每日视频新闻:关注民生 转基因食品离我们有多远
日期:2014-03-08 09:57









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EU condemns Russian actions in Crimea


German chancellor Angela Merkel arrives in Brussels Thursday for EU talks on Ukraine. As she heads into the meetings, she signals that sanctions may be on the table.


(SOUNDBITE) (German) GERMAN CHANCELLOR, ANGELA MERKEL, SAYING: "We have to say that we can't just get back to business as usual, in particular not without resuming any diplomatic talks. So, we will also talk about sanctions, whether they will enter into force or not we will decide based on how far diplomatic efforts proceed."
德国总理安格拉·默克尔(ANGELA MERKEL):“我们不得不说,我们不能只是像往常一样运作,尤其是不能不恢复任何外交对话Ti[_|@#jXccs*。所以,我们也会讨论制裁措施,无论是否会生效,我们会根据外交方面的进展情况来决定h9!D2JmB8_)e6cl。”


EU leaders sat down as Crimea's parliament voted to join Russia Thursday. It set a referendum on the decision in 10 days' time in a dramatic escalation of the crisis in Crimea. The EU condemned Russian actions in Crimea as illegal and voiced support for Ukraine's territorial integrity. But the leaders took only minor steps suspending talks with Moscow on visas and a new investment pact. But if Russia does not back down, European Council President Herman Van Rumpuy says tougher action could come.
周四,欧盟领导人举行会晤之时,克里米亚议会投票加入俄罗斯C=Yt*UcQ-)#8iQO。议会安排十日后就该决定举行全民公投Zv+~=fi388hckC。目前,克里米亚危机急剧升级Xxx7k9j]30V0rsY~8。欧盟谴责俄罗斯在克里米亚的行动是非法的,表示对乌克兰领土完整的支持T(6)79;eqay。但是欧盟领导们只是采取了微不足道的措施,暂停与莫斯科方面洽谈签证和新的投资合约#cggjBpCtrL5B+wfTE。但是,如果俄罗斯不撤军,欧盟理事会主席范龙佩(Herman Van Rompuy)表示将采取更加严厉的措施ttvizEgO%q4N0


(SOUNDBITE) (English) EUROPEAN COUNCIL PRESIDENT, HERMAN VAN ROMPUY, SAYING: "Any further steps by the Russian federation to destabilize the situation in Ukraine would lead to severe and far-reaching consequences for relations between the European Union and its member states on the one hand and the Russian Federation on the other hand, which will include a broad range of economic areas."
欧盟理事会主席范龙佩(Herman Van Rompuy):“俄罗斯联邦威胁乌克兰稳定的任何进一步举措都会产生严重而深远的后果,一方面对欧盟及其成员国之间的关系,另一方面对俄罗斯联邦本身,这将涉及一个非常广阔的经济区域#pylO]O|CTyv。”


The EU is in a difficult situation. While many member states would like to impose tough sanctions on Russia, they also have reservations because of the high dependency many have on Russian oil and gas.



At least two dead in Venezuela clashes


Unrest in Caracas amid reports that a Venezuelan soldier and a motorcyclist are killed in a stand-off with opposition demonstrators. Demonstrators are calling for the resignation of President Nicolas Maduro. For weeks, they have been staging rallies leading to clashes with security forces and government supporters. The Venezuelan National Guard is not backing down.
加拉加斯持续动荡iAjd)cDIGowE+KFc(。有报道称,一名委内瑞拉士兵和一名摩托车手在与反对派示威者的僵持中遇难fBqEU&x)%1DfTVP_(。示威者们要求总统马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)下台6s5LQA7K2LW[n_s。几周来,他们一直举行集会活动,与安全力量和政府支持者发生冲突w3z%]k%vAD87w|MB。委内瑞拉国民警卫队并未放弃Q4-70E9Uh,,aq


(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) COMMANDER OF THE VENEZUELAN NATIONAL GUARD, MAJOR GENERAL JUSTO NOGUERA PIETRI, SAYING: "We here continue to follow orders from the commander in chief, we are here to keep internal order and guard public order, give the citizens the security they need. And if it is necessary to lay down our lives here, we will do so, because order needs to be restored here. Enough already with the violence that is unjustly hurting the people."
委内瑞拉国民警卫队指挥官,JUSTO NOGUERA PIETRI少将:“我们将继续听从总司令的命令,我们将维护国内秩序,保卫公共秩序,为公民们提供他们所需要的安全Hs2rkmcQXPX#3TvD。如果需要我们牺牲生命,我们也会毫不犹豫,因为这里需要重塑秩序2G_9QxgrOfpYF]l(+N0f。暴力已经够多了,会对民众造成不公平的伤害Z_vDWxc8[a0x3i4Ayu。”


At least 20 people have been killed in the protests. As people gather to remember those who have died, there seems little chance of a Ukraine-style change of government. Analysts note the protests have remained relatively small and the military appears to remain behind Maduro.



A rebel display of firepower in Aleppo province


A display of fire power in the southern province of Aleppo. Video obtained by Reuters shows rebel forces trying to retake a town now in government hands. The Free Syrian Army hopes it can move in -- where they could cut off regime supply routes. After three years of grinding conflict, rights groups say more than 140,000 people have been killed in Syria.






Alibaba is set to launch new e-commerce campaign


These days it seems all holidays and festivals we celebrate can be turned into business opportunities. Most of us remember the things we bought online during China's Singles day shopping festival last year which broke all kinds of sales records. And here we go again as China's e-commerce gaint, Alibaba, is set to launch what could be its biggest sales event to date.


China’s largest online shopping platform, Alibaba has launched its biggest e-commerce campaign since last November’s Single’s day shopping bonanza. During the past week, users on Alibaba’s Taobao can buy discount coupons of up to 62% through Taobao apps on their smart phones. The coupons can only be redeemed on Mar. 8th, which is women’s day in China. Alibaba’s campaign aims to create what it calls a "lifestyle festival."


Li Kuankuan, senior PR specialist of Alibaba Group, said, "Alibaba aims to make the lifestyle festival into a mobile equivalent of Single’s day shopping festival. The marketing cost for the event is the sum of our last two shopping festivals combined."


"For this event, Alibaba is cooperating with major shopping malls across eight cities, over 400 Karaoke clubs, movie theatres and up to 800 restaurants. The company is aiming to move from online shopping to offline lifestyle services," Ynag Chengxi, Beijing, said.


"Alibaba has fired its first shot at the online to offline market. Compared to its rivals, Alibaba is much more capable in connecting businesses with customers, because this has always been its strong suit since the beginning," senior analyst of Analysys Sun Mengzi said.


But Alibaba also has reasons to be nervous. The company’s biggest rival Tencent has rapidly gained ground in this market. During Chinese New Year, Tencent attracted millions of people to bind their debit cards to its messaging app Wechat, by allowing Wechat users to send each other red envelopes or traditional cash gifts during the holiday season. This means it completed its first step in the O2O market almost overnight.


"Although Alibaba has a dominant position in the B2C area and a very mature industry chain, Tencent knows how to utilize social networking between users to propel their business. This is a huge advantage," Sun said.


Experts say there is still a huge debate within the industry over which business model will prevail in the future.


CCTV9:关注民生 转基因食品离我们有多远



China allows only planting of genetically modified cotton and papaya
关注民生 转基因食品离我们有多远


Food safety -- especially genetically modified food -- is a much talked about topic in the two sessions. Chinese Agricultural Minister Han Changfu says China will cautiously promote genetically modified food.


"I eat GMO food, soy bean oil in particular. China’s soy bean oil is mainly made from imported soy beans. Imported soy beans are mainly GMO. We’ve developed our own GMO insect resistant cotton. It has taken 95 percent of the domestic market. This has effectively controlled cotton boll worm, and reduced the use of pesticide. This ensures development of the cotton industry. China treats GMO security rigorously. Currently the country only allows the planting of cotton and papaya. We haven’t approved the production of any staple food grain. Illegal planting of GOM will be punished without mercy." Han said.

  • displayn. 显示,陈列,炫耀 vt. 显示,表现,夸示
  • propelv. 推进,驱使
  • equivalentadj. 等价的,相等的 n. 相等物
  • pactn. 契约,协定,条约
  • dramaticadj. 戏剧性的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的 dram
  • severeadj. 剧烈的,严重的,严峻的,严厉的,严格的
  • internaladj. 国内的,内在的,身体内部的
  • rivaln. 对手,同伴,竞争者 adj. 竞争的 v. 竞争,
  • wormn. 虫,蠕虫 v. 蠕动,驱虫,慢慢探听出 n.
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,