evening's match to secure a more favourable draw later on. According to a statement released by the World Badminton Federation Wednesday, a total of eight players from China, Indonesia and South Korea were charged with "not using one's best efforts to win a match". South Korea's head coach Sung Han Kook claimed his players were retaliating for the Chinese team's deliberate misses and duffed serves. In Seoul the fans are annoyed, but understanding. 17-YEAR-OLD RESIDENT ROH EUN-SEO SAYING: "I am really unhappy to hear what the Chinese team did -- they did not play properly against our team. Sportsmanship is very important, but the Chinese team did it first, so our team members were unhappy and they did the same thing, I understand what our team did." Chinese state media reported that the Chinese Olympic team will be looking into their player's conduct during the match. Sarah Wali, Reuters
参考译文:针对周二晚上三队女子羽毛球队为保下一轮能遇到有力的对手而消极比赛事件世界羽联一片哗然,JDuk~4NQ3^J#b。根据世界羽联周三发布的一份声明中表示,来自中国,印度尼西亚和韩国的八名运动员因“消极对待比赛”而遭到了指控BO6j&|C3IM。韩国羽毛球总教练Sung Han Kook声称因中国队故意失误输球后他的队员才重蹈覆辙的m1I,dS3Yu7eT|%F1h。首尔的观众非常恼怒但对其国家羽毛球队表示理解S45SdF9mNyhTt#CX。17岁的居民Roh Eun-Seo说:“听到中国队的所作所为我非常不高兴,他们没尽全力和我们对打|v_yWEkag[。运动精神是很重要的,但中国队有违在先,所以我们队才不高兴并且重蹈覆辙,我对我们的球员表示理解CZ-Pws%@zf,EB。”中国官方媒体报道称中国奥运代表团将对此次比赛运动员的行为展开调查v*bSngr=R@


2【Official says power completely restored in India】印度官员表示电力已完全恢复


TEXT:No more blackouts --- that was the message from India's new power minister a day after an electricity grid failure left more than 670 million people in the dark. M. Veerappa Moily, India's new power minister saying: "One hundred percent restoration has taken place. And I can reassure the entire nation that what has happened in the last two-three days, will not recur back in the country." It isn't clear what caused the three of the country's five power grids to fail. Some blamed states for taking more than their allotment of electricity while others pointed to monsoon rains. The, power failure, one of the world's worst, affected more than half of India's population. Deborah Gembara, Reuters
参考译文:没有出现断电情况了---这是因电网出现问题导致6.7亿人断电事件发生一天后,印度新能源部长发布的信息C8yZV7NiGHpHYEIO。印度新能源部长M.Veerappa Moily说:“现在已经完全恢复了1tfR+c(TU&L8#6xzf@V。我向大家保证此前两到三天的断电情况将不会再发生6x;-s&N^K~yG6w。”目前还不清楚什么原因导致该国五家电网中三家出现故障xD&,UvT%y-SyyMh。一些人指责各邦过量用电,还有一些人表示是季风带来的降雨导致的zPHz4F9g7@B8@)!4z。此次世界上最严重的断电事件影响了印度一半以上的人口rH-_Aa]zTP


3【Far right party gives away food to Greek nationals only】极右政党仅对希腊籍国民发放食物


TEXT:Greeks queue by the hundreds in central Athens at a food drive organised by far right party, Golden Dawn. The catch -- the handout excludes those suffering from the effects of the economic crisis who do not have Greek nationality. Beneficiaries have to produce their identity cards to prove their ancestry and fill out a small questionnaire. One Golden Dawn MP says Greek nationals should have priority because they're in Greece. GOLDEN DAWN MP CHRISTOS PAPPAS, SAYING: "The illegal immigrants that have come here, who enjoy, if you will, all the rights and privileges that come from Greek taxpayers are illegal, invaders. They are a threat to Greece." Golden Dawn recently entered parliament after winning 18 seats in recent elections, riding a wave of discontent over illegal immigrants in the austerity-ridden country. Sarah Sheffer, Reuters
参考译文:在希腊雅典中心区,数百人排着长队等待着基友派政党Gold Dawn组织发放的食物(fA)),[n]R=-f!wJ]。但非希腊国籍人员即便遭到经济危机也不能领取救济品OXZh37HFRv.qJ。受惠者必须先出示其身份证证明出身然后填写一份小的问卷调查u[XTc_0HhUDU74RdvJ。一名Golden Dawn的议员称希腊国民应有优先权,因为他们在希腊gegHfr_IRJ1nYm0rXaOD。希腊Golden Dawn党议员Christos Pappas说:“非法来到这里的移民,如果你愿意,享有了所有来自希腊纳税人的权利和特权,他们是不合法的,是侵略者_6CK4XUttM。他们对希腊是个威胁U9eQVer1trmx8Ds9~WK%。”因希腊备受财政紧收的困扰,Golden Dawn政党在最近一次选举中,搭着对非法移民不满的顺风车以18席位进入了国会koQU;A[mSky_MgE
4【Sudanese refugees struggle to survive as children die】苏丹难民为生存而挣扎



TEXT:They were bombed out of their villages and then starved out of the caves where they had taken shelter. Now, Sudanese refugees from the Nuba Mountains are dying of diarrhoea and malnutrition at a 'frightening' rate, according to doctors at the Yida Refugee Camp across the border in South Sudan. As aid agencies scramble to get enough food, plastic sheeting and clean water for the influx of refugees, doctors say around 10 people are dying at the camp every day. Children are hardest hit by the conflict that returned just over a year ago, when Sudan's army tried to disarm a division of rebels from the 1983-2005 war. Hanan Azai's malnourished child has been in a coma for several days. REFUGEE, HANAN AZAI, SAYING: "My baby was shaking and was swollen all over, including his feet. He had diarrhoea and he looks weak." Most of the refugees ran out of food a year ago, and have been unable to plant new crops because of airstrikes by Sudanese warplanes. Many have survived by eating tree leaves and roots. After rains in June, the Yida refugee camp's population tripled to 60,000 in a week, leaving aid workers desperately unprepared. MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES (DOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERS) NURSE JOHN JOHNSON SAYING: "It's devastating. No one is going to say it's been easy here, no one is going to say it hasn't been hard, or that it hasn't been sad, or difficult for me or difficult for my staff to see this many children pass away. The reason we are here is to try to prevent that, to try to make the ones that can get better, get better." The war near the border in Sudan was sparked by the failure of a 2005 peace agreement that ended a civil war between Khartoum and the Sudan People's Liberation Army - the army of the Republic of South Sudan. And with little sign of tensions easing between the leadership in both capitals, refugees in Yida have little chance of returning to their fields any time soon. Travis Brecher, Reuters
参考译文:他们因轰炸逃离了自己的村庄,又因饥饿从藏身的洞穴里出来V0l8)^7QWY(EavG。如今,据南苏丹边境Yida难民营处的医生表示,难民因腹泻和营养不良出现大面积死亡jKX91,0B).eE.AX[okJs。因大量难民日益涌入,援助机构未能及时提供足够的食物,塑料板以及洁净水,医生表示每天大约有十人死亡H-Pz4HF(&G&UTEWMo*(u。在1983年至2005年,苏丹军队努力平息反叛者的分裂,一年前重新爆发的冲突儿童成为了最严重的受害者c,=nHFgxeDSxfY-X.mT)。Hanna Azai的孩子因营养不良昏迷了数天agbZwAC1)q^o。难民Hanna Azai说:“我的孩子在发颤,全身发肿,脚上也是shQCt[B^sPL2l[jgRJ。他有腹泻,看上去很虚7b6p[JZ9jS0Ktw_pmI。”大部分难民一年前就开始缺少食物,加之因苏丹军机的空袭未能种植新的庄家XKRFr|jmiN9cBwSl6。许多人开始靠吃树叶树根为生hJdb0[|(Lfo^pqu^EJm。在六月份大雨过后,Yida难民区的人口一个礼拜激增三倍达60,000之多,这使得援助人员措手不及Do|UQ5DeUe_&,A。无国界医生组织护士John Johnson说:“这是毁灭性的df)EDR3-x;g%N7xWUv。没人会说这里更轻松了,没人会否认这里更艰难了,看到那么多死去的孩子我和我的同事非常伤心FJf%v=--Zq。我们呆在这里的原因是想阻止这一切,试图使他们变得好起来b-pcCkoQL6!OgD^](。”2005年因未能就结束喀土穆和苏丹人民解放军(南苏丹共和国军队)间内战达成和平协议而导致苏丹边境处战乱频繁,并且两国首领导之间的紧张局势没有缓解迹象,在短时间内Yida营的难民要重回家园希望渺茫D0g-l]cmN_mJUEG




【French Muslim Shoppers Demand Halal Foods】



TEXT:At Cora supermarket in Livry-Gargan, a multi-ethnic, working-class suburb north of Paris, one aisle gets extra attention. It offers halal products, those sanctioned under Muslim dietary laws. From milk, spices and candies, to frozen lasagna and hamburger meat, there is plenty of choice.


Fatima Assani, 39, a mother of two and native of Morocco says she usually makes a special soup for Ramadan. Her family also serves briks, a North African pastry, and oriental cakes. She says she usually finds what she needs at Cora.


Like Assani, many of France's estimated five million Muslims are increasingly choosing halal foods. Officials estimate the country's halal market is growing about 10 to 15 percent a year. Abbas Bendali, head of the Paris-based Solis market research firm, says Ramadan is the peak month for halal sales, generating about $430 million in business.

Bendali says big suppliers and supermarkets are scrambling to meet this Ramadan demand, offering lots of halal products and promotions during Ramadan.


For example, a Ramadan leading halal meat brand, Isla Delice, launched a national TV campaign for the first time. Supermarkets like Cora also have Ramadan halal promotions.


For Ramadan, 30-year-old business executive Mounira Ben Maamar is interested in buying a traditional French delicacy, foie gras. However, there is now a halal version.

Mounira Ben Maamar says a decade ago France's Muslim community had few choices when it came to halal products. Today, she says, manufacturers are waking up to a market worth millions of dollars and they're beginning to develop their brands.


As he shows Cora's display of halal products, supermarket Director Mathias Michenaud says it reflects the diversity of Muslim shoppers.


Michenaud says some of his Muslim clientele are big families that cook traditional foods. But there are also modern couples and single people who want easy-to-prepare foods. Many were born in France and have adopted French cuisine.


Michenaud says even Muslims who are not very religious may choose halal over non-halal products if they have the choice.


Halal foods periodically stir up controversy and suspicion among non-Muslims in France. Earlier this year, far-right politician Marine le Pen criticized Muslim slaughtering practices. She claims French shoppers are unknowingly buying halal meat.

Bendali says that controversy put a break on the halal business, but not for long. Today's debate is about supply.


Muslim shoppers like Ben Maamar say there is still not enough variety and prices for halal products are too high. But with the halal market booming in France, exceeding that for organic products in some regions, analysts say she and other Muslim consumers will likely get what they want sooner, rather than later.


【Some Websites Judge You by the Kind of Computer You Use】




TEXT:This is the VOA Special English Technology Report.


Last week, the Wall Street Journal had a report about the online travel company Orbitz. The new


spaper said Orbitz shows Mac users higher-priced travel choices at the top of search results than users of Windows. The company began doing this after research suggested that people who use Mac computers spend up to thirty percent more for hotels than people with PCs.


Cameron Yuill is chief executive of a digital media and technology company called AdGent. He is also a former employee of Orbitz. He says this kind of marketing is just another example of how the Internet is influencing the way companies target consumers.
Cameron Yuill是一家名为AdGent的数字媒体和科技公司的首席执行官,他也是Orbitz的前雇员_,tSfyv|0YXlU1A。他说,这种营销只是互联网如何影响公司挑选目标消费者方式的另一个例子;F&i%T8Y]dSaHDjFz&Dj


CAMERON YUILL: "Mac users tend to be more affluent than PC users, so why not target them with the messages that are going to resonate with them?"
CAMERON YUILL:“Mac用户往往比普通电脑用户更富裕,所以为什么不针对他们提供能够让他们产生共鸣的信息呢?


This kind of price discrimination is also known as dynamic pricing. Mr. Yuill says it is a very common marketing tool, especially in the travel industry.


CAMERON YUILL: "Next time you’re on a flight, ask the person next to you what they paid for their ticket. And I guarantee it is not the same, the same dollars that you paid for yours. If you’re traveling at a certain period of time, or you’re a business traveler or you bought your ticket last minute, you will always get charged more."
CAMERON YUILL:“你一次搭乘飞机时,问问你旁边的乘客的机票价格8OdXpP7en(C71k。我保证它是不一样的xh,4T744ZZ9k。如果你在某个特定时间出行,或者你是商务旅客,又或者你最后时刻才买的机票,你总是会被收取更多的钱4lwYS!)Iyl。”


Companies have always gathered information about their customers. But now they have a lot more ways to do it. Eric Martin is a partner at Boost Partners, a management consulting company. He says the Internet has increased the amount of data that companies can collect.
各个公司一直在收集有关其客户的信息,但现在他们有更多的方式去做x*p.)FkjHQ&|3i。Eric Martin是Boost Partners这家管理咨询公司的一名合伙人wyl*C.hXMEBI[2]Z。他说,互联网增加了各种公司能够收集的数据的总量mbTGH%M1bk2dS


ERIC MARTIN: "Technology is creating an environment where your searches, your online behavior, leads the seller to know much more about you than would, for instance, a retailer when you walked into their store."
ERIC MARTIN:“科技正在创建这样一种环境,你的搜索,你的网上行为让卖家对知道更多关于你的信息)]WVIVADny。例如,它会超出你走进一家商店时零售商对你的了解Ec^G-Xe=[5+QB-!@W%。”


A salesperson in a store can only assume certain things about you based on your appearance. Online sellers, however, have far more information to work with. Eric Martin says this includes information about which website directed you to them.
一家商店的营业员只能根据你的外表推测一些关于你的事情QD^-Y+)7b~。然而,网上卖家拥有更多关于你的信息可以利用PM6-(!GDxH4YRd。Eric Martin说,这包括来自网站获取的信息M#];RMyJ5]J4Vpn~o.


ERIC MARTIN: "Which has a bearing on how they view you as a customer and what your buying habits might be. The people that you deal with you online can’t see you at all physically. But they know that, for instance, when you came to Orbitz you may have been directed there by Kayak, which is itself a comparison site, which then may lead Orbitz to believe that you’re searching for deals."
ERIC MARTIN:“这会影响到你作为客户,他们如何看待你,以及你可能的购物习惯YyT;z|x.+dQF~Kw&hb。与你在线交易的卖家没法看到你本人,但他们知道,例如,你可能是通过Kayak访问到Orbitz,Kayak本身是一个比较网站,这可能会使Orbitz认为你在寻求交易*[(i8E4OB=Xr。”


Information about the referring site is only one of the things that a site like Orbitz will consider. Is the person a return visitor? Which hotels has this person viewed in the past? Websites collect this kind of information by placing small files known as cookies on a person's computer.


In the case of Orbitz, Mac and PC users were actually given the same choices. However, they appeared in different orders. For Mac users, the higher-priced hotels showed up higher in the search results. Orbitz says ninety percent of its users book a hotel that appears on the first page, and mostly in the top five listings.


n.吵闹, 喧嚣, 骚乱
She could hear the uproar in the room.
With the whole meeting in uproar, the chairman abandoned the attempt to take a vote.
因为整个会议一片喧嚣, 主持会议的人放弃了投票表决的尝试_MvZk-=leM
adj.故意的, 蓄意的
He told us a deliberate lie.
慎重的, 深思熟虑的
He did it in a deliberate manner.
He was deliberate in his speech and action.
不慌不忙的, 从容不迫的
The old man stood up in a very deliberate way and left the room.
这位老人不慌不忙地站了起来, 然后离开了房间4~%nUO3_nqLM)#eX
vt. & vi.仔细考虑
Don't be deliberating again.
We should deliberate what to do tomorrow.
研讨, 商讨
They were still deliberating.
The government have been accused of maintaining a news blackout over election fraud.
The hospital has an auxiliary power system in case of blackout.
blackout material
The allotment was made on Sunday.
She came to me asking for a handout.
她来找我, 请求我施舍jL+ZhW#TB|4i
印刷品, 讲义
Please read the handout carefully.
In Africa, there are a lot of children suffering from severe malnutrition.
vi.快速爬行, 匍匐前进; 攀登
He scrambled over the rocks.
争夺, 争抢;(军事飞机)紧急起飞
She is scrambling eggs.
扰频或倒频使(电话通话等)只可由有特殊接收器的人收听;混杂; 把…搅乱
n.爬行, 攀登
He broke his leg in his scramble down the wall.
争夺, 抢夺
It is difficult to persuade the superpowers to disarm.
Her words disarmed him at once.








  • assumevt. 假定,设想,承担; (想当然的)认为
  • clientelen. 诉讼委托人,(总称)客户
  • stirn. 感动(激动,愤怒或震动), 搅拌,骚乱 vt. 激
  • executiveadj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令 n
  • frighteningadj. 令人恐惧的,令人害怕的 动词frighten的
  • varietyn. 多样,种类,杂耍
  • affluentadj. 富裕的 n. 支流
  • deliberateadj. 故意的,深思熟虑的,从容不迫的 vi. 仔细考
  • communityn. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落
  • brandn. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记 vt. 打烙印,铭刻,加污