日期:2014-02-11 18:52



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Chris prefers _____ .

a) dogs

b) cats

2) Cats are less _____ than dogs

a) noisy

b) friendly

3) Which pets are cleaner?

a) Cats

b) Dogs


Topic:Do you prefer cats or dogs?

Hello this is Christophe from Belgium for elllo.org.

Today's question is which pet do you prefer - a cat or a dog?

Well I definitely prefer a cat because dogs do a lot of poo poo in the house when they're small and then you have to clean it up all the time. A cat is a much more clean animal. So I kind of like cleaner animals and it's also less noisy than a dog.

A dog is always making huuhuuhuu sound and that is just not nice. I like to have a quiet animal instead. So cats for me please!


b a a
