趣味英语起源论第522期:Silver 银
日期:2014-03-08 09:00
Silver 银
银常以纯银的单质形态存在于大自然中。古埃及人就从大自然里采集到 银,制成饰物。约在公元前 3600 年,在埃及王梅内斯(Menes)的书中曾提 到银。他将银的价值定为金的五分之二。巴比仑在公元前 3000 年,从矿石提 炼了铁、铜、银、铅。据称人们曾找到过一块重达 13.5 吨的纯银。到了公元前 2000 年,人类对金银加工技术有了很大提高,除了镀、包、镶以外,还能 拉成细丝来刺锈。我国《禹贡》一书曾记载着“唯金三品”(即银、金、铜), 可见我国至少在距今 2000 多年前就已认识了银。银的取名源自梵文“明亮”的意思。其元素符号来源于银的拉丁字银,对应月亮。
The word silver probably originated in Asia Minor. Its unidentified source word was borrowed into prehistoric Germanic as *silubr-, which has evolved into German silber, Dutch zilver, Danish sølf, and English and Swedish silver. Borrowing of the same ancestral form into the Balto-Slavic languages produced Russian serebro, Polish and Serbo-Croat srebro, Lithuanian sidabras, and Latvian sidrabs.
