每日视频新闻:房姐龚爱爱伪造证件 被判三年有期徒刑
日期:2013-09-30 10:10







芝加哥公园发生枪击惨案 多人受伤


李天一强奸罪名成立 被判10年监禁








Dozens killed in market bombing in Pakistan's Peshawar


Panic on the streets of Peshawar as twin bomb blasts kill at least 33 people. There are now immediate claims of responsibility but Islamist violence has been on the rise in Pakistan undermining government efforts to tame the insurgency by launching peace talks with the Taliban. One man lost most of his family.


(SOUNDBITE) (Urdu) RETIRED SOLDIER WHO LOST THIRTEEN FAMILY MEMBERS IN THE BLAST, VILAYAT KHAN, SAYING: "Thirteen people have died and two are still missing. How can we survive in this city?" .
在爆炸中失去了13名家人的退休士兵VILAYAT KHAN:“13人死亡,还有2人失踪4JM.1EiNS(=。我们在这座城市怎样才能存活下来?”


(SOUNDBITE) (Urdu) UNIDENTIFIED MAN, SAYING: "He is a retired army soldier, and look at his situation. Thirteen of his family members have been killed. The poor are dying and will continue to die."


Later hundreds gathered for funeral services as the death toll for that family hit 15, when two people died in the hospital. The family had come from a nearby town, driving into a market for a last minute shopping trip for a family wedding. Police say they arrived just as the bomb went off.



Golden Dawn members formally charged


The leader and dozens of members of Greece's far-right political party Golden Dawn are formally charged overnight Saturday with belonging to a criminal group. Nikolaos Mihaloliakos and members of his party were led handcuffed by police in bullet proof vests and masks into the prosecutor's office in Athens. Court officials say the charges stem from evidence linking the party to a string of attacks, including the stabbing to death of an anti-fascist hip hop artist, and an immigrant. The party boasts a swastika-like symbol, and has risen to become Greece's the third most popular political party on a strict anti-immigrant platform. The party currently holds 18 seats in parliament.
希腊极右翼政党金色黎明党领袖和几十名成员于周六晚上被正式控告隶属犯罪团体CDkozEE^Mkkqxk=0。米哈罗里亚可斯(Nikolaos Mihaloliakos)和他的党员们被身穿防弹衣,头戴面具的警察用手铐铐起来带到雅典检察官办公室V[6AU*hLQ#wL+j。法庭官员们表示,控告是由于证据表明该党派与一系列袭击事件有关,包括刺死一名反法西斯主义艺术家和一名移民w#A)tNa[^n)y#iZ]uL。该党派使用纳粹党的十字标记,由于严格的反移民平台,该党派已经成为希腊第三大受欢迎的政党Yu)6difI9lYqmJ,x。该党派目前在议会占有18个席位Nk#|!4YH-~



More deaths reported in Mumbai building collapse


Search and rescue operations continue in Mumbai after an apartment building collapsed killing at least 24 people. Rescuers say they can still hear people crying out for help from underneath the rubble. Early Friday morning a five storey apartment building collapsed into a heap of steel and concrete. The building had been home to about 20 families who worked for the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai. Officials say the building was about 35 years old and had not been on a list of dilapidated buildings. And while some survivors have been recovered alive, the unknown number of those still trapped has officials fearing an increased death toll.



CCTV:房姐龚爱爱伪造证件 被判三年有期徒刑



"House sister" Gong Aiai sentenced to 3 years for faking IDs
房姐龚爱爱伪造证件 被判三年有期徒刑


Gong Aiai, nicked named "house sister" in China, was sentenced to 3 years in jail for charges of forging and trading official documents.


A court in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province Sunday annouced the verdict. Gong Aiai, was a former deputy head of a local rural bank in Yulin city. She owned multiple properties under forged identities.


According to the police, Gong had four hukou IDs and possessed over 40 Beijing properties with a total floor space of about 10 thousand square meters. The total property value amounted to about 400 million yuan, or 65 million US dollars.


While Internet users questioned whether the money Gong used to buy property was earned legally, police said they had not received reports that Gong was involved in illegal fundraising, absorption of public deposits, or contract fraud. During her trial on Tuesday, Gong denied the charges, arguing that all her identification documents were processed by police authorities.


CCTV9:山西一煤矿透水 矿工被困井下



12 miners trapped in flooded Shanxi coal mine
山西一煤矿透水 矿工被困井下


Twelve miners are spending a second day trapped underground, at a coal mine in North China's Shanxi province.


The Zhengsheng Coal Mine, near to Fenyang City, was flooded early on Saturday. 42 miners were working when the accident happened, 30 were lifted out of the mine shaft.


Rescuers are now using pumps to remove the water, but so far, there’s been no contact with the 12 trapped miners. The mine belongs to Shanxi Coking Coal Group Company Ltd. An investigation is underway.

  • deputyadj. 代理的,副的 n. 代表,副手
  • panicn. 恐慌 adj. 惊慌的 vt. 使 ... 惊慌
  • concreteadj. 具体的,实质性的,混凝土的 n. 水泥,混凝土
  • evidencen. 根据,证据 v. 证实,证明
  • stemn. 茎,干,柄,船首 vi. 起源于 vt. 抽去 .
  • unidentifiedadj. 未确认的,无法识别的,身份不明的
  • violencen. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行
  • absorptionn. 吸收,全神贯注
  • trialadj. 尝试性的; 审讯的 n. 尝试,努力,试验,试
  • identificationn. 身份的证明,视为同一,证明同一,确认